The Sea's Song

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Sea's Song

The Sea's Song

September’s (very late) CBversary RP!!


Cambria is a flourishing port city, full of life, laughter, and magic. For a city built from the ashes of a war only months ago, it is remarkable how much it’s grown and developed. And it’s also remarkable how quickly it’s grown, though no one questions the magic. 


Your characters were children when the city rose. And they are barely grown when the city falls. 


An inescapable darkness has risen. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, an idea unheeded by the founders of Cambria. Too much magic calls forth too much darkness. But what’s done is done, and their only hope now is to journey beyond the land across the perilous sea, in an attempt to save the people they have doomed. 


The journey is not for the faint of heart. 


The Lottery is the last thing they give you, a system enchanted to find the bravest, the strongest, the smartest, only the best to sail across the Deep and find salvation. 



Rules and Information that you will NEED to know (PLEASE READ THEM ALL): 

  • There are 14 spots. Reservations are accepted, but you MUST post your charrie within a week of you reserving that spot or I’ll give it to someone else
  • This will start after I have at least 7 characters
  • I’d love a cast of both males and females, which brings up an important point 
  • CHARACTERS!!!! I would love if we had a ton of diversity, so I’m accepting literally anything, especially POC (People of Color) and LGBTQ+ (@ADMINS, sorry, just wanted to make sure you saw this if you’re not allowing this, please delete the part where it says LGBTQ+, so no one gets confused, thanks!!) NOTE: I will be looking over your characters and okaying them. 
  • The time period is a fantasy-medival, think Throne of Glass, Six of Crows, A Darker Shade of Magic, or if you have no idea what I’m talking about, just think of Pirates of the Caribbean or something in terms of clothing and technology 
  • Password: marshmallow fluff
  • A note on magic: If you choose to give your characters magic, it does not mean that they can summon winds, control the ocean, or anything big like that. The magic in this world comes from a sort of stronghold thingy, so it can be mined, but not everyone is compatible with the magic, meaning that it is very picky and may possibly reject your character 
  • I might be a tad bit harsh on your character, but remember, it’ll help with your character building!
  • Aaaaand I think that’s it, I hope you read it, and without further ado. . .     




CHARRIE SHEETS! Please fill them in all the way, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! 


Full Name (Friendly reminder, ethnic names, like Finnish or Armenian are cool!): 

Age (13-22, please!):





Appearance (It’s important to note here that not everyone is skinny, tall, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed, not that there’s anything wrong with being any of those things. Please include hair color, length, texture, eye color, skin color, nose shape, lip size and color, as well as anything else like beauty marks, scars, or freckles): 

Default expression: 


Strengths (as in personality):

Weaknesses (as in personality): 

Greatest Motivation:

Greatest Flaw:

Greatest Fear:

One Word to Sum them up:

Hogwarts House(s): 

Social Status: 

Magic Wielder?: 

Preferred Weapon: 

Password (and if you’re wondering what the heck this is, you probably haven’t read the rules. Read the rules, then come back to this part.): 


And that’s it! Have fun! I’ll post my character when this shows up! 


submitted by September
(June 18, 2017 - 6:45 pm)

I actually meant RPG and MBTI, which they were talking about on this thread. I think they were being used to describe a charrie.

submitted by Kitten
(June 23, 2017 - 10:20 am)

Ohhh. ..  RPG alignment is something used more commonly in roleplaying games, like Dungeons and Dragons, to describe characters, but it can also be used for RPs. It's basically a grid, and there are nine alignments that cover good vs. evil and law vs. chaos: lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful evil, neutral evil, chaotic evil, lawful neutral, true neutral, and chaotic neutral. I don't know if that makes any sense. . . does anyone know more about RPG that could help me explain it better? 

MBTI is short for Myers-Brigg Type Indicator, which is a type of personality category that determines a number of different factors. I'm not really sure how to explain this— Google might be helpful. . .

Again, if anyone knows how to explain any of these better, that would be appreciated!! 

Hope this helps, Kitten!  

submitted by September
(June 23, 2017 - 11:22 am)

That makes sense. So, my character's RPG is chaotic neutral, I think.

