The Ultimate CB

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Ultimate CB

The Ultimate CB Collaborative Story!

So, I had this idea. It will take a lot of a lot effort, commitment, diligence, and time, but I know we can do it. Are you ready for this?

We are going to write and publish a novel!

That's write. ;-) XD hehehe...

Okay! So here is what we are going to do! There will be, ah, say, five writers counting myself? And maybe that many artists, as well (I'm gonna be the head of both). The writers will discuss plots and characters and such, and the artists will decide where to put the illustrations and then do them, and such. As the lead author/artist I'll 'approve' ideas, but I'm not gonna be strict about them or anything, don't get me wrong, I'm open to new ideas! And I'd also like to do the cover art, but the artists can help me figure out what that'll look like. I'll list author and artist jobs in more detail below. 

So, as for the story. I know I want it to be fantasy, but that's really all I know. You guys help me figure this out, basic plot wise, and then here's what we'll do. We will take turns writing the chapters, but let's do it from third person and try to keep the same writing style. I want you guys to be able to post often, and if you can't, just don't sign up, because we need real commitment here. If a CBer doesn't post on their turn for more than five days, a spot for someone else who didn't get in will be open, so they'll write it for them. Said CB'er will be 'fired' per say, if they don't show on this thread for over two weeks without notice (I'll try my best to get ahold of you first, though, and alert you).

Same goes for artists. They'll discuss with me covers, illustrations, chapter headings, and the like, and we'll take turns illustrating. If they don't take their turn, same thing goes for them as for the writers.  

Now, this isn't an RP, this isn't a Round Robin, it's much more complicated than that. Let's really work on this, guys. Really try. Keep it alive. It's gonna take time, okay? So we'll need it active and topped. Again, real commitment! Write, and take time on it! Punctuate! Don't misspell! Use proper grammar!

Positions: (what you can be, and how many spots are open)

Secondary Author (the top writer below me) (1)

Author (writer) (3)

Editor: (copy-edits the chapters) (1-2)

Charrie Creator: (makes and devolves the charries {really work at this, we need deep characters.}) (1-2)

Backup Author: (if someone misses their turn, you'll fill in for them) (2-3)

Secondary Artist (top artist, below me) (1)

Artist (self-explanatory) (3)

Cover Designer (will help with cover design) (1-2)

Chapter Layout Designer (you'll do those symbols that indicate a pause or time passing, as well as the beginning of the chapter, {whether it says like, Chapter One,, darkness, Chapter 1, or Darkness} and illustrations for that) (1)  

Backup Artist (if someone misses their turn, you'll fill in for them) (2-3) 

Okay, now for the sign up sheet.


Requested Position:

Next Best: (if the first position you requested isn't available)

How Often Will you be able to Post? (Really think this through)

Plot Ideas:

Best at... (Drawing animals, nature, writing fight scenes, descriptions, etc.)

Writing/Art Sample: (optional)

Let's do this, people! 



submitted by Leeli
(February 19, 2017 - 5:22 pm)

Wow, that was fast Admins! Thanks!

submitted by Leeli
(February 19, 2017 - 6:21 pm)
submitted by Toppi Wingfeather
(February 19, 2017 - 7:19 pm)


submitted by Leeli
(February 20, 2017 - 7:55 am)

This sounds interesting . . . I might want to do this!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(February 20, 2017 - 9:54 am)

I call secondary author

submitted by elementgirl18917, CALLING 2ND AUTHOR
(February 20, 2017 - 11:42 am)

Name: elementgirl (If you need my real 1st name, it's Alice)

Requested position: Charrie Developer

Next best: Author

How often.... post?: Once every 2 or 3 days, probably. (I'm on every day)

Plot Ideas: None. I'm not very good at coming up with ideas for the whole plot, but once we have something basic my imagination starts to spark.

Best at: I really do not know, sorry


submitted by elementgirl18917
(February 20, 2017 - 11:49 am)

I call an author slot. 

submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(February 20, 2017 - 12:33 pm)

Awesome! Thanks Mei! Great, Elementgirl!

submitted by Leeli
(February 20, 2017 - 12:50 pm)

I'm kinda busy writing my novel... Can I be an artist of some sort?

Name: Embers in the Ashes

Requested Position: One of the artists

Next Best: Either chapter layout designer or charrie creator

How Often Will You be able to Post?: Every other day, if not daily.

Plot Ideas: None, yet. I can write fantasy, dystopian, appocalyptic, and realistic fiction.

Best at: Character development, drawing people/weapons/landscapes, creating collages, making paintings, writing angsty monalogues, writing descriptive pieces about people/settings, worldbuilding, writing snarky comments in dialogue, character deaths (hehe, it's so much fun killing 'em off!), creating villains, making you cry, writing beautiful death scenes, writing first person, and most other writing skills (not exactly in that order)

Writing/Art sample:

This is a piece from one of my books. It's meant to be a bit mysterious.

