Hunger Games RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hunger Games RP!
Hunger Games RP!
All right, I'm sorry, I know the Inkwell is rather overcrowded. But none of those RPs are really to my taste, and this has been nagging at me for days.
May I introduce.... the 35th Hunger Games!
So, yes, nothing really special about this. Just a normal Hunger Games, with normal tributes, and a normal arena. If we want to do a rebellion, we can, but please be willing to sacrifice your characters.
Quick few rules:
-OPS ARE A NO. Seriously, it's no fun when one of the tributes is an eighteen-year-old person from District 7 who can kill you with one throw of an axe or just with brute strength. Realistic. Please.
-Don't say you killed someone unless the character is not controlled by someone. Maybe the creators of the charrie had a special death all planned out, and we don't want to ruin it. This is a form of god-modding, which I would prefer to be kept to a minimum. A bit of it is okay, just to keep your RPs from becoming one-liners, but those big descisions, wounds, killings? Leave that to the creator, please.
-Make sure you can see all posts before posting. Just to make sure we don't have two female tributes from District 1 or something.
-Two charries max. Considering, one might be better, but if you have a special pairing planned (like me) that's okay. And I would prefer that they were both from the same district...
A bit of other stuff:
THE ARENA: The Cornucopia is at the tip of a small but very steep mountain. The tributes are place farther down around it. On the left is a deep woodland, on the right a field with a creek running through the middle-- the woods has creeks, too, though.
I was thinking we would start the RP the day of the reaping.
Okay! The boring stuff is over! Charrie sheet:
District: If it isn't well-known or defined well, such as District 6 or 5, mention it here.
Weapon of Choice:
Skill: Just briefly describe your charrie's fighting abilities.
My charries:
Name: Lucelle Marvinforth
Age: 13
Appearance: She has red hair down to her waist and a few freckles on her nose. Her hair is up in a ponytail when doing work, but down the rest of the time. She's about average size with green eyes.
Personality: Sweet, she gets distracted a lot. A very determined and hardworking person.
District: 6, transportation
Weapon of Choice: She'll find she's all right with a sword, but heavy stuff like hammers and wrenches are better.
Skill: Not very good. She has okay upper body strength from a lot of working and (willing) labor, and good with heavy things that could be weapons, but not much else.
Gender: Female
Backround: Her mother (dead) was an Avox, and she inherited the muteness, although she does have a tongue. She grew up in a one-story house with her father, where she developed a love for trains, which was what he did for a living. When she turned ten, she started to help out in the factory where he worked, and was soon welcomed as a full-fledged member. She was homeschooled, because one who couldn't speak wouldn't do so well in a public school. That, and the fact she had been determined "mentally unstable," although she only retreated into her own dim wispy world when she was alone.
Other: One of her only friends is Rick, featured below...
Name: Richard (Rick) Thompson
Age: 15
Appearance: Short black hair and olive black eyes. His eyebrows are unusally thin, with a rather soft face. He's stocky but not very tall.
Personality: As kind as he looks, and quite patient, but with a nasty streak for revenge. It's hard for him to get over a grudge...
District: 6
Weapon of Choice: Something heafty, like a club or axe.
Skill: Moderate. His natural build gives him the upper hand, but he doesn't have experience like Lucelle.
Gender: Male
Backround: His parents were on the poorer side but old friends of Lucelle's father, and he pretty much watched her grow up from birth. While he didn't have the natural talent of engineering like she did, he tried to help out at the factory with her when he could.
Other: N/A
Okay! If I missed anything, let me know!
Let the 35th Hunger Games begin!
(December 8, 2015 - 7:35 pm)
Oh, I'm sorry, Kraken, but we already have a District 4 girl. I don't think we have a male tribute, though.
(March 7, 2016 - 3:51 pm)
I'm sorry St. Owl. You must have not seen my post that I'm leaving for Lent. I'm here on Sundays though! Sorry for the lack of posting.
(March 6, 2016 - 2:48 pm)
(March 8, 2016 - 1:15 am)
(March 8, 2016 - 10:42 pm)
That's all I can do for tonight but expect writing soon! TOP!!
Koda says tmum. Your mom? T's mom (whoever T is)? Chrysanthemums? Sigh...sometimes you make no sense, Koda.
(March 17, 2016 - 9:15 pm)
(March 18, 2016 - 12:51 am)
Name: Pip Twinkle
Age: Eleven (barely)
Appearance: Pixie-Cut blonde hair and blue eyes, small and fast
Personality: Seems timid but is actually brave & sneaky
District: Wherever Finnick is from, fishing
Weapon: Trident or Dagger
Skill: Ok, she can fish & swim & fight very fast b/c of size
Gender: Female
Backround: mom died when she was born, and her dad after that, so she lives with her Uncle Fredirick
(March 18, 2016 - 8:42 am)
Name: Pip Twinkle
Age: Eleven (barely)
Appearance: Pixie-Cut blonde hair and blue eyes, small and fast
Personality: Seems timid but is actually brave & sneaky
District: Wherever Finnick is from, fishing
Weapon: Trident or Dagger
Skill: Ok, she can fish & swim & fight very fast b/c of size
Gender: Female
Backround: mom died when she was born, and her dad after that, so she lives with her Uncle Fredirick
(March 18, 2016 - 8:44 am)
Name: Pip Twinkle
Age: Eleven (barely)
Appearance: Pixie-Cut blonde hair and blue eyes, small and fast
Personality: Seems timid but is actually brave & sneaky
District: Wherever Finnick is from, fishing
Weapon: Trident or Dagger
Skill: Ok, she can fish & swim & fight very fast b/c of size
Gender: Female
Backround: mom died when she was born, and her dad after that, so she lives with her Uncle Fredirick
(March 18, 2016 - 8:44 am)
I'm sorry, Isadore, we already have a District 4 girl. Maybe a different one?
