Victorian Gala Roleplay!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Victorian Gala Roleplay!
Victorian Gala Roleplay!
A gala is being hosted at the palace. Multiple people will be there, dukes, dutchesses, nobles, entertainers, even the servants who watch with envious eyes as they serve the eleborately dressed guests. Dancers, musicians, singers, all invited to the gala. The king hosted the gala on behalf of his son, Frances, who requested it. He requested it for a much darker reason then to make friends, as he told his father. In a month, the gala will take place. In the gala, will be special people, who most likely don't even realize just how special they are, and the cunning prince has them all in one place. Each person, has a little bit of magic, the magic lost in the medieval times. The prince strives to retrieve the magic, by certain rituals, from these 'special' people.
The magic is minor, shrinked down after being passed from grandchild to grandchild. One with fire could only enlarge or shrink the fire and heat it up. One with water could move liquid across flat surfaces. One with wind could control the wind to a small extent. Some even have speed, hyped senses, or the ability to remain in the shadows, hidden. They may seem minor, but if the prince gets his hand on the magic bearers, who knows what he could do with that power?
Okay! If you join this roleplay, i want you to be dedicated! Don't let it die!! Also, try to write more then a couple paragraphs when you do post. If you don't have time, thats fine, just say so. This also will be slow moving, as NaNoWriMo is going on. Do not feel rushed to post, take your time when writing chapters and all.
Please, no overpowered magic! It is minor! Most people who have it don't know about it, a certain few do.
Alright, here is the charrie form!
Age: (at least 16-18)
Magic: (MINOR)
Occupation: (Duke, entertainer [dancer, musician], noble, servant, ect...)
Alright, also, let's have some boys! Two charries each, one should be a boy. Doesn't have to, but it would be nice. Also, if you have two charries, only one can have element magic, the other has to have the super-power-type-thing.
Here are my charries!
Name: Courtney Bloom
Age: 17
Magic: Speed. It is only slight, but allows her to move impossibly fast and gracefully.
Occupation: Entertainer; Dancer. Why she has speed.
Appearance: She has long, brown hair and big eyes that match the rich, chocolaty color. She's tall and slender, muscular after her years of dancing, even though she looks delicate. She has an impossibly straight nose, different then her soft features, and delicate, but high, cheekbones.
Personality: Stubborn and determined. She will turn one direction and won't stop walking that way until someone convinces her otherwise, which is a rare thing. She is a talkable girl, something looked down upon in this era, and very outgoing. She's adventurous and is always looking for a little mischeif!
Other: Her mom was a dancer. And she is a common folk, but her dancing skills gain her a bit of money, and she uses it wisely.
Name: Alaxandre Taime
Age: 18
Magic: Earth. He can basically telepathically move a bit of dirt of pebbles, and can has a way with herbs.
Occupation: Kitchen servant. His power helps with the cooking!
Appearance: He has a large forehead, placed above his shining green eyes and broad grin. His knotty black hair hangs down to his chin. He has a dark tan complexion, matching his tall figure. He never worked anywhere else but the kitchen, so his arms and legs are only strong from constant walking and stirring of stew.
Other: He knows about his power.
So there you have it! Someone else can have earth magic too, but vary it a little. Like, make it the ability to bloom flowers? Something cool like that XD.
(November 12, 2015 - 5:59 pm)
Yours didn't show up Katydid. I will post mine later. I found it, but I can't figure out how to copy/paste on the phone.
(November 15, 2015 - 9:03 am)
Copy/pasting isn't how you get a picture onto a thread, Cho. It won't show up that way. You have to select the picture and drag it over to the tab-- a little curved arrow should show up. Then you drag it to your comment and voilá!
(November 15, 2015 - 10:16 am)
I didn't do mine that way- My laptop uses Fedora with Linux, so it doesn't have Google or Flash player or anything. So what I did is I searched up dresses, found one I liked that I thought would look nice on Brionna, and clicked on it. I dragged it over a couple tabs until I reached the Cricket one. You need to have already opened the 'post comment' option. Then it'll have a little fist with a plus sign symbol and the tab'll switch. Then you put it on the comment and it'll show up, but with blue stuff over it. Then you just click it until the blue stuff goes away. I haven't figured out how to do this on a tablet but could figure out in ten seconds. This was probably confusing. I found some really beautiful gowns, though!
Hallia says yxfb. I don't know what it means, But at least it isn't related to pity, which Hallia's been saying a lot! ypty, ptoy, ptyx. ???
