You lie down

Chatterbox: Inkwell

You lie down

You lie down on your bed, opening up your favorite book to re-read for the twentieth time, when you hear a knocking on your house outside. Curious,you go to your window to see what the matter is. You see a kingfisher with a letter tied to its back pecking on your wooden wall, then flying in fromt of you expectantly. You open the window, and the bird flies in. You untie the letter and read its contents:

Dear Letter Recepitent,

Congrats! We at White Oak Lab & Motel have picked a handful of lucky younguns to live with us, and you are one of the lucky few! We will give you all a complete tour of our grand institution, as well as showing you our top-secret lab. Our scientist work all day to harness the powers behind superstitions, for we at White Oak believe that the magic behind these can be used for both good and evil. Rest assured, we have taken all known precautions to prevent any bad luck from cursing our beloved guests. In fact, we promise to treat you with utmost care, giving you gourmet food and first- - class bedrooms! If you wish to attend, please fill out the form below:





Are you a part of Black Cat Establishments, associated with Black Cat Establishments, or are in any way connected to Black Cat Establishments *On this section, there are the words "Say No or Die!" in messy handwriting:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Superstition:

How you would like to die:

please have any companions (no maximum) fill out this sheet as well. 

We look forward to seeing you,

Estella O. Opafru

What an odd invite, you think to yourself. How could something be both superstition-centered and scientific? Were these people mad? And most importantly, why send such a superstition - centered letter on Friday the thirteenth?

submitted by Estella O., White Oak Lab & Motel
(September 13, 2019 - 6:10 pm)


Are you just going to sacrifice yourself every time there's a ski lodge - 

Yes. Because I love murder stories.

Name: Nihil Etomnia

Gender: Female

Personality: A quiet, analytical, slightly emotionally dead, brutally honest, and competitive girl. Won't go down without a fight. Protective of the few things she values most; Rogue Wildling and Lux Ettenebris, neither of which are here.

Appearance: Light brown hair dyed black, usually flowing freely, influenced only by her left side-part, which makes the hair hide the right side of her face. Black hoodie, jeans, barefoot. Eyes as green as new leaves with specks of gold and black, with a cold gaze that seems to stare past physical objects. Four huge wings as black as night itself obscure her when viewed from the back. They have wickedly sharp claws at the joint and spikes along the foreframes. Can transform at will into a huge Undershade Canine, a wolf-like creature with four huge wings (see previous wing description), spikes jutting out of the scruff, and black fur. Eyes are the same, just wolf-eye-shaped. Undershade Canines stand ten feet tall at the shoulder.

Are you a part of Black Cat Establishments, associated with Black Cat Establishments, or are in any way connected to Black Cat Establishments *On this section, there are the words "Say No or Die!" in messy handwriting: *Grins evilly* I'll never tell.

Favorite Food: Isn't picky.

Favorite Superstition: None.

How you would like to die: If I die, I'm gonna put up a massive fight. Even if it's poison. If something goes wrong in my body my last breath will be spent on slashing whoever's near. If no one but the killer is around to see, I'm going to fight them like the world depends on it. Then, I don't want anyone to find my body for a long time. I want to be hidden in plain sight, but not found until the last few people are left.

submitted by The Rogues
(September 13, 2019 - 9:20 pm)
submitted by Top
(September 14, 2019 - 10:42 am)

Oh, this looks Awesome! Reserve for three!

submitted by Floof Industries , Forever Imagining
(September 14, 2019 - 10:43 am)

Name: Nyx (CBer)


Personality: relatively shy, but shyness extends to having trouble starting conversations and not much farther. I am easily antagonized, and if I'm angry I tend to threaten the person antagonizing me with punching them, which is a valid threat bc I am very strong. I trust easily at times, but I have very good judgement of a person's character. If I'm superexited I get supersuperdupercray-cray(crazy), and ya know.

Appearance: light tanned skin, shoulder-length dark blond slightly curly hair, blue-gray-green eyes, about 5'5" tall, I like jean shorts and short-sleeved shirts that are very loose.

Are you a part of Black Cat Establishments, associated with Black Cat Establishments, or are in any way connected to Black Cat Establishments *On this section, there are the words "Say No or Die!" in messy handwriting: Um.......... no? Why do we die if we are?

Favorite Food: kombucha/coca-cola

Favorite Superstition: Friday the thirteenth/full moon, especially since last night was a FULL HARVEST MOON on FRIDAY the THIRTEENTH WHATHEHECK

How you would like to die: I would like to be burned to death. I would be cool if I flailed around trying to wreak vengance while wreathed in flames, right?

Y0ur s3nse 0f hum0r 1s d1sturb1ng.

Whatevs, buddy. 


 Name: Apollo (AE)

Gender: male

Personality: relatively shy, but shyness extends to having trouble starting conversations and not much farther, and once you get him talking, he can hardly stop.

