Chrome Loth RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Chrome Loth RP!

Chrome Loth RP!


The world of Chrome Loth: A world divided by six factions, by six species. The land is divided into thirds while the sky is halved, with the Aer-Loth Clan the messenger between them.

On the land there are three clans: the Uisce-Loth Clan of the seas, the Lasair-Loth Clan of the fire wastes, and the Cloch-Loth Clan of the mountains.

In the sky there are two clans: the Solas-Loth Clan of the angels and the Dorcha-Loth Clan of the demons.

Finally, the Aer-Loth Clan lives on the highest peaks and acts as a bridge between the earth and sky. 

Once every thirteen thousand years, a child is born in each clan with the powers of the clan's element in them.







The Uisce-Loth Clan's Child is named Lyata. (I am RPing as Lyata). She is held in high regard as a sign that the Uisce-Loth Clan is entering a new age of wisdom. She has been training in combat in secret for many years and wishes to become the High Scholar, the ruler of the Uisce-Loth Clan. The Uisce-Loth Clan can all breathe underwater and have webbed fingers, plus are bioluminescent in dark water. The Uisce-Loth Clan is highly intellectual and is a democracy-monarchy combo.

The Lasair-Loth Clan is surrounded my nothing but magma and flame; a flat wasteland of obsidian, where farmers who can find good land must defend it ferociously. The Lasair-Loth peoples are immune to very high heat. The Lasair-Loth Clan's Child may not even yet be aware of his or her abilities. The Lasair-Loth Clan is incredibly dangerous, with only one large city with a massive crime rate. The Lasair-Loth is an anarchy ruled by an underground mafia.

The Cloch-Loth Clan is in the mountains, where forests and climates of all types rule. Cloch-Loth Clan rituals are steeped in ancient tradition, and many believe that the Cloch-Loth Clan was the first Clan ever created. Cloch-Loth peoples are naturally strong. The Cloch-Loth Clan is merely a collection of tribes ruled by the largest, the Alpha Tribe. 

The Aer-Loth Clan is held in high regard by all. All Aer-Loth Clan members have wings. These wings are the same color as their flesh and look somewhat batlike. Aer-Loth Clan members are incredibly pompous, and flaunt their wealth and power. Their Child is worshipped as a god or goddess. Many Aer-Loth Clan members get tattoos of ancient tribal symbols that glow in the light of the moon. The Aer-Loth Clan is a monarchy, and the ruling family is called the Vashya-Comra family.

The Solas-Loth Clan is rarely seen. They represent righteousness and goodness. All of them have white feathered wings, except the Child, who has black wings. The Solas-Loth hate the Dorcha-Loth with great passion. The Solas-Loth also do not age as long as they stay in their home of white cloud, which means that they are rarely seen. The Solas-Loth is a monarchy, and the ruling family is the Vola-Saa

The Dorcha-Loth Clan is known for its raids on other clans. They represent evil. All of them are varying shades of red with bat-like wings to match and horns the color of their hair. The only exception is their Child, whose skin is violet and has horns made of lapis lazuli. The Dorcha-Loth are a monarchy, with the ruling family known as the Krok-Shakar.

Charrie Sheet:

Name: Lyata Osaa

Age (anywhere from 13-16): 14

Appearance: Pale skin, no freckles, a birthmark on her forehead in the shape of a teardrop. She has long, flowing teal hair that matches her teal eyes.

Personality: Very smart and bookish, loves the ocean and everything in it. Is also a tad bossy.

Clan (one from each unless I say you can be in the same tribne as someone else): Uisce-Loth

Weapon: Trident 


submitted by Brookeira
(June 13, 2016 - 2:49 pm)

Name: Ariel Seraphim

Age: 14

Appearance: Ariel has long black hair and large black wings. Her eyes are a dark blue, with pale skin.

Personality: A thinker. Ariel much prefers thought to speech, and doesn't argue much. She struggles with self-doubt, thinking herself rather weak and worrying that she will not be able to live up to the expectations her tribe lays out to her.