She walked through the golden fields, to the rock they had chosen as their meeting place. She looked up at the sky, to see the sun shining it's way halfway through the sky. High noon. He was late. She sat on the boulde and tucked a piece of her wild brown hair behind her ear, gazing at the shimmering grain that seperated Tomia from the forest. 

Now that she had been waiting awhile, she noticed movement in the field. It was coming from the Tomian side. 

The grain parted at her feet, revealing a gray wolf. It stared at her with a strange look in it's eyes, ad if saying sorry. Then something rather odd happened. The wolf started to grow. Well, not so much grow as to stretch, like rubber, until it's fur had disappeared and it had assumed a much bigger form. To be exact, the form of a boy. He had white hair and blue eyes and many pointed features, and he looked like someone who was about to get with a broom. 

"You're late."

"Sorry," said the boy, cringing at the girl's brutal tone.

"You knew this was important."

"Rory, you do relize this could be just another false alarm, right? How do you know she's the one?"

Rory stood up, gazing at the Tomian empire.

"The Wind told me so."


Here's another writing piece. This one is first person. 

The battle was horrible. It wasn't neat and tidy like the battles in books, where the two sides charge for each other at the same time and you can clearly tell who is friend from who is foe. This battle was ugly. People just ran at each other, trying to find someone to cut with their sword or shoot with their gun. On the battlfield, we weren't the Tomians and the Emmadimians. We were all just people, thirsty for blood, ready for death. I'm not sure anyone knew whose side they were on anymore. You could have killed your own brother if you weren't careful. Thankfully, I wore the sash of an Emmadimian general, signifying to anyone one my side not to kill me. It was also like painting 'I'M THE FORTOLD SAVIOR!' in large block letters on my forehead and running into the throne room of Tomia. 


I will post some sample artwork later. if you want any more writing pieces, I can give you some. I will happily accept any role you give me. Thank you.


submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(February 20, 2017 - 12:54 pm)

I want to be charrie creator! I found this awsome sheet for developing characters that will be perfect for this!

Name: Nebula

Requested Position: Charrie creator

Next Best: Cover artist

How Often Will you be able to Post?: I am on Cricket pretty often, so at the very least every other day, usually even more.

Plot Ideas: What if it takes place in a future earth where our planet has been completely flooded by rising water. So humanity has taken large chunks of land and, using sophisticated technology, has floated them up in the air creating sky cities?

Best at... : I am great at coming up with character concepts, I am a pretty good editor, and a decent artist as well, 

Writing/Art Sample: I will post some later, I dont have a camera right now.

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million, the Milky Way
(February 20, 2017 - 1:37 pm)
Cool Idea, Leeli!
Name: September
Requested Position: Editor 
Next Best: Artist
How Often Will You Be Able to Post?: Probably 2-3 times a week 
Best at: Catching typos and hand-lettering (for quotes and stuff) 
Writing/Art Sample: I'll post later 
submitted by September
(February 20, 2017 - 2:05 pm)

Here's a sample of my hand lettering stuff: 

submitted by September
(February 20, 2017 - 5:47 pm)

Hey can I be an Artist?

Name: Tuxedo kitten

Requested position: Artist 

Next Best: backup artist

How often I can post: Like once every one or two weeks  

Plot ideas:........none........

Best at: Drawing animals and cartoons or people (people are not my best thing though)

Art sample: On PP there is a thread named "ART POSTING" some of my art is on here but for now here it is. 

submitted by Tuxedo kitten, Bag End
(February 20, 2017 - 2:11 pm)

Name: Pepper Star (Do you need my real name?)

Requested position: Editor

Next Best: Author

How Often I Will Be Able To Post: If I really work on it, I can at least post/check up once a day, maybe once every two days for posting. I definitely will be able to make it within five days. Unless I go on a trip. Then substitution might be needed.

Best At: Hmm. I am working on a book with another friend, in which case I mostly edit and shorten things. 

I can't really post a sample of editing...

submitted by Pepper Star
(February 20, 2017 - 3:13 pm)

Whoops, sorry. I was going to do a writing sample, but unfortunately I accidentely hit submit. Heh.

Margaret was determined to get Adeline out of the dark woods. She was too young to lead a life of insanity. It wasn't right. Adeline was too young to be condemmed to misery. She needed a new start. And Margaret was not going to be a shrinking violet in a family of ten anymore. 

She burst into the cottage, grabbed Adeline, handed her a suitcase, and ran out. Adeline was too shocked to respond. This girl of sixteen wanted her to leave her home and last connection to Clover. Why? She had already had her life stolen, what point was there in trying to find the last small scrap of happiness? There was no longer anything she could do. But Margarethad already dragged her away into the night. 


Actually, I don't really care what spot I get. Just author or editor based on what you think I'd be better at.

submitted by Pepper Star
(February 20, 2017 - 3:29 pm)