Dreamchaser RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dreamchaser RP

Dreamchaser RP

Hello! Summer is here, which means I have time to be here!

Welcome to Papertown, California, a fictional town where it is sunny and sometimes rainy. You are a normal person in their sophmore year of high school in a boring, normal suburban town. One day, a boy and a girl join your class. They seem entirely normal, until three of their classmates who befriended them disappeared. Quentin K, Mary T, and Winston P were their names, but nobody seems to remember them except the roleplayers. They will offer you a chance to flip your world upside down, but can you trust them?

Some things:

- The boy calls himself Jason, the girl calls herself Tina. They will introduce themselves as Dreamchasers, and say they will change your view of your world some time in the story

- No charrie can have magic.

- The rules of magic in this world is strange. It is something that acts on it's own in strange ways, and can be used in very specific manners or risk being destroyed by it due to magic's chaotic nature.

- You can be friends with one of the disappeared.

- I will be roleplaying as Jason and Tina

- We can start when there are about four or more charries  



Age: 15 or 16


Physical Appearance:

Background(keep it short):

Social Status/Clique:

Quirks if any:





submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(June 2, 2019 - 5:45 pm)

i'm sorry... 


i don't understand...




at all...




could you elaborate once you get this topped? 

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(June 3, 2019 - 5:25 am)

Is it the magic rules? I will elaborate on those later on.  

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(June 3, 2019 - 6:30 pm)

yeah, mostly its that the charries don't have magic but there is magic. it confusing.

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(June 3, 2019 - 7:38 pm)

I like to think of the magic in this world like the force from Star Wars, but there are no "force-sensitive" (jedi, sith) it is rather a skill that can be learned from training, and the skillset is limited to "sensing" the magic in this world. 

Also, this is a soft magic system, so things can just happen, and exceptions to the few rules do occur, but it doesn't happen often. I hope this cleared up some things. We can work on how it works a bit more once we begin roleplaying.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(June 4, 2019 - 3:25 pm)

oooh, okay thanks Storm

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(June 4, 2019 - 8:02 pm)



submitted by Topping Topking!
(June 3, 2019 - 10:50 am)

This sounds awesome! Reserving!

submitted by alli
(June 3, 2019 - 12:44 pm)

This sound like it could become very interesting! I'll make a charrie.


Name: Nanami Nakajima.

Age: 15

Personality: outgoing and talkative when with her friends and, oddly, total strngers, but somewhat shy around acquaintances and people she's seen but never really talked to. Her favorite color is yellow. She also loves to sing, but is reluctant to sing for other people. She plays the oboe.

Physical Appearance: long, silky black hair that comes down to the small of her back and eyes such a dark shade of brown you almost can't tell what's her iris and what's her pupil.

Background: Her parents are both Japanese, and this is her first year at this school.

Social Status/Clique: Being new to the school, she drifts around between groups often, although she never hangs out with the popular kids.

Quirks: she always has a square, yellow, lemon-patterned cloth with her that has many uses. If you ask her, she will tell you it is her furoshiki, although most people she's told don't know what that is. She also frequently tries to crochet her hair, though she is usually unsuccessful. Whenever she meets a new student, she...how to say...very strongly suggests that they join the school's orchestra. 

submitted by CignusMoon, age 158 moons, The Story World
(June 3, 2019 - 5:07 pm)

Sounds cool Storm! I'm reserving.

submitted by Dandelion
(June 5, 2019 - 4:48 pm)

Sounds cool Storm! I'm reserving.

submitted by Dandelion
(June 5, 2019 - 4:49 pm)

Sorry that this is so short!! XP 

Name: Tae Aarons

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tae is average height and slender, with dark brown eyes and light tan skin. She has dark brown hair, which is longish and usually in a high bun. She's wearing ripped jean shorts, low white Converse, and a coral tank top knotted just above her belly button.

Personality: Tae is funny, talkative, and always knows how to cheer someone up. She loves to make people laugh and she's always the one to start the conversation.

Background: She's lived here her whole life. Her parents got divorced when she was 13. 

Social Status/Clique: Tae is a major gymnast and cheerleader, and she hangs out with the popular kids.

Other: She loves tigers and is allergic to nuts. She has a girlfriend (I'd love for this to be someone else's charrie??) and she grew up next door to Quentin, so they were pretty good friends.

submitted by alli
(June 8, 2019 - 4:17 pm)

Top ‘o th’ mornin’!

submitted by Top McTop, At the top
(June 20, 2019 - 9:26 pm)