Appearance: very tall, has short spiky platinum blond hair, stormy gray eyes, a light complexion, a lithe, slim build. He likes wearing black jeans, a black shortsleeved shirt and black leather jacket, and black leather boots.

Are you a part of Black Cat Establishments, associated with Black Cat Establishments, or are in any way connected to Black Cat Establishments *On this section, there are the words "Say No or Die!" in messy handwriting: n0, do0fus

Favorite Food: iceberg lettuce

Favorite Superstition: 0oh, o0h! Th3 bl4ck cats 0n3! Als0 th3 0ne 4bout th3 l4dders.

How you would like to die: um, 1’d rath3r n0t…… but 1f I h4d t0 ch0os3, 1’d b3……….

Get it together.

St4bb3d 1n th3 b4ck!

Hmm. okay, I suppose.

Rhaksha, go away, you’re not coming on this ski lodge.

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(September 14, 2019 - 2:58 pm)

Oh, cool! Reserving for three (me, WILDCARD, and Kanib, since I don't think I've brought Kanib to a ski lodge yet)

submitted by Fleet, Fields of Glass
(September 14, 2019 - 4:29 pm)

remind me what AE stand for... xd

submitted by HeroesOfOlympus, age 11, California
(May 13, 2020 - 1:59 pm)

duh, me, AE means Alter Ego. LEARN

submitted by HeroesOfOlympus@me, age eternal, somewhere-everywhere
(May 15, 2020 - 1:38 pm)

Name: Maddøx

Gender: Male

Personality: Sarcastic, mysterious, quiet, kind of creepy, and that concludes my personality.

Apperance: Black messy hair, gray eyes, pale white skin, gleaming white teeth with black-colored braces, a black and white striped long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and white converse high tops.

Are you a part of Black Cat Establishments, associated with Black Cat Establishments, or in any way connected to Black Cat Establishments?: No.

Favorite Food: Licorice Sticks

Favorite Superstition: Black Cats bring Bad Luck.

How you would like to die: Bleed To Death 

submitted by Måddøx, age 14, Somewhere
(September 14, 2019 - 4:19 pm)

Reserved for 5!!!

submitted by La’Crosse, age Immortal?, Over the rainbow?
(September 15, 2019 - 10:37 am)

Oh, my associate just reminded me! Apparently it is a cystom on the Chatterbox here to "guess" the secret identities of "Ski Lodge" owners. So, you may guess me! And one additional thing: When you first arrive at our offices, you will each be assigned a "codename" that relates to a certain superstition. I highly recommend you research the meanings behind these codenames, for they could help you in some way. Or will they mislead you? Oh my, I'm rambling again. Just remember: if something strikes you as odd, research it!


submitted by Estella O.
(September 15, 2019 - 11:59 am)

You are Dusk S.!

submitted by Maddøx, age 14, Ehh
(September 15, 2019 - 1:42 pm)

Actually, I am not. Good Guess!

submitted by Estella O.
(September 15, 2019 - 7:43 pm)


Name: Summer

Gender: Female

Personality: Kind, smart, funny, quirky.

Appearance: Shoulder-length, curly brown hair that I'm wearing down, doodle-covered baseball cap, green eyes, tan skin. Wearing a bright blue t-shirt and jeggings.

Are you a part of Black Cat Establishments, associated with Black Cat Establishments, or are in any way connected to Black Cat Establishments *On this section, there are the words "Say No or Die!" in messy handwriting: Um. No?

Favorite food: Pizza, spaghetti, apples, and ice cream are among my favorites.

Favorite superstition: Friday the thirteenth is unlucky (it was two days ago!)

How would you like to die: Poison. Not stabbing. Definitely not stabbing.

Name: Spring (AE)

Gender: Female

Personality: Introverted and can seem a little cold. She has a lot of leadership qualities, but she spends a lot of time in her room reading sci-fi, so she doesn't get to exercise those qualities very often. Sometimes she'll spend days in her room and not talk to anyone. She's good at math, but believes she's bad at it and therefore hates it passionately. She dislikes sports but likes music. 

Appearance: Tall and slim. Pale skin, blue eyes, straight brown hair that goes halfway down her back. Wearing a dark grey Hamilton sweatshirt and black jeans, furry black boots on her feet. Wears a green and blue friendship bracelet.

Are you a part of Black Cat Establishments, associated with Black Cat Establishments, or are in any way connected to Black Cat Establishments *On this section, there are the words "Say No or Die!" in messy handwriting: I'm feeling rebellious. Yes.

Favorite food: Pecan pie

Favorite superstition: None of them. I don't believe in superstitions.

How would you like to die: This is a strange question. I'll leave it up to you. Just make it interesting. 

submitted by Summer, age pi, Nowhere at all
(September 15, 2019 - 5:02 pm)

Estella are you Catsclaw?

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(September 15, 2019 - 8:29 pm)

No, I am afraid not.

submitted by Estella Opafru
(September 16, 2019 - 7:16 am)