According to Wikipedia, MBTI is complicated and involves thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition.

submitted by Kitten
(June 24, 2017 - 10:39 am)

I'm going to be camping from Sunday until Saturday this week, so I won't be able to post. Just wanted to let everyone know so they didn't think I instantly forgot about this RP.

submitted by Dumpun, Lost
(June 22, 2017 - 9:26 am)

Sure, don't worry about it! We probably won't even start by then 

submitted by September
(June 22, 2017 - 2:50 pm)

Name: Aine (pronounced Anya) Odili

Age: 15

Birthdate: April 13th 

Gender: Female 

Height: 5'6" (A few inches above average)

Weight: 120 lbs. (About average)

Appearance: Smooth medium brown skin, frizzy, puffy, very dark brown hair worn in a puff on top of her head. If she wore ot down it would puff out into some sort of afro-like shape, but if she straightened it, it would be a little longer than shoulder length. Her eyes are large and emerald green. She has wide pinkinsh brown lips, (That sounds like a disgusting color but I don't know how else to describe it) and her nose is some what skinny. She has light freckles that can only be seen up close splattered across her nose and cheeks, a beauty mark below her lips on the left side, and a pale scar from just above her right elbow to just below it. She is a mix of irish and african american. She wears very simple clothes: a red tunic with greenish leggings, a tan cloak/shawl, and a beat up pair of black leather boots.

Default expression: A slight smile

Personality: Very cheerful, wants to help everyone except for a select few that she really doesn't like.Bubbly, likes to joke around, and often is mistaken for a dumb girl. However, she is quite clever. (Hey, that rhymes!) She's not incredibly "school smart," but can usually be counted on to come up with clever ideas. She can be brave when she acts without thinking, usually to help her friends.

Strength (As in personality): Knows when people are feeling down and knows when to help them or leave them alone.

Weaknesses (As in persoality): Sometimes when she tries to help people she forgets that she might be throwing herself into danger or trouble. 

Greatest motivation: She'll do anything for her family and friends. 

Greatest flaw: It's very hard for her to get over teasing, name calling, insults, etc.

Greatest fear: That she won't be able to save her city. And spiders. 

One word to sum them up: bubbly

Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff and a little bit of Ravenclaw

Social status: popular among people who have a good sense of humor, but not with more serious people.

Magic wielder?: no.

Preferred weapon: Her wit and her homemade bow and arrow. 

Password: marshmallow fluff 

submitted by Dragnorider
(June 22, 2017 - 9:56 am)
Full Name (Friendly reminder, ethnic names, like Finnish or Armenian are cool!): Asimi Fakhoury
Age (13-22, please!): 16
Birthdate: July 9
Gender: M
Height: Um...he’s a little less than average height for a sixteen-year-old boy (I’m bad with measurements, sorry)
Weight: Again, bad with measurements. [A number] lbs. 
Appearance (Please include hair color, length, texture, eye color, skin color, nose shape, lip size and color, as well as anything else like beauty marks, scars, or freckles): Skinny and lean frame with short, dark, raggedy hair that he doesn’t pay any attention to, teardrop-shaped eyes that are very dark, almost black, in color, large and flat-ish nose, full lips and very defined dark eyebrows, no freckles, very smooth olive skin. 
Default expression: He knits his eyebrows a lot and sometimes does slightly disturbing things with them as he stares into space. 
Personality: Asimi is incredibly hard on himself when things don’t go his way, or when he can’t help his sister, Katsim Fakhoury. He hates it when he can’t take care of himself or her, or when he has to be at the mercy of others. For this reason, he can sometimes be a brat towards people that are trying to help him. Because of his origins (read: Backstory) he values honesty and truthfulness, and doesn’t like to tell lies or to be around people who tell lies to manipulate others. In general, he is a nice enough person, though not exactly selfless towards people he doesn’t know. He is slow to judge people (unless they are dishonest) but certainly not innocent or naive. Usually, he isn’t one to jump into things without thinking about the consequences first. Also, he prefers to face fear head-on. 
Strengths (as in personality): He is honest and doesn’t deceive people or keep a lot of secrets. 
Weaknesses (as in personality): Anxiety, is hard on himself and can lash out to those trying to help him. 
Backstory: Asimi was born in a wandering tribe called the Badawiin in the Great Snake Desert. The tribe had a specific code of ethics that valued honesty and openness, and any member that deceived another would be banished- not that anybody ever did. They all lived in a peaceful, mundane system of life, traveling to many places and often trading in several settlements or cities, though they never lingered there long. Asimi lived there until he was 9, when the camp was ransacked by thieves, and he and his three-year-old sister were the only survivors. Luckily, they were near Cambria at the time, and Asimi managed to find his way there unharmed, but mentally scarred. Being an incredibly powerful swimmer despite growing up far from the sea, Asimi found work as a freediver, where he makes extremely deep dives on nothing but the air in his lungs to retrieve clams, mussels, sponges, corals, and raw magic crystals, as well as valuables, including magical artifacts, from shipwrecks. He lives in a leaky hut with five other divers, and together, they retrieve and pawn away the valuables they find to buy food and pay rent. It isn’t the nicest of jobs, and they barely have enough food to go around, but (in Asimi’s opinion) it is much better than being an underpaid servant boy. 
When Asimi first arrived at Cambria, he tried to convince the divers to let Katsim live with them, but they refused. Katsim was deathly afraid of the ocean, and the divers said that if she couldn't dive, she wasn’t going to stay. So, Asimi seeked out a particular all-female group of thieves, known as the Quawia, and begged them to let Katsim join. It was against his better judgement at the time, but at least then she would be reasonably well-fed until he could somehow earn enough money diving to buy an apartment. The problem is, every month he has to pay the leader of the Quawia a sum of money or treasure for them to promise to keep Katsim on. 
Greatest Motivation: To save enough money himself through diving to eventually buy a small apartment.
Greatest Flaw: He is hard on himself, sometimes likely to push himself and be reckless when diving. 
Greatest Fear: To be stuck where he is forever, with no motivation, until all the treasure runs out. 
One Word to Sum them up: Seeker
Hogwarts House(s): Griffinpuff
Social Status: Has several sort-of friends that he lives with (they are also divers). He’s not incredibly close to them, but he can trust them to watch his back. Economically, very low. 
Magic Wielder?: Nope. He’s found many small magical artifacts in shipwrecks before, and all have rejected him. 
Preferred Weapon: He doesn’t like to fight, but if he must, he will fight with pretty much anything. Just not a bow and arrow. Those are confusing. 
Password: marshmallow fluff
submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(June 22, 2017 - 8:18 pm)

