Powers fantasy rp!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Powers fantasy rp!
Powers fantasy rp!
In Erildré, powers are common, but those with the ability to control it well are rare. All children with powers must attend a school called Rilin, but some people who did not have powers are hiding in the school, trying to avoid the rush of the outside world where being powerless makes you a pariah. Note on powers:
Powers are unique to that person. Since my charrie has telekinesis, no one else can.
No controlling natural elements. Powers can be things like telepathy or shapeshifting or super strength. As a general rule, people with psychic powers are very smart and people with physical powers are usually not very intelligent.
Name: Arasala Nenya
Gender: F
Appearance: Dark blonde hair, sea green eyes.
Personality: A genius. Very perceptive. Moves with the grace of a cat and the precision of a dancer. Is the school's smartest student.
Power (if they have one): Telekinesis.
(May 5, 2015 - 8:20 pm)
Not at all :D
(June 2, 2015 - 11:33 am)
Yay! :D
(June 2, 2015 - 9:05 pm)
I started running to the boys dorms. I had to warn Jay, and of course John! I burst into their room, and.....They were gone!? WHERE COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE AT 2:30 IN THE MORNING!? I needed to let them know somehow. I pulled out John's notebook and flipped to an open page. I stopped for a moment of the picture of Tikka. He truly had a gift, and a crush. I scribbled a note on an empty page and rumpled it on his bed. I flew back to the girls dorms to report back to Tikkania. On my, while still being invisable, I rounded a corner. Then WHAM! I totally just hit somebody. It was a guy, but I couldn't really see him.
"Oh are you okay?" He asked soothingly, his voice sounded somewhat fimilair...
"Of course not, I just bumped into you! I'm so sorry miss!" He was really nice, and his vioce was coaxing.
"It's oka-"
"Here let me take you back to your room. You must be exshuasted!" Its was like I could just feel I could trust him, but I knew no power was being used. I just nodded sleepily in response.
"Your name is Hildegard, right?" He said my name super weird, like it was super cool or something. I again nodded, having the feeling that I was to be cutt off.
"Your power is Invisablity? Am I right right again?" I nodded, and I could feel sleep pulling on me, because all of the adrinaline dissapered.
We stopped near the dorm,where were having a slumber party. "Here we are!" He opened to door, and guided me to my sleepingbag. He helped me in.
"Um thanks for the help, but what's your nam-" Again he cutt me off.
"Shhhhhh, just sleep. This is probably just one weird dream." I was certain I knew the voice, but from where? Sleep just pulled my eyes, and I could feel myself drifting into sleep. This probably is just one big dream....The door closed and I fell asleep.
(I hope you can tell what I was trying to tell you about the guy...)
(June 2, 2015 - 11:35 pm)
"WAKE UP ELMA!" I jerk awake to see my sister standing over me. She looks frazzled. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" is my groggy reply. She tells me the entire story. I just sit there in my bed, surprised.
"You have to warn as many people as you can." She nods and springs out of her bed. "First, we have to warn the headmistress." Oh my gosh. I could have done that first! Why didn't we do that?! "Ok. You go do it." She throws on her robe and kitty slippers as she darts out the door. I need to tell the other girls in my dorm.
I arrive just in time, to see a guy taking Hilde into my room! He has on a long dark cloak on. I wait for him to leave, before bursting into my room. I head over to Arsala. "Arasala! Wake up! It's an emergancy!"
(June 3, 2015 - 2:41 pm)
I'm back!!!
So, here goes!!
I follow the man, as my mind of course, so he can't see me. Then, the most amazing thing happens...he turns around, and says my name. I freak out and shoot back; his eyes follow me. "Yes, i know you are there." He says in a voice that makes me shudder and yet, somehow, calms me at the same time. I resist the urge to sleep as he talks, his voice deep and soothing. Then suddenly he says, with a smug look, "Come to me in your human form, or she dies." I feel everything at once, then nothing. I know exactly who he means. I buzz to the left, then the right, his eyes follow me. It can't be a coincidence. So I do what I have to.
~~~~Much buzzing later~~~~
I appear with my body before the man, he smiles and holds out his large hand. "Come with me." His words sound kind and trustworthy, I know otherwise, but it is so comforting. I take his hand and he pulls me into the dark. I am coming for you Xira.
(June 3, 2015 - 10:41 pm)
Arsala opens her eyes. "What is it?" I tell her everything. "I will try to get to every teacher." She rushes out of the door. I'm about to go tell others, when I notice Hilde asleep in her sleeping bag. I try to shake her awake. "Hilde! What are you doing?! Did you tell the boys?" "Noooo....." Aaaand, she's asleep again. Wait. WHAT DID SHE SAY?! If you want something done, do it yourself. I run out the door and down the stairs towards the boys' dorms.
(June 4, 2015 - 5:29 pm)
"Headmistress! We need you!" I pound on the door to the headmistress's office. With each pound, there's a dent. I see a light turn on through the frosted windows near the door. The door opens, and out steps the headmistress. Although she has on a bathrobe and curlers. "What is it Miss Auriar?" "Peoplearetryingtotakepeoplespowersand...." "Slow down. Now, try again, but slower." I take a deep breath. "People are trying to take everyones powers." "What?" "People are trying to-." "I heard what you said. But still. WHAT?!" She looked like she was about to explode. "Come with me."
(June 5, 2015 - 12:24 pm)
We arrive at a cave and the man lets go of my hand. Why was I holding his hand? Was there a reason? The man walks into the cave and gets swallowed by darkness. I gulp, and follow. First there is the darkness, covering me like a cold blanket. Then there is light. Crystals glowing, not reflecting light, but creating their own. We walk deeper and deeper into the cave. Until there is finally a change of scenery. A small pond, glowing also. I walk up to it and stick my finger in it. Pain, then nothing. I pull my finger out and turn to face the man. "What is this?"
