Elemental Solo Write

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Elemental Solo Write

Elemental Solo Write

Four islands lie above a sea of nothingness--four kingdoms, four peoples, four elements, all carefully balanced.
Earth, a rich, fertile kingdom, whose people farm and prosper, and whose cities are thick with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares.
Air, a kingdom of tall mountains, whose lofty spires reach till they look like they can touch the sky, and whose people study and grow lerned.
Fire, a desert kingdom of sand, whose rolling dunes conceal secrets, and whose people carve caverns into the sandstone cliffs, delving deep into the rock.
Water, a harsh, cold kingdom, whose people survive and become strong, building cities and castles through labor and determination.

Until now, the kingdoms have been at peace, knowing that war could break the balance, tip the scales, and bring ruin upon all of them. Flying to and fro in huge balloons or airships, wary, but secure, they have traded. 
Until now. Rumor has spread that the people of the fire kingdom have stolen the earth kingdom's Cordis Stone--each kingdom has one, a stone or gem infused with magical power. If the rumers are true, and if the fire people cannot be stopped, they will attack the now weakened earth kingdom, and the destruction could mean the end of all the four kingdoms. Secretly, members of all of the kingdoms have banded together, calling themselves the Elementals. They plan to restore the Earth Cordis stone to the earth kindom. If the tales are true, the stone has been placed in the center of the fire kingdom, deep within an abandoned system of maze-like caves. But what dangers must be faced to recover it? Can all of the Elementals be trusted? 


Character Sheet: (Only one character, please.)


Age: (Not under 10, not over 30)


Nationality: (Earth, air, fire, or water.)

Appearance: (Earth usually cut their hair short, and their skin is tanned from working in the fields. Air are short and slight in build, and the girls have intricately braided hair. Fire are muscualr, and usually wear garments that cover everything except their eyes, so that they can be protected from the desert sun. Water are tall, and always keep a variety of tools and sometimes weapons in their belts.) Other than these specifications, go ahead.





Are they one of the Elementals?:


I will do my best to post at least once a week. If you want to make guesses as to who I am, go ahead.

submitted by The Story Weaver
(April 19, 2020 - 7:17 pm)

Oh, come on. You can't have a good organization needs more than !2 people.

Shut up, Arve. 

submitted by A,T,O
(May 2, 2020 - 8:02 pm)

Probably sometime this week, maybe Wednesday.

submitted by The Story Weaver
(May 3, 2020 - 5:31 pm)

Hey, so if you guys don't know this, The Story Weaver has said they've stopped accepting characters into the story, which means I've decided I'm not going to draw your characters on this thread anymore. HOWEVER, if you do want me to draw your character, you can post a request on the Ultimate Picturings Thread. But if you do that, I request a picturing in return. It can be a written picturing if you can't draw. Here's a link to the Ultimate Picturings Thread, if you'd like me to draw your characters: 


Thank you for your understanding. :) 

submitted by AgentWinter@everyone, age Classified, evading K-Sec
(May 3, 2020 - 11:54 am)

Since I'm not in this, this makes it the second time that I've been too late for something, so I'm not going to read this. It was good, though.

submitted by Em@Story Weaver, age 11, Kitten Kingdom
(May 3, 2020 - 12:01 pm)

This is really cool! I know I can't add a character (sadly), but I'll be reading this as it develops! Story Weaver, I love how you let the characters' personalities develop and how you let interactions sort of resolve themselves naturally. The characters feel like they're really coming to life!

submitted by Summer, age tau, Nowhere at all
(May 3, 2020 - 6:54 pm)

Top!  Looking forward to your next post, Story Weaver.

submitted by Top
(May 7, 2020 - 12:22 pm)

Part three, section one.

The tunnel that the group was walking along led into the cavern of a huge subterrainian lake. The expanse of water reflected the light of their torches onto the bare stone walls of the cave. Jakra led them half way around the lake before she chose a tunnel that branched off to the left. This tunnel, however, was different from the passages that they had been traveling in up to that point. It was wider, taller, and more carefully finished.

Jakra's torch went out, and Darius handed his to her, stopping to light his other one. As they continued down the passage, Atheya noticed shiny black stones in the walls. She stopped by a chunk as large as her fist.

"This is obsidian." She said. "

How did it get here?" Galadriel asked, running her finger over a small stone.

"I think it must have been here when the tunnel was dug." Atheya replied. "My question is why they didn't dig it out."

As they kept walking, Galadriel noticed other rocks or gems in the walls, besides the obsidian. Red ones, blue ones, and some green that she was sure were emeralds. She wanted to tell the rest of the group, but with the tention still in the air from their recent argument, she refrained.

The further they walked, the more numerous the gems became. Although mostly quartz and obsidian, there were flecks of gems that were yellow, orange, white, and even clear ones that looked like diamonds. She was about to stop and say something, when they suddenly emerged into an enourmous cavern, so tall that the light of the two torches couldn't reach even half of its hight.

Huge pillars of quartz, as thick as Galadri's waist and hundreds of feet long were piled up haphazerdly, partially supported by stalagmtes. They looked like a child's building game. The walls were veined with dark obsidian and brighter streaks of gold and silver. Scattered randomly thoroughout the cavern were blocks of sandstone studded with rubies, saphires, emeralds, aquamarines, lapis, and diamonds. The sound of their gasps of astonishment echoed back to the group several times.


"This," said Jakra, "Is the central cavern. If the Fire--" She hesitated. "If the fire stole the Cordis, this is where it would be.

After a moment of hesitation, the party seperated into two groups, one for each torch, and set out into the cave to search for the Cordis. Looking under crystals of quartz, around the bases of stalagmites, and into shadowy crevices. After half an hour, Cyraeus leaned his back against one of the quartz pillars, resting.

"I don't think that the Cordis is here. Wouldn't the fire have posted guards?"

"Maybe it's further in." Atheya suggested.

"No." Jakra said. she looked taught and nervous. The tention in her voice made the others pay attention. "If the Fire hid it here, they wouldn't go any further into the cave than they had to."

"Why not?" Darius asked.

"Because of a legend. Haven't you wondered why no one has claimed all of this wealth? The story is that when the first miners came here, they sat down to take a rest, and a solid block of quatz above them cracked and fell, crushing them all. They say," She hesitated. "They say that the cavern is haunted by their spirits or goasts." Her last words echoed around the cavern.


Cyraeus stepped away from the piller that he had been leaning against. Everyone was suddenly aware of the towering jumble of quartz. Jakra's torch went out, and Cyraeus hastened to light one of his.

Just as it caught, a deep, ringing crack echoed from somewhere further within the cave. Cyraeus dropped the torch. Everything happened very fast. The chunk of quartz above Darius cracked and fell. As he dodged, his torch went out, leaving them in pitch darkness. Someone screamed.

"Run for the tunnel!" Vryn called.

"But the Cordis!" Cyraeus gasped. Another crack sent a chunk of quartz slamming into the ground where Atheya had been a moment before.

"The tunnel!" Jakra screamed. "Forget the Cordis!"

"The Cordis isn't hre!" Darius yelled. "If it was, we'd feel its Charism!"

"We have to get out!" Atheya cried. "It isn't stable!" She ran for the tunnel.

The others followed her. They tripped, stumbled, fell over blocks of sandstone that they couldn't see. Everything was confused, as more cracks echoed around the cave. Over the sounds of destruction, Atheya heard a scream, followed by a sickening crunching sound. She reached the tunnel, followed by the others.

Everyone was panting with fear and fatigue. Atheya lit one of her torches, revealing four pale faces.

"Where's Evryn?" Galadriel asked. Her stomach flipped up into her throat when she realized that Vryn was missing. She ran to the entrance to the cave and called. "Evryn! Vryn!" Her words echoed back at her mockingly. Atheya brought the torch. Half of the quartz had fallen, and there was no sign of Vryn. 

They waited for half an hour, calling every so often, but all that they heard was echoes. They couldn't go back into the cavern, the risk was too great, and Darius was right. The Cordis was not there. With heavy hearts, they set off for the surface.


Hi Everyone!

Thanks for reading so far. I'm going to post the chunk of story that usually comes after the first part later today.

Thanks @Em, so sorry your didn't make it in time!

 @Summer. Thank you! Your kind encouragement is much appreciated! 

submitted by The Story Weaver
(May 7, 2020 - 5:22 pm)

Like I said, this makes it the SECOND TIME that I've been kicked out of something on here, not counting the times that I didn't make it into LEGO Life magazine, so, yeah, I'm a little upset. Like I said, it's going great, but I'm not reading this. 

submitted by Em@Story Weaver, age 11, Kitten Kingdom
(May 9, 2020 - 2:15 pm)

Well, you did post your character sheet a little late, Em. It's not that the Story Weaver doesn't like your character or is kicking you out on a whim, it's just that you were a little too late and they had probably already started writing the first chapter. Some RPs and solo writes have a deadline for submitting your character sheets-- but even if they haven't set a deadline, it's often a good idea to post your sheet pretty soon after the RP or solo write is posted just to be polite. It's generally a good rule of thumb to post your sheet within the first two weeks of the RP or solo write being posted on CB, unless there's a specific deadline. 

submitted by AW@Emekittycon K, age Classified, please read this
(May 9, 2020 - 6:01 pm)

Part three, section two.

In the Earth kingdom.

Jarnel sat at his desk, rummaging through his papers. He absentmindedly scratched his beard, and yawned. I his opinion, eight oclock was much to early to begin his work, especially when he had stayed up late the night before, anxiously awaiting the return of the Elementals, who had not yet come back.

A servant knowcked at his door.

"Come in."

The servant entered. "Sir, there's an Air girl who wishes to see you."

"Is she an Elemental?"

"No, sir."

"Do you have a name?"

"Yes sir. Adomos. Aella Adamos."

"Show her in."

A few minutes later, the servant returned, leading in the Air girl. Jarnel gave her a minute to digest his unusual appearence. Having had grandparents from all four of the kingodoms, he looked unique. He cleared his throat.

"What did you wish to speak to e about?"

She studied his face. "You are Jarnel Sylvano? Leader of the Elementals?"

She looked nervous, he thought, but she covered it well. He nodded. "I am."

"I know something that I think you would be interested in."

"And that is?"

"I know where the Earth Cordis is."

He started. "You know where it it? How?"

She glanced at the ground. "I know because...my brother stole it."

Jarnel stood up and beckoned the servant. "Summon the rest of the Elementals. Now." 

submitted by The Story Weaver.
(May 7, 2020 - 5:29 pm)

I just noticed this, but SO many people's names start with A. That must be very confusing to write.

submitted by PygmyOwl
(May 7, 2020 - 10:44 pm)