Your character is so well developed! 

submitted by September
(June 23, 2017 - 8:59 pm)

Asimi is open to shipping, by the way. I think we are doing shipping in this RP? 

Also, just to clarify, his sister is currently 10 years old.  

submitted by Jarvis, age ???, Port of Cambria
(June 22, 2017 - 8:20 pm)

*sigh* It's probably too late. Oh well, I'll be checking in and reading. ^^

submitted by Killim
(June 23, 2017 - 10:10 am)

You can still join! Please do! 

submitted by @Killim three spots!, September :)
(June 23, 2017 - 10:21 am)

And here's my character:

Name: Born Gunnar Alchamad, changed it to Solveig Alchamad

Age: 14

Birthdate: April 28

Gender: Transgender- AMAB (Assigned male at birth) but is a girl

Height: 5' 2" (I think. Is that reasonable?)

Weight: Average weight, a bit on the slim side but not dangerously so

Appearance: Pitch black, thick, wavy hair that she is growing out; sparkling blue eyes; little nose; pretty smile that encourages others to smile too

Default expression: Happy

Personality: She is always positive and is an optimist. She infects others with her happiness.

Strengths: She is happy and makes others happy.

Weaknesses: Even when there is no chance a plan will work, she says it will. Therefore she often does foolish things.

Greatest Motivation: The thought of her mom, who died of being too close to too much magic. (Or however that works)

Greatest Flaw: Her extreme optimism

Greatest Fear: Displeasing others


submitted by Kitten
(June 23, 2017 - 10:21 am)

You need to fill out the rest of the form :) 

One Word to Sum them up:

Hogwarts House(s): 

Social Status: 

Magic Wielder?: 

Preferred Weapon: 

Password (and if you’re wondering what the heck this is, you probably haven’t read the rules. Read the rules, then come back to this part.):  

submitted by @Kitten , September
(June 23, 2017 - 11:11 am)

Oh sorry! I thought I filled it in, maybe I accidentally deleted it.

One Word to Sum them up: Optimistic

Hogwarts House(s): Hufflepuff, also Griffindor

Social Status: Some people dislike her, either because she's trans, or because they find her optimism annoying 

Magic Wielder?: She never really got involved, so she doesn't know.

Preferred Weapon: Kill 'em with kindness! If that doesn't work, she likes daggers.


submitted by Kitten
(June 24, 2017 - 10:33 am)

I really thought I put the password at the bottom of that... marshmallow fluff.

submitted by Kitten
(June 25, 2017 - 11:25 am)