He grins, "Only one question. Are you sure you want to ask that one?"
No....I don't...."Where Is she?" He points to the lake and I slowly turn. I look down into the thick, eerie lake. Inside are cages, hundreds, going down to the bottom, which I can't even see. The cages have people, kids and adults. Each is asleep for their chests are moving as they breathe. There is one larger cage though, and inside is a glowing light. The light is shaped like a dragon...Xira!!! I turn to face the man. "What is this stuff!!!"
"You know young one."
I gasp. Seraphimm. "No!" I try to run, but a cage appears around me. The last thing I remember is a splash, pain, then nothing.
Just to let you know, Seraphimm is a liquid that doesn't let any sort of magic in it. It alows magic bearers or users, but doesn't let the magic in. Thus, the magic is locked out. The man then traps out powers in the crystals, the reason they glow.
(June 5, 2015 - 5:34 pm)
*Thanks! I wouldn't have understood it.*
When I awoke it was still dark outside, and I still wanted to sleep. I rubbed my eyes and noticed that everyone in the room was gone. I rubbed eyes again, and got dressed. After brushing my teeth and hair, I wandered into the hall. People were in a flurry in and out of rooms. My dream had been crazy! I watched a man in a dark cloak lead John into a dark cave. Their voices were inaudible. A cage formed around John, and he descended into the goop. I shivered and kept walking. I bumped into Tikka. "Hilde, you're awake! Thank goodeness! Have you seen John!? Who was that guy you were talking with last night!?" My head was still fuzzy, and her questions made it spin. "One at a time...," I mumbled. Sighing, I replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. Who was I talking to last night? The last thing I remember is playing truth or dare, then going to bed." She looked at me funny, then felt my forehead. I glared at her. "Ummm, okay but do you know where John is?" I nodded. Her face lit up. "Can you show me!?" I nodded again. A clear path to the cave entered my head. Why do you think he's in there? Don't go; it might be dangerous! That was a dream last night! Not reality, are you listening to m-!?" I cleared my head of my thoughts, my brain went numb. "I'll take you, but we need Elma, Viviana, and Jay." Why do you need them!? I shook my head again, I didn't know why. But all I knew is that he would be waiting.
(June 5, 2015 - 6:53 pm)
I rush through the halls of the boys' dormatory. One of the night watchers tries to stop me, but I will not stop until I know that John is safe. My night dress whips my legs as I run to John's room. Oh no. The door is open. Why is it open?! I rush in. Neither Jay nor John is here. There is a large knot in my throat as I try to think of reasons of why they're gone. My glasses start to fog up as my breath and heart start to speed up. I remove my glasses and wipe the fog off on my pajamas. When I put them back on though, I notice John's sketchbook is open. I look. It is the picture he had shown me yesterday. The tears clinging to my eyes started to pour. I was really worried. I look over on the other page. But it wasn't a picture. It was a note. It said,
Dear Jay and John,
If you are reading this, it means that you are safe. Listen, I heard a group of people talking, and they were planning on taking everyones powers! Please take caution, and warn as many people as you can. ~Hildegard
Hilde HAD tried to warn them! I rush out of their room and up towards mine. We have to find out where they are.
(June 5, 2015 - 6:46 pm)
Everything is black, but calm. All I remember is a man in a black cloak leading me through a cave. I feel concious, but also asleep at the same time. I hear John, and the man. Everything is fuzzy. The world feels un-real to me
(June 6, 2015 - 12:08 am)
(June 7, 2015 - 12:59 pm)
The headmistress leads me into a room with three chairs, a desk with buttons on it, and a microphone. "Sit." I sit in the nearest chair. She pushes a red button. A red light appears and a deafenig blare sounds. She goes to the microphone. "ATTENTION STUDENTS! PEOPLE ARE PLANNING ON TAKING EVERYONE'S POWERS! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! EVERYONE TO THE MAIN HALL WHERE WE WILL TAKE ROLL CALL! I REPEAT! COME TO THE MAIN HALL!" My ears are ringing. She turns to me. "Go to the main hall and be calm. We will take care of this matter." I go out and try to find Tikkania.
(June 7, 2015 - 4:22 pm)
This is amazing, the feeling. Well, I should say the no feeling. When I cast my mind from my body I leave my feeling. I can still feel what my body is feeling, but in this liquid it's different. It's lack of feeling. Wait...but why am I thinking? My mind shouldn't be with me!... Wait...it's just the power I lose... I can't move, and I feel asleep, but I can think. Suddenly an image appears before me and I start dreaming. So I am asleep I believe... I say in my dream, but I can lucid dream! I take a step forward in my dream and then a blaring alarm sounds from the school. And I think I'm dreaming the present!!! Or future... I think?
(June 7, 2015 - 6:03 pm)
I'm getting antsy. Tikka is just standing there staring at me. He's waiting! Her eyebrow arches, "Umm, okay but just to let you know no one has seen Jay." Is he okay!? Ask her! Please ask! No, I thought, I can't let him down! "Okay, but can you please get the others then!" "Why?" She's getting suspicous, umm think of reason. NOW. "Because umm we need help of course! If we don't leave soon, John will be in HUGE trouble!" I start to get frantic; he willl not be pleased! It seems to work; her fear for John consumes her reason. "Okay!" she says. Then Elma appears running down the hall, when the announcement comes on. "Don't go to the hall! John might die!" I knew I was making things up now, but I was grasping on threads. Will it work? You are a true monster, Hildegard! I hope you know what you're doing! Why are you putting your friends in danger for no reason at al-! I face-palm my head, getting rid of those pesky thoughts.
(June 7, 2015 - 5:48 pm)