The War of

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The War of

The War of the Words!

Hello everyone and welcome to *dramatic music* the War of the Words!


Let me explain. 

The War of the Worlds is a creative writing/poetry competition split into different rounds. Each round has a unique, creative theme. 

ROUND ONE: Write a short story excluding one vowel (harder than it sounds). 

ROUND TWO: Create as many sentences as possible using the amount of letters in each word as digits in Pi. (3.1415926 might be "May I have a whole container of coffee?")

ROUND THREE: Create an acrostic poem with each letter of the alphabet. 

ROUND FOUR: Free writing (under 750 words) 

QUARTER FINAL: Free poetry 

SEMI FINAL: Free writing (under 750 words)



In each of the first three rounds, only the top five contestants will receive points depending on the position they came. This is not essential in your survival in the competition, though it will be added to your total score if you make it into the Grand Final. 

Anyway, in round four, the top 8 contestants move through to the Quarter Final. Please note that people who do not make it in will not have there scores announced because, lets face it, no-one wants to come last. If we have few entries, we may skip the quarter finals all together. 

The top four entries will then go through the the Semi finals, and so on. 

I will be the judge in this competition, though please note that this is just a bit of fun and should not start any arguments or conflicts. 

Okay, we will begin on the 15th and I'll cover the rounds in more detail later on. Please sign up below and enjoy! 


submitted by Coroline
(December 4, 2018 - 12:56 am)

@Leafpool, thanks for pointing that out. I'll take it into consideration ;) 

submitted by Coroline
(February 3, 2019 - 6:22 pm)

Twinkle, twinkle little thread

How I wonder what you said

Down low in the second page

Like a diamond in the cage

Twinkle, twinkle little thread

How I wonder what you said  

submitted by KittenOfTheTops
(February 2, 2019 - 10:44 am)


That is the most creative topping style I have ever seen. 

submitted by Coroline
(February 3, 2019 - 2:25 am)

Thank you!

submitted by Kitten
(February 3, 2019 - 1:06 pm)
submitted by To, age The, Top
(February 3, 2019 - 2:25 am)

Huh? I woke. I dimly perceived my shells. There was truly membrane, thirty-one layered membranes, but it was commonly said poorly by humans. Peck, you say, noticing not my squishy appendage, mushy as frosting, clashing with a beak-thing. Despite O. Human’s fallacies, the appendage attaching off dragons’ heads, a “beaky body-part,” is caligarum.


Sentence 1: 3.14

Sentence 2: 15926

Sentence 3: 5358,979,32384626

Sentence 4: 4,33,83279,5028,8419

Sentence 5: 7169,399375,1058,209

I'm treating beak-thing as a word, which hopefully you'll agree with. Body-part is debatable, but I was completely stuck, so please forgive me! The O. Human should be treated as a name: first initial O, last name human. Caligarum is actually the Latin word for hose, which is similar enough to nose.

This story was originally going to involve the dragon actually pecking her way out of the egg, but I got stuck on the bit about humans being wrong. :) 

submitted by Kitten
(February 4, 2019 - 4:50 pm)

@Kitten, I absolutely loved it! It was so creative and well written. 

submitted by Coroline
(February 18, 2019 - 1:48 am)

Mine! I had "fun" ("fun") being extremely wordy and also managing to sort of complain about how hard the last challenge was! ;) Thesauruses are my heroes.


May I have a small challenge to tackle later? The super annoying challenge earlier furnished was SO BAD. Literary work? Vexing. To really feel not too terribly mad, an altered challenge might (0) be suitable.


It goes 3.14159265/358979323/84/6/26433832795028. 

submitted by Leafpool, age No, not a cat
(February 7, 2019 - 10:03 am)
I used thesauruses so much on that challenge! *high fives*
And now, proceeding to my topping text. 
This is text that does not mean anything because it is just text. “This is text,” said the text writer. Text, yes, text, thought the text thinker. Again, the machine said that this was text. This was text whose sole job was to fill the empty expanses of not-text with text.
The text was simply text, and its job was to fill places. Again, the machine said that this was text. “This is text,” said the text writer. This is text that does not mean anything because it is just text. This was text whose sole job was to fill the empty expanses of not-text with text.
Text, yes, text, thought the text thinker. This is text that does not mean anything because it is just text. This was text whose sole job was to fill the empty expanses of not-text with text.
submitted by KittenOfTheTops
(February 12, 2019 - 12:28 pm)

@Leafpool, I had a lot of fun reading yours. It was also very creative and interesting. 

submitted by Coroline
(February 18, 2019 - 1:51 am)

Okay, here's mine! It got a bit confusing and spiraled off into me talking about timelines and futures, but hey, I did it.



See, I find a truth according to artful beads. The beads alleged abundance upholds assuredly, and my own agonized life mustn’t be redone. Can’t you see, baffling new- no, futures- abandoned Earth. It, humanity, realized that a backfired reality, a benign, forgiving one, nevermore encounter. Yet hopeful souls I often discover, it sometimes reveals that timelines will stay, alter, reimagine, or die.

submitted by Quill, Top!
(February 17, 2019 - 11:45 am)

Oh my gosh these are all so great! Everyone's getting so creative with long words. XD I love yours, Quill.

submitted by Leafpool, age No, not a cat
(February 17, 2019 - 1:55 pm)

@Quill, I loved it! It was well written and really made me think. 

submitted by Coroline
(February 18, 2019 - 1:53 am)

*Gets scorched alive because y'all I'm toast*

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(February 17, 2019 - 11:15 pm)

Ok here's my story! It took me while because I think I was thinking more about what I wanted the next word to be instead of what the next word could be. I don't know if that makes sense. Anyway, here it is:

See a star, a spark twinkling above all. Twirling, brilliant, shining, wonderful, yet so far, universes away. Hearts so intact with all the questions. All my lovely reasoning seems so impotent, confused. Star, I cherished, cherish. I cannot interpret you. 

And yes, I had to use the thesaurus so much!! 

submitted by Leo
(February 18, 2019 - 10:26 pm)