Hunger Games RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hunger Games RP!
Hunger Games RP!
All right, I'm sorry, I know the Inkwell is rather overcrowded. But none of those RPs are really to my taste, and this has been nagging at me for days.
May I introduce.... the 35th Hunger Games!
So, yes, nothing really special about this. Just a normal Hunger Games, with normal tributes, and a normal arena. If we want to do a rebellion, we can, but please be willing to sacrifice your characters.
Quick few rules:
-OPS ARE A NO. Seriously, it's no fun when one of the tributes is an eighteen-year-old person from District 7 who can kill you with one throw of an axe or just with brute strength. Realistic. Please.
-Don't say you killed someone unless the character is not controlled by someone. Maybe the creators of the charrie had a special death all planned out, and we don't want to ruin it. This is a form of god-modding, which I would prefer to be kept to a minimum. A bit of it is okay, just to keep your RPs from becoming one-liners, but those big descisions, wounds, killings? Leave that to the creator, please.
-Make sure you can see all posts before posting. Just to make sure we don't have two female tributes from District 1 or something.
-Two charries max. Considering, one might be better, but if you have a special pairing planned (like me) that's okay. And I would prefer that they were both from the same district...
A bit of other stuff:
THE ARENA: The Cornucopia is at the tip of a small but very steep mountain. The tributes are place farther down around it. On the left is a deep woodland, on the right a field with a creek running through the middle-- the woods has creeks, too, though.
I was thinking we would start the RP the day of the reaping.
Okay! The boring stuff is over! Charrie sheet:
District: If it isn't well-known or defined well, such as District 6 or 5, mention it here.
Weapon of Choice:
Skill: Just briefly describe your charrie's fighting abilities.
My charries:
Name: Lucelle Marvinforth
Age: 13
Appearance: She has red hair down to her waist and a few freckles on her nose. Her hair is up in a ponytail when doing work, but down the rest of the time. She's about average size with green eyes.
Personality: Sweet, she gets distracted a lot. A very determined and hardworking person.
District: 6, transportation
Weapon of Choice: She'll find she's all right with a sword, but heavy stuff like hammers and wrenches are better.
Skill: Not very good. She has okay upper body strength from a lot of working and (willing) labor, and good with heavy things that could be weapons, but not much else.
Gender: Female
Backround: Her mother (dead) was an Avox, and she inherited the muteness, although she does have a tongue. She grew up in a one-story house with her father, where she developed a love for trains, which was what he did for a living. When she turned ten, she started to help out in the factory where he worked, and was soon welcomed as a full-fledged member. She was homeschooled, because one who couldn't speak wouldn't do so well in a public school. That, and the fact she had been determined "mentally unstable," although she only retreated into her own dim wispy world when she was alone.
Other: One of her only friends is Rick, featured below...
Name: Richard (Rick) Thompson
Age: 15
Appearance: Short black hair and olive black eyes. His eyebrows are unusally thin, with a rather soft face. He's stocky but not very tall.
Personality: As kind as he looks, and quite patient, but with a nasty streak for revenge. It's hard for him to get over a grudge...
District: 6
Weapon of Choice: Something heafty, like a club or axe.
Skill: Moderate. His natural build gives him the upper hand, but he doesn't have experience like Lucelle.
Gender: Male
Backround: His parents were on the poorer side but old friends of Lucelle's father, and he pretty much watched her grow up from birth. While he didn't have the natural talent of engineering like she did, he tried to help out at the factory with her when he could.
Other: N/A
Okay! If I missed anything, let me know!
Let the 35th Hunger Games begin!
(December 8, 2015 - 7:35 pm)
Everything does.
(April 3, 2016 - 7:03 am)
Also, minor questions: when the faces of dead tributes show up in the sky, can the other tributes tell who killed them? Do cannon blasts happen during the bloodbath? And do the Careers tend to stick together from the very beginning?
(April 3, 2016 - 5:25 pm)
Still in this!
Nova ~ I think I'm gonna go crazy. First, four people are following me around, and then I have to change costumes for the third time. I roll my eyes just thinking about it.
After vigorously training with Adrian, I realized I'm not as good at "everything" as I thought. My aim at archery is pretty good, but one time I somehow lost my glasses, and I almost hit Adrian instead of the target. I'm bad at knife-throwing, and I'm pretty sure coal mining won't be a very useful skill.
Now, Louise is digging through the large closet in my new bedroom. It's rather nice, I must say. After drifting from one poor area to another, it feels good to actually sleep in a clean, big bed. Sadly, I don't know if this one will be permament or not.
"This!" Louise calls suddenly. She whips her body around to show off a chartreus-colored dress. It has giant yellow flowers on it, and it's strapless.