(November 15, 2015 - 3:47 pm)
I finish my message and hop onto my horse, Avalon. I pat his neck and he whinnies softly. I've known him for 14 years and we've bonded. I nudge him in the direction of the palace, where I'm working on a portrait of the Queen. He trots along the cobbled road at an easy pace when suddenly, my eyes blur. When they clear, the sun is setting in the sky, when a second ago, it was overhead. It is strange.... Almost like time sped up. And the staff said that I need to be back by sundown, so I dig my heels lightly into Avalon's side and he breaks into a gallop. People are wandering about dazedly and staring at the sun. I can see the palace now and urge Avalon closer. We dash up the final road to the stables, where I walk him into a stall. I toss in some fresh hay, clean his hooves, and brush him. His glossy chestnut coat and black mane are slick with sweat and I dry him off. Then I run up to the castle. The guards let me in and I walk pacedly throug the halls and rooms to my studio, where the Queen is entering. I ready my materials and she sits down on a chair I've prepared for her. I begin to paint.
(November 15, 2015 - 9:06 am)
Question. Does the prince have any siblings?
(November 15, 2015 - 11:14 am)
This is Hattie's dress
I'm so excited! I was invited to a gala! I know it's going to be the only gala that I'm invited to in my life, I mean, who would want me at a gala? It was probably a fluke... but still! I'm going to perform at a gala! Who would have thought that someone would have asked me to sing at a gala? I'm so excited! The tailor is probably going to ruin my dress... maybe it will be a different color than I origionally asked for? Oh, well! At least I'm going! But I must say, it seems like something terribly fishy will go on there... but then again, everyone tells me I am a huge pessimist, so maybe I shouldn't worry myself too much.
My mother is fussing over me far too much. I've been to a gala before, I know what I'm doing. But she is my mother, after all, so I try not to complain. All day today, two girls have been following me around and talking my ear off. I find them quite annoying, but I try not to show it. After all, they just want to be friends with me. It's very intriguing that lots of girls want to socialize with me. Why don't they socalize with other girls there age? I asked my father about this and he said: "Son, girls are far more complicated than us men. If you try to understand them, all you will gain is a headache." I guess I just have to be content with not knowing.
(November 15, 2015 - 3:22 pm)
This is Henrietta's dress. I hope it showed up. If not, tell me.
I lay out my dress on my bed. It's beautiful, but I don't want to go to the gala. I'm only going because my parents are nobles, so of course I have to come as well. I walk over to my window and gaze at the palace, imagining all the preperations going on there. Nobles and royalty from all over will be coming. There will be entertainers as well, and servants. I imagine the ballroom, crowded and hot. I dont like crowded places much. On the other hand, at the gala hopefully I can make a friend, and there will be plenty to do. Maybe it will be fun.
(Sorry if that's too short.)
I'm changing Cole's occupation to generally just performer.
Cole: I walk the streets, looking for an open area where I can perform. I clutch my letter tightly. It was such a surprise when the messenger from the palace came to talk to me. At first I thought I had done something wrong, but then he explained to me that I was supposed to perform at the gala, and gave me this letter. I unfold it and reread it for the tenth time, marveling again at how I got in. I begin to plan and calculate how early I will have to arrive and how long it will take me to get there. I find a decently open area and put down my bag, tucking my letter inside. I dig out my bottle of water and toss some in the air, swirling my hand around to create a breeze. I move my hand, and the breeze follows, carrying the water with it. It looks mystical, gathering a small crowd. I discovered my influence on the wind at the age of seven. I always liked windy days and was interested in breezes and how the air moved. I was getting increasingly infuriated by the wind blowing in my face as I helped with the garden, and somehow I willed the wind to change a direction. It was just a toy then, but since my parents died it became my job, the way I support myself. I have no idea how I got it, but the wind is all that keeps me with food now, so I'm not going to question it.
(November 15, 2015 - 3:26 pm)
Thank you St. Owl! Here are Yeri's dresses: The dark blue one/black one is intended to be the front to the pink one, because I couldn't find the front to it. Just imagine it to be the same color pink. The light blue one is her regular dress. And Pryde (aka KittyGirl), your dress didn't show up.

(November 15, 2015 - 7:19 pm)
The show is over. The onlookers applaud, and I make a sweeping bow, gesturing at a wooden bowl at my feet. Taking the hint, they shower it with coins.