(March 18, 2016 - 5:56 pm)
At the moment, for a female tribute, we have districts 8 and 10 open. 2, 3, and 12 are populated by NPCs - named Juno, Chartrix, and Ember respectively - who may be changed by anyone at any time. Hope this helps.
(March 18, 2016 - 9:36 pm)
And now, my post, as seen on TV- wait, did I say TV?! I meant CB! Obviously!
So many ways to kill someone, all in one room. And I estimate that I am particularly vulnerable to about half of them.
Enough to make a girl feel a little sick.
But now is not the time for such pointless and detrimental emotions, much less the physical impulses attached to them. Ruthlessly tamping down any fragments of gag reflex that might have shown themselves, I approach the archery range. Kamdan mentioned this in particular; even having never done this before, I know how to throw cable at a target. I have the eye for it, if not the hands.
A solid hour of practice later, I have discovered a few things. Firstly, even though I am usually right-handed, it feels more natural to shoot with my left; having the eye for it may be worth something, but it is most certainly not worth everything; and for goodness' sake, if I forget to rotate my elbow and the bowstring hits the inner part of it one more time, I swear it will leave a visible bruise!
Enough of this. Kamdan preaches variety, for a tribute lacking in so many critical aspects. Massaging my sore arm, I make for the edible plants station...and find it full, the four available slots taken up by Ariana, Thrawn, Piotr, and - what a surprise - Lark! She's from 11; why in the world would she be wasting time on something she knows like the back of her hand? Upon noticing my approach, Ariana stands up with a slightly bashful smile. "I was almost done anyway," she says.
"Thank you." Acknowledging the kindness with a nod of my head, I take her place. I might not be able to use a bow worth two broken circuits, but I can certainly learn. Fast.
Over the course of the day, I memorize as much about which plants are safe to eat as I can; confirm that I am not at all cut out to use a club, of any sort whatsoever; share a quick lunch of meat-and-cheese sandwiches on nostalgic District 5 bread with Kamdan, taking the chance to rest a bit and talk strategy; practice my knot-tying, something a cable worker didn't technically have to know but that I taught myself anyway; attempt to throw knives, with alarmingly little success (perhaps I should just stick to things with a rope on one end...); and out-negotiate five consecutive opponents at the "Talk Your Way Out of It" station, nearly beating the sixth (Rick) before the bell sounds for the end of training.
Sporting a number of minor aches and the predestined bruise on the inside of my right elbow, I am more than happy to go get cleaned up before heading to dinner. If this systematic battering continues, I'll hardly be fit for battle when the reckoning does come at last.
Ah, well. I'll do my best to sleep it off. Tomorrow is a new day.
Well, this is it. Back to school on Monday. Don't worry, though; I'm not quitting that easily! Posts will not stop completely; they will just get a good deal more infrequent, like Eowyn who only posts on Sundays. Sorry. :(
(March 19, 2016 - 10:01 pm)
Well, on Easter, I'm back to the cb as normal! YYYYAAAAYYY!
Before training:
Animal hunting: 2
Archery: 4
Axes: 0
Boxing: 0
Camouflage: 4
Edibile insects: 1
Edibile plants: 1
Fire making: 2
Fishing: 0
Hammock making: 0
Hand-to-hand combat: 4
Knifes: 3
Knots: 2
Ropes course: 0
Shelter: 4
Sickles: 0
Slingshots: 1
Snare-setting: 1
Spears: 1
Swords: 3
Tree climbing: 5
Tridents: 0
Weight-lifting: 1
Wrestling: 0
Overall skill: 2
(March 20, 2016 - 1:29 pm)
Allow me to translate my earlier post into numerical form...
Before training:
Animal hunting: 0
Archery: 0
Axes: 1
Boxing: 0
Camouflage: 2
Edible insects: 0
Edible plants: 0
Fire making: 1
Fishing: 0
Hammock making: 2
Hand-to-hand combat: 3
Knives: 2
Knots: 4
Ropes course: 5
Shelter: 2
Sickles: 0
Slingshots: 3
Snare-setting: 2
Spears: 1
Swords: 0
Tree climbing: 4
Tridents: 0
Weight-lifting: 0
Wrestling: 0
Overall skill: 2
(In other words, most of the other PC tributes could beat Gena in a fight. It's tough to take her by surprise, since she's quite observant and a meticulous planner, but if you do manage it, her chances of survival decrease exponentially. Good with anything involving rope or cable, no real experience with the wild. She's a city girl, and it shows.)
After first day of training:
Archery +1, Edible plants +2, Knives +1
(Not a very productive day for Gena. I put +2 in edible plants because she's a quick study, and not getting the full value of the 6 hours anyway. If you think that's against the rules, I can make it +1 instead.)
(March 20, 2016 - 7:45 pm)
After all training:
Animal hunting: 4
Archery: 6
Axes: 1
Boxing: 0
Camouflage: 5
Edible insects: 3
Edible plants: 3
Fire making: 4
Fishing: 1
Hammock making: 1
Hand-to hand combat: 4
Knives: 3
Knots: 2
Ropes course: 1
Shelter: 5
Sickles: 0
Slingshots: 2
Snare-setting: 3
Spears: 1
Swords: 3
Tree climbing: 6
Tridents: 0
Weight-lifting: 1
Wrestling: 0
Overall skill: 2
(March 27, 2016 - 7:20 pm)