"No," I said persistantly, my arms folded across my dress. "I don't really like any of them. Why can't I just wear the same one as I did before at the chariot ceremony?"
"You don't understand, dear," she replied, "and to be honest, I don't either, but it's just how it works."
My mouth crosses into a diagonal line. "You have got to be kidding me."
She sighs and digs around some more, going deeper and deeper into the closet. For a moment I wonder how it can be so big. Finally, she brings out an outifit from its fashion depths.
"I like it," I say simply.
Before I know it, my knees are wobbling and I'm on stage. Or rather, backstage. I'm still nervous, though. Louis is still giving me final touches--preening my hair, fussing over my outfit wrinkles, and insisting that I wear make-up. Our escort finally strides up to us.
"There, there, Viki, she's had enough. I think you're ready, aren't you dear?"
I nod.
"Now, let's work on your acting skills."
Oh great, I think.
"First, you have to be a simple fisherman's daughter, which I'm sure you are, but I mean really, really simple. You have no idea how to fight, and only know how to cast a line."
I frown. Deceiving poeple is easy for me, simce I must lie about where I come from, but this sounds ridiculous.
"Or," I say, "how about I act strong and tough and make people root for me?"
"Or," says Trevor, striding up to us, "you act like both?"
Before I can even answer, Caesar calls my name.
"And now presenting, the girl from District 4!"
"Op!" says Victoria. "That's you!"
I am suddenly pushed out onto the stage, in front of a giant crowd. It gives me butterflies in my stomach, and it feels weird.
sorry, post more soon I gotta do something
(April 3, 2016 - 2:43 pm)
Gah! Forgot to add the rest of training for Gena:
Archery +1, Animal hunting +1, Fire making +1, Boxing +1, Fishing +2, Edible insects +1, Spears +1, Shelter +1, Swords +1, Snares +1
If you want, I can do an "after" post for her stats, but this is all I have time for right now.
Heart pounding in my chest, an absurd kettledrum. Thud-thud, thud-thud, thud-thud, I've counted sixteen beats since the announcer started counting down from ten. Blood pounding through my head drowns out all other sound, save for that countdown, delivered in a spirit-of-judgment voice.
Sweaty palm in my only pocket grips my token: a single chess piece, the Black Queen. It's not actually from my district; I had an Avox bring me a chess set last night, the rest of which is still sitting in my rooms, untouched. Hard ebony, glossy sheen, false origin: deceptive. Like me.
Breathe. Think. Logic does not allow for emotion, therefore I am not scared. I am not scared. I am not scared. I am not scared. I am not--
And the world comes alive.
Running. Tributes running everywhere. A cannon blast - who's dead already, can't see, can't tell, don't care because there's Ariana - what is she doing?! Run, girl! I've already flown ten yards, twenty, cutting a chord across the edge of the circle, a beeline for my prize. Scoop up the coil of rope and a packet of...something...right next to it for good measure, go go go - breath ragged, oh mercy, am I really that out of shape - fire and destruction, Ariana! I thought you were smarter than this!
"Grab the best things you can find and go!"
"Gena, I can't run! I have to fight!"
Whistle of wind, the only warning. I drop almost to the ground as a huge sword slices through the air where my neck was milliseconds ago. Piotr. I catch the merest glimpse of Ariana atop the Cornucopia, doing as much posing for the cameras as defending her position, before I'm locked in mortal combat. Weaponless. Sword's too sharp, could cut my rope like butter.
I duck and run.
That is to say, I slam Piotr with a ruthless martial-arts kick to the groin, narrowly avoid getting my leg chopped off for my trouble, elbow him hard in the face as he doubles over in pain, and take off for the woods as fast as I possibly can.
Not two hundred yards into the forest, I come over a small rise and catch sight of Rick thundering by below me, oblivious. I slow, starting to take my rope from its place over one shoulder - maybe I could chase him, tie a lasso, somehow do away with him that way-? - but too late, he spots me, raises both a hammer and a sword to threatening shoulder height. I've lost the element of surprise, and the message is clear: back off.
I do more than back off. I turn and dash in the other direction without a second thought.
Several minutes later, as my breath comes hot and ragged and my legs begin to burn, cowardice whispers again: Beware, fool. Beware.
Beware, for while you can run, no one can run forever.
(April 3, 2016 - 5:10 pm)
Curio, to answer your questions, the cannons do not fire during the bloodbath, nobody can tell who killed them (well back at capitol they can), and Careers stick together in the beginning.
(April 4, 2016 - 5:48 am)
Oh. Whoops. Ignore that bit about the cannon in my last post, then. Gena will have to find the Careers - especially Ariana - fast, before it's too late and they see her more as a threat than as a potential ally.
