Eragon RP.So

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Eragon RP.So

Eragon RP.

So there are no RPs I can join at the moment, so I want to make one. This will take place after ten years after Eragon overthrew Galbratorix. Suddenly a mysterous sickness strikes and thats really all for the plotline. 








Dragon Name:



My cherrie 

Name: Maya daughter of none

Age: 13

Apperance: Maya has chocolate colored hair that falls down to the small of her back, Black eyes, Dark skin, A black dress and brown boots

Personality: Outgoing, Brave, Doesn't forget an insult, Is good at winning arguments, Would rather keep to herself then join a group, A hard worker.

Weapon: A black double bladed sword, A small dagger.

Species: Human.

Backstory: Is the daughter of Galbatorix. Was abandened when she was two. Maneged to survive as a theif with a small group.

Other: none

Dragon Name: Illium

Apperance: Jet black scales and black eyes white spines. 

Other: none

submitted by Elvina
(July 30, 2016 - 3:11 pm)

Name: Brooke, Daughter of None

Age: 16

Apperance: Brooke has fiery red hair and black eyes. She normally wears a light pink dress. Her skin is pale ish tan ish.

Personality: Outgoing, bubbly, brave, fierce, sometimes easily scared.

Weapon: A Japanese Katana, a small dagger.

Species: Homo sapiens; human.

Backstory: She remembers nothing of her childhood, and doesn't want to. If you knew about it though, you would probably find out that her parents were killed in the Great War and the only dragon she loves is her own and other bonded dragons. If you did know about it, that is. ;)

Other: N/A

Dragon Name: Lighttear

Apperance: Bright yellow scales with blue wings and accents. She can dim her scales if needed for a dull gold.

Other: Aged 15. The only thing Brooke remembered about her childhood was getting Lighttear. 

submitted by Inktail
(August 2, 2016 - 9:13 am)