I wait until most have cleared away before going back to my tent, where I count my money. The tailor's will be swarmed with people getting dresses for the gala, but where else am I supposed to buy something suitable? A blouse and skirt will never do for a royal party.
I pick up a small pouch and slip all of my money into it-- everything I've saved for pleasure. I push open the flap of the tent and march towards the small building at the outskirts of town, a place where people are already shoving to get inside.
I join the queue and enter the shop. A bell attached to the door endlessly tinkles as hand after hand pushes the wooden surface. As I look at all of the customers, I wonder if it was really such an honor to be invited to the gala... the whole kingdom seems to have gotten an invitation.
When my turn finally comes, the tailor looks me up and down and says, "Surely you're not here to buy a party dress, my lady?"
"Surely I am," I reply, "although it probably won't be a very nice one."
"Let's see your money," he says, and I empty out the contents of my pouch. He examines every coin and proclaims, "Definitely not. But I can suit you up with a little something. Name here, please."
I pause. I only know a bit of writing, because the people from the orphanage taught us that. But I don't have much practice, seeing as a fire-eater doesn't need to write.
I pick up his quill, dip it in ink, and write a shaky "Fenina Van-Pierre" on the line he provides. It could definitely use work.
"Thank you," he says, "now, will you follow Peter? He'll get your measurements."
I nod at Peter, a stocky fellow of around eighteen. He gives me a friendly grin and gestures to the far corner, where the tape measure seems to measure every part of my body worth measuring. He scribbles all over the piece of paper I signed, and finally drops the offending measuring device.
"Preferred color?" he asks.
"Black," I reply instantly. Not only is it a beautiful color, it looks both nice and stands out against red, the color of fire.
"Okay." He writes a bit more, then scribbles something grand and loopy at the bottom. "Done. You can go, the dress will be ready by tomorrow. The gala, I suppose?"
I roll my eyes. "What else?"
(November 15, 2015 - 7:49 pm)
Here we go! Like I said, when she twirls, the bottom part comes off. Also, here is her hairtsyle.
(November 15, 2015 - 9:14 pm)
You said she writes with a quill- I do too! In fact, this morning, I got some new nibs and am working on my calligraphy and Old English font. It's interesting! I use silver ink.
My parents, Donna and Midrion Fairweather, are impressed when I tell them the news. They weren't invited to the Gala, however, and I wasn't either until now, so they won't see me perform. I am confident that I will get in. I go back to my bedroom, pick up my cello and begin to play. The sky outside darkens, and I look out my window. The sun is setting. That's strange because I was positive that when I talked to the messenger, it was midafternoon. Perhaps I was talking to my parents longer than I thought. My fingers tremble on the strings and I smile and close my eyes with pleasure. The cello is a beautiful instrument, truly. I hear a knock on the door again and put my cello carefully in its case. I sling it over my back, assuming it's my ride to the audition. It is, and I happily climb in the coach. The driver bows and I smile gratefully.
At the castle, a duke greets me and takes me to the room where I'll be auditioning. It must be the ballroom, because it's so large. The ceiling is high and the room is sparkling clean. A man stands in it, I assume he is the conductor of the Royal Symphony because of his poise. He waves me over and has me sit down on a stool. i take out my cello after sitting down. I rosin the bow and wait, ready. He places a sheet of music on the stand in front of me. "Play this piece," he orders crisply. I set the bow on the strings and play the piece. It's a Serenade by Schubert. One of my favorites. I pour more soul into the instrument and the notes are clear and sweet. I finish and the conductor looks impressed. He writes some notes with a crow quill on a scroll and announces, "Brionna Fairweather, you have astounded me with your musical ability. It is my honor to give you the position of First Chair Cello in the Royal Symphony."
A smile spreads across my face and I hide it as I put my cello away and loosen my bow. I put the case over my shoulder. "Thank you, sir. Good evening." I brisklywalk out of the room after the duke that led me in.
(November 15, 2015 - 9:31 pm)
"Oh!" I exclaim, my hands going up to my face. "It's beautiful!!"
"Not just beautiful, but when you spine just right....the bottom comes off!" The taylor pridefully proclaims, ovbiously proud of his work.
"Really? Is that even possible! Oh my goodness i love it!!" I squeal and hug the tailor who, by now, is used to this sort of behavior from me.
He smiles and gently hugs me back before pushing me away as if I was a delicate flower. "Thank you. It is my pleasure to create dresses for such a fine young lady as you."