(April 4, 2016 - 2:55 pm)
Yeah. Oh, and btw, a Hunger Games ski lodge popped up on PP. Looks like fun.
(April 4, 2016 - 6:53 pm)
Nova ~ I step out onto the stage, and see thousands of eyes staring at me. The bright stage lights shine in my eyes, and camera lenses are directed at me and my outfit. This time, it's not just the Capitol, but the entire world of Panem. I'm about to sit down until sometime stops me. I realize, what if someone from a different District reconizes me? What if they call me in for being a drifter? What if I get thrown into prison--or worse?
No, I shake away the thoughts. Even if I'm reconized, I'll either die in the Hunger Games or win it, which will guve me plenty of publicity. I highly doubt the President would imprison the winner. Or maybe, he might.
Suddenly, I notice Caesar giving me strange looks.
"Are you okay, Nova? Butterflies in your stomach? Nerves?" The crowd giggles.
I gasp and quickly sit back down. "What? Oh no, I was just thinking," I say quietly.
"Well . . ." he looks at me. ". . . that's a pretty snazzy suit ya got on there, am I right?"
The crowd cheers, and I blush. It's just a simple bodysuit, with short sleeves. It's ocean green, and connected between each limb is a flap that resembles a flying fish's fins. Oh, and it's really sparkly, like the suface of a beautiful lake on a sunny day.
"So," continues, a mysterious smirk on his face, "what do you want to accomplish in the Hunger Games? Avenege anyone? Profide for anyone? Win the heart of anyone?"
I can't help but smile. "Honestly, none. I think I just want to survive and not die."
He raised his hands. "Ah, a simple fisherman's daughter. I like it."
"But," I add quickly, "I'm not just fighting for myself. I am fighting for my District, thir--" I stop myself before I can say thirteen. "I mean, my District Four. I want to give them the honor of winning."
Caesar nods seriously. "Ah, that's quite sentimental. Also what I like." He grins as a buzzer goes off. "Well, that's all on her. Next up, is the District 4 boy tribute!"
I get up from my seat and walk backstage, and watch as Trevor pridefully struts onstage.
Oh yeah, that's his dream, I can tell.
More later.
(April 5, 2016 - 6:05 am)
Later is here :P
Nova ~ After the interviews, we get to rest up for awhile, and then onto the serious stuff. And I mean serious. It's time for the killing to begin, the bloodbath. I slip into my black silicone suit and is escorted to a long tube underground. Andrea, Louise, Adrian, nd Victoria are there to send me off.
"Don't worry," reassures Andrea, "just stay calm and do your best." She puts her hands on my shoulders and stares deep into my eyes like a comforting mother. She stares at me. She doesn't want me to go through what she had to.
"Nova," says Adrian, " always keep a good eye on your enemies. remember, tall trees, leafy trees. Attack wisely."
I nod.
"Don't mind if your suit gets stagged or something," mentions Louise.
"And," says Victoria, the last one, "may the odds be ever in your favor."
I nod again. "Thank you." Maybe these people do have a human side.
I step inside the transparent tube, and watch as the four people shrink before my eyes. They wave, and I wave back.
I am suddenly transported to above ground, and I am standing on a silver circle. There is a voice high above, counting down. I look around me, and see Trevor meters away, and the other tributes scattered around a small but steep mountain. At the top is a pile of supplies.
The Cornucopia. The essentials to win the Hunger Games.
I get into my ready position. Adrenline floods through my body like a speeding race car. I have to choose who I have to kill. I consider Trevor first.
I mean, he already dislikes me, and teher's a high chance he'll want me dead. But as I look at him, I realize he's the closest thing I have to an ally. And I can tell that he knows he can't survive without me. And vice versa. Wow, that came out wrong.
Finally, after what seems like years of waiting, the buzzer goes off.
I gasp. The other tributes start racing up the mountain. Some aren't good at climbing, especially the boy with the broken leg.
I race after them. They're weaponless--for now. I rush over to the young boy and help him get up the rocky cliff.
He stares at me and mumbles something.
I don't respond as I see Trevor struggling to climb up. He hands keep slipping, and every foothold crumbles under his shoe. I race over to him and speed up the cliff like a mountain goat.
"Whoa," he says sweatily. "How'd you get to be such a good climber? There aren't that many mountains in District 4."
I gulp and stare at him for a second. Fortunately, something distracts my answer. I see a sharp dagger coming straight towards him, from the top of the mountain.
"Duck!" I cry, pushing his head down.
The knife skims his hair and lands on the ground below.
"Thanks," he says.
