Gods and Godesses

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Gods and Godesses

Gods and Godesses Solo Write

You are a god or godess in the ancient civilization of Somnium. A great evil has arisen in this peaceful civilization and the gods and godesses must work together to stop it. A few rules. First, I will allow thirteen people, twelve god/godesses and one villain. There must be six gods and six godesses. Otherwise, things won't work. The villain will be any gender. Fill out the charrie sheet.


God/Goddess of:

Female or Male:

Age: 100 - 1000

Sacred Symbol:


Home City:

Are you the Villain: 

If you're the villain, you don't need to fill out the God/Goddess of part. So, the position is your, well, position. You can either be Senior (900 - 1000), Experienced (600 - 900), Understood (300 - 600), or New (100 - 300). The home city is a city, you're going to write a random name down and that will be your sacred city. Your sacred symbol is an object, plant, animal, and metal that represents you. Have fun!

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 19, 2017 - 8:02 pm)

Name: Valascyia

Goddess of: Art, including, dance, song, poetry, and art art.

Female of male: Female

Age: 400

Sacred Symbol: A flute that has a fern entwined around it

Position: She stands against the villains, and she wants peace, not war

Home City: Valtosc, one of the biggest cities.

Are you a villain?: No 

submitted by Someone
(April 19, 2017 - 8:47 pm)

Gold, elephant.

submitted by Someone
(April 20, 2017 - 11:30 am)
submitted by Understood
(April 23, 2017 - 12:04 pm)


submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 23, 2017 - 8:37 am)
submitted by TOP!
(April 19, 2017 - 8:47 pm)
submitted by TOP!!
(April 19, 2017 - 8:47 pm)

YAY! Someone's joining! The Someone, not just someone!

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 20, 2017 - 8:51 am)

Someone, could you please put down your sacred metal and animal?

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 20, 2017 - 8:53 am)

I reserve a god. 

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, Thyferra
(April 20, 2017 - 9:06 am)

I'll join! Just need to do it later, gotta go to school soon.

submitted by Danie
(April 20, 2017 - 9:38 am)

I'm using a god I had for an old gods and goddeses RP, with some changes.

Name: Mortem

God/Goddess of: Shadows, darkness, and death. Not the underworld, just death itself.

Female or Male: Male

Age: 904

Sacred Symbol: (Object) An orb, filled with swirling shadows. (Plant) A yew tree. (Animal) A panther. (Metal) Bronze.

Position: He is conflicted and confused. He is feared by the rest of the gods and goddesses, and there are whisperings behind his back that he is evil. He tries to remain loyal, but sometimes doubts the pantheons ability to make the best deciscions for their people.

Home City: Tenebras

Are you the Villian: Nope.  



submitted by Mirax T., age 12, Thyferra
(April 20, 2017 - 10:52 am)

Position: Senior

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, The Pulsar Skate
(April 23, 2017 - 9:39 pm)

Name: Forsythia

God/Goddess of: Truth and Dreams

Female or Male: Female

Age: 700

Sacred Symbol: A clear, silvery orb that is unable to tell a lie (object). A mariposa lily (plant). A gyrfalcon (animal). Titanium (metal).

Position: She is the mediator/ peacekeeper between the gods, among other smaller jobs that revolve around truth and trying to keep people's dreams positive.

Home City: Velaris (aka the City of Dreams)

Are you the Villain: Nope.

submitted by Kestrel
(April 20, 2017 - 1:14 pm)


Position: Experienced 

submitted by Kestrel
(April 22, 2017 - 5:04 pm)

Name: Ignantius

God/Goddess of: N/A

Female or Male: Male

Age: 1,000

Sacred Symbol: A black poison Ivy plant

Position: N/A

Home City: Not sure what to put here...

Are you the Villain: Yes.

submitted by Nebula , age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(April 20, 2017 - 1:22 pm)