I flush and look down, "Thank you, but I must be on my way."
He nods, "Of course. I'd love to hear all about it when you need a new gown."
I smile and wave at him, cradeling the gown in my arms.
At home, I finish my packing. Some simple, light dresses along with the neccesities. I smile and hold the red gown in a hug before folding it in the way my tailor had taught me would prevent wrinkling. I close the lid on the box and secure it with some rope.
Standing back, I sigh, looking over my boxes. "Only three, impressive. And one carries the gala that doesn't count." I consider the box for a moment, "Well, yeah. It does."
With a sigh I grab my coat, then peek out the window. "Ah! It's here! Perfect!" I exclaim, reffering to the cart that pulled up in front of my small house. Small, but it does the job.
I grab my boxes, carrying the smallest ones with one arm and the larger one with the other. Hurrying out the door, I almost trip, but, with years of dancing practice, catch myself and make it to the cart with my dignity in tact. I set my things under the tarp and and sit on the back of the wagon, grinning to myself. The driver clicks his tongue, signaling the horses to a trot and almost jolting me on my face.
Two times I've almost fell on my face, probably because I'm excited! I hum to myself, an old folk song, and the driver sings along. It'd be a day's ride at most, but I couldn't wait.
That was for sure.
I look down at my outfit and grin, comparing it to my dress. A simple white blouse and black skirt, along with my coat. It's a nice one, I had saved up for it for a while. It had the cloak-like top or short skirt, that stopped just before my elbow, then under the skirt part became like a black dress with a bow at the waist to tie it closed. I smiled, and tied the bow. In my hurry, I had forgotten to tie it.
(November 15, 2015 - 10:18 pm)
Ack! Please slow down. I can't keep up!
Name: Paris Montfort
Age: 15
Magic: Flight. She can move when hovering, or fly high but not move unless she tries really hard.
Occupation: Princess (if it's okay)
Appearance: Long golden hair, crystal blue eyes, pale.
Personality: incredibly shy. Smart. Likes to be alone in a quiet inviornment.
Other: When she was younger, her older brother had an interest in her magic.
(November 15, 2015 - 10:32 pm)
Ack...Life is busy.....
A gala? l sniff at the letter, having just arrived in the post a few hours ago. Oh please. Spare me the joke. Since when did anyone expect me to come to any gathering of any kind? No one likes me anyways, l happen to know that. They think l'm strange, they do. l'm not the nicest person to be around.
And yet....It interests me. Intrigues me, pulls me in. l am young and yet l feel so old, like l've lived my worth in the world, everything has been the same, and yet this gala offers something different, a change in the pace of life. And so l will go.
l will lurk around the edges of the party, doing what l do best which is to lurk and creep people out. And please, let no one try to talk to me. Yes, and then all will be good and jolly.
Now that brings out the subject of clothes. l live alone in a small, but neat house tucked away in a corner of the town, as so that also no one notices it, behind a thick stand of trees and between two larger houses. And l like it that way. And clothes have never been a constern of mine. Books, most certainly as the house is cluttered with them from top to bottom, which is really all that interests me these days, but l have barely given a thought to clothes. Well, no time like the present.
l take my coat and hat from the hook, and open the door. To the tailor's shop it is.
Sparks tends to talk to himself a lot.
The chandler sways gently above me, the crystals clinking softly, making a chiming noise. Please please please don't be crooked, this is the third time that l'd had to adjust you.
It slows, and hangs perfectly straight from the ceiling. Thank you, chandelier. l breath a sigh of relief. l don't want to spend another minute trying to get that stubborn chandelier in the entrance to hang straight. It's taken up the most part of my time.
All the servants are rather jumpy and nervous, l can feel it in the air. Just this morning the cook was asking me if the soup didn't look just a bit off color, when l reminded her that l can't see this "color" that everyone is so often mentions. It annoys me. Also, the cook is never this forgetful, or she must be extremely nervous.
l didn't know the details about the gala, only that many people were invited and it was going to be very big. Should l care? l only have a ridiculously long list of things that need fixing.
l glower at the list, which is seemingly never getting shorter, and grab my bag of tools and move on to the next job.
Fix hinges on kitchen door
Hinges, really? The kitchen staff are going to trip over me while l attempt to fix it. And then they will kill me for getting in their way.
(November 15, 2015 - 10:55 pm)
Paris's dresses.
Everyday dress, but imagine it in a robin's egg blue and white.
(November 15, 2015 - 10:56 pm)