I smirk and contiue climbing up. Once I'm at the top of the mountain, my eye catches a girl named Ariana, the one who broke down in tears. She's standing next to the Cornucopia. Suddenly, the District 12 girls comes up to ot. She grabs the trident, but quickly changes her mind. She lunges for the sword.
Just then, Ariana jumps at her, plunging the large sword into the girl's body. Ariana stands up, a shocked expression crossing her face. She pauses, but quickly snatches the sword.
As I stand there, horrified and amazed at the same time, the District 5 boy leaps at me. He swings a punch. Not ready, it strikes me in the stomach, but I dodge the next one. I grab a bow and a quiver of arrows from the Cornucopia and hit him with the hard bow. I look back at the supplies, and to my surprise, see a piece of coal.
I grab it and run away and skid down the hill, watching as Trevor grabs the trident the other girl had earlier.
I gulp and stand up. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gena trying to fight off another boy. It's Poitor, I think. I can't have competition. They're so far away and distracted that they don't notice me at all. I whip out an arrow and raise it against my bow.
They're both moving so much I can't get a good lock on either of them, but I assume it doesn't matter.
I'm about to unleash it when a pang of guilt hits me in the gut.
I try to shake away the feeling, but I pause long enough for someone else to tackle me.
As they do, I fall to the ground, and my arrow flies off somewhere else.
I open my eyes and see the tackler is Ariana.
(April 5, 2016 - 6:44 am)
Ariana ~ I watch, frozen for a horrible moment as Nova aims her bow at Gena and Piotr. No. I cannot let this happen. She is too much like Diamondshine for me to lose her. Not yet anyways. I run up to Nova, tackling her. She collapses, still.
She twists back to look at me, her face shocked. Bet you didn't see that coming, eh?
I could feed her the poison, but then it'll be so much harder for me to kill Thrawn. "Leave her alone," I hiss angrily. "I'd let you go free, but then my sponsors will abandon me. So, if you struggle, I'll let you get out, so you can get away," I whisper.
She twists, trying to get away. I accidentally DO let go of her, but it works out just fine. She scrambles to her feet, running like crazy.
I run to Gena's side, ready to fight Piotr off.
(April 5, 2016 - 12:00 pm)
Oh gawsh, I feel so guilty now O.o
Btw after rereading my post I think I might've done some OP stuff . . . sorry.
(April 5, 2016 - 7:57 pm)
Well I didn't see anything amiss! If you feel that bad though, you could rewrite it, or just pay extra attention to that sort of thing in the future.
(April 6, 2016 - 3:09 pm)
Lark~ Sixty seconds. I am standing at the base of a smalll mountain. I can see the cornucopia at the top, gleaming in the sun.
My mentor told me to use my smallness and speed to my advanage, but he didn't tell me much else.
Fourty-five seconds.I see a small dagger and a canteen of water a few feet from me. I decide to go for them first. I don't look at the ground near the cornucopia because I don't want to be tempted. There are plenty of useable things near me and I don't want to get killed going for the good stuff.
Thirty seconds. I look to my side and see that everybody is crouching to run.
Twenty seconds. I spot a small hachet and add it to my list of things to grab.
Ten seconds. I crouch, ready to sprint.
Five seconds.
Go!! I dash and grab the hachet and canteen. I am just about to reach the Dagger when someone slashes a sword at me. I dive to avoid it and come up running. I don't look back to see who my attacker is. I trip over a rock and fall just as three arrows hiss over my head. When I look back I see that my attacker is dead, with two arrows in his back. I crawl over and take my dagger and his backpack then I jump up and dash into the forest. I jog for three hours before I allow myself to eat drink and look at my supplies. I sit down with my back against a large oak and open the backpack. Inside I find a sleeping bag, a flint and steel, a woven sunhat that I really don't need and a loaf of bread. The canteen is full of water and I drink a sip before swinging my backpack onto my sholdurs and looking around. I need a place to stay, hidden, high up and as safe as it can get out here. When I look up I see that the oak behind me splits into four branches high off the ground. I dig my fingers into the bark and climb up. When I arrive at my destination, I see that the tree is perfect. It is hard to get to, shadey, I can see far and I can hide if I need to. Perfect.
(April 7, 2016 - 3:55 pm)
Question: Who's throwing the daggers? I've been following this RP and you are all great authors! If nobody's charrie is throwing the daggers, can I join, or is it too late?
(April 10, 2016 - 6:24 pm)
Can I just not see my own comments, or is something wrong with my computer? I can't see anything I ever post, is that normal?
No that's not normal. Google search specific words you used this way: words you want to find
(April 10, 2016 - 6:29 pm)