Clan: Solas-Loth

Weapon: Bow and arrow

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 13, 2016 - 4:18 pm)


submitted by Top
(June 13, 2016 - 6:11 pm)


submitted by Top
(June 13, 2016 - 6:49 pm)


submitted by Brookeira
(June 14, 2016 - 8:33 am)

This is a brilliant idea, Brookeira! I hope it doesn't die.... Also I added Other to my charrie sheet because there's always an Other section.

Name: Xylo Gi

Age: 16?

Appearance: Tall; somewhat tan; piercing green eyes; short, spiky, kind of matted dark brown hair. Not apparently muscular, but very strong. Kind of like a tree. Usually wears a tunic and leggings in dark browns and greens. Wears an amulet that looks like a tiny green glass bottle with glowing fireflies in it.

Personality: Quiet, wise, peaceful. Loves meditating in the middle of the woods. Never jokes; is very solemn and serious.

Clan: Cloch-Loth

Weapon: None yet, but he always carries oak seeds in his pocket.

Other: Male

submitted by Scylla
(June 14, 2016 - 9:29 am)

Thanks! And TOP!

submitted by Brookeira
(June 14, 2016 - 12:17 pm)

Name: Piddle (called Pids by his friends) Cindus

Age: 13

Appearance: Short, spiky black hair, red robe. I'll try and make a picture later.

Personality: Brash, kind, opinionated, quick to join in a fight but trys not to start one

Clan: Lasir_Loth

Weapon: Scimitar

submitted by Dudelhiemer, age Old Enough, Oasis
(June 14, 2016 - 6:44 pm)

Name: none she knows of, simply 'girl' 

Age: 12

Appearance: pale skin, underfed look, you can practically see her bones, long, braided pale hair.

Personality: Quiet, shy, upset

Clan: slave to Dorcha Loth

Weapon: none 

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(June 14, 2016 - 9:09 pm)

Awesome! We will start as soon as we get an Aer-Loth Clan child.

submitted by Brookeira
(June 15, 2016 - 7:16 am)

This is a really cool idea! 

Name:  Ariel 

Age: 14

Appearance: purple skin, purple wings. (If this isn't ok, I can Change it.)  Black hair,  dark blue eyes that look like they're violet. Symbol of air on her arm. (If any of this is not ok, please tell me and I will change it.) 

Personality: A little snobbish, wishes she could be free, loyal, caring. 

Clan: Aer-Loth

Weapom: sword 



submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(June 15, 2016 - 8:34 am)

Oops! I just realized that St. Owl's charrie's name is already Ariel. Well then, I'll change my charrie's name to Puck. 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(June 15, 2016 - 8:37 am)

I will kick off this RolePlay!


Lyata Osaa watched as council members filed into the Hall of Meeting. The Solas-Loth Council Members came first, the black wings of their Child conspicuous amongst the white of the other's wings. Next came the Cloch-Loth, grizzled and hardened by years of living in the mountains, and the Aer-Loth, laughing in loud tones, bedecked in jewels. Six minutes late came the Dorcha-Loth, smirking at the fuming Solas-Loths, and finally, the ragtag Lasair-Loth, with a hunted look in their eyes and hands at their knife hilts.

"The Great Horde is rising," began a council member, "I assume you have all found you children by now?"

"Not us," said a Dorcha-Loth. The Solas-Loth and the Uisce-Loth narrowed their eyes. The Dorcha-Loth were notorious liars. 

"I've had enough," said one of the Solas-Loth, "where is your Child?" 

submitted by Brookeira
(June 15, 2016 - 10:05 am)


The domed canopy that sits above us, supported by pillars, is made of crystals and glass. It makes light swirl into many colors onto us....

I try to make myself as small, and as unseen as possible, the only human in a group of...demons (no plainer way to say it). I don't belong to a race really, and I look human..but I don't feel human. I feel different.

Now is not the time to be thinking of these things!!!

I have my arms in the chains, chained to my master who looks impatiently at me. My eyes widen and I quick bow my head down in reverence, as is the custom.

"Our Child," Master says, "is not here." He smirks as an outburst of whispering and murmuring and yelling bursts across the room.

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(June 15, 2016 - 4:42 pm)


I don't speak during this meeting, but my thoughts run a hundred miles a minute.

The dome is made of crystals and glass, making little rainbows dance all around us. They're especially prominent on my clan's white wings. The Aer-Loth clan's wings are also slightly affected, but not as noticably.

Examining the positions of the clans around the rooms, I see that my clan has positioned themselves as far as possible from the Dorcha-Loth clan... or maybe the Dorcha-Loth clan positioned themselves as far as possible from us. 

Next, I look for the Child for each of the other clans. They're not hard to find, as we are the main subject of attention. The Dorcha-Loth clan's child and I are the most prominent, as we look different from our clanmates-- yet another thing to set us apart. Even so, I don't have to look very hard for the others. The Uisce-Loth clan's child has teal hair and eyes with a teardrop birthmark on her forehead. I look with amusement at her webbed fingers; they may be useful in water, but on land they just look slightly silly.

I'm not supposed to think that way, I remind myself firmly. It's against all the ideas of the Solath-Loths. But it's too late; I've thought it, haven't I? I go back to my observing.

The Cloch-Loth's child is rather average, I think. If I wasn't looking for him, and they weren't making him so easy to be seen, my eyes would have blipped right over him. He has piercing green eyes and brown hair, rather matted and spikey. He wears an amulet that looks like a little glass bottle with fireflies in it. It's rather quaint, slightly sweet. I like it. It conveys the ideas of his tribe.

The Lasir-Loth clan's child is wearing a red robe, which matches rather nicely with his black hair. He's slightly short, but size is not a major factor. The smallest are sometimes the most powerful.

The Aer-Loth child has purple skin and the same color wings. Secretly, I have always detested the appearances of these wings, perhaps only because I am so used to the feathered ones of my tribe, but the batlike appearance of them is rather alien to me. Again, another thing I should not be thinking. I move my eyes away from them and onto her arm, where a tattoo of what is unmistakeably air is labelled. I'm not sure what to think. I know that many Aer-Loth have tattoos, but I cannot think how painful they would be to recieve.

And lastly... there is no Dorcha-Loth child. That's impossible. They are too intent on power to not have instantly seeked out their Child. They have to be here somewhere; they must be lying. The Dorcha-Loths are, after all, notorious liars. The child shouldn't be hard to find; isn't she supposed to look different than the others, like me? They must have found her.

They must have.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 15, 2016 - 5:29 pm)

Xylo~ I sit patiently at the meeting. I fiddle with my amulet, trying valiantly not to get bored, but I fail. I catch a girl from the Solas-Loth clan surveying me and I give her a friendly smile. She seems rather pretty, with deep blue eyes, black hair, and fair skin. Her wings are black, standing out against the soft whites of the rest of her tribe. Catching my gaze, her eyes widen and she quickly looks away. I could have sworn her cheeks were pink. I sigh, turning my attention back to the amulet. The fireflies fade in and out of view, pulsating gently. It's very relaxing, and I can feel myself drifting off... I snap back to attention. This isn't the time, Xylo. The Clans are arguing over the absence of a Dorcha-Loth Child.

"If you don't have one in seven zeniths, then you will be put into Limbo," an Uisce-Loth decides. Limbo? That gets me interested. Limbo is a stage of exile, but much worse. The clan in Limbo is forced to live at the borders of Clan territory, watching and observing their action but not taking part. It is the worst punishment known to the Chrome-Loth. 

The Krok-Shakar looks shaken. "You cannot put us into Limbo," he demands. "I forbid it."

"The Child comes first," one of my Clan answers. "If you do not have it the deadline, then you will be punished as fits."

submitted by Scylla
(June 15, 2016 - 9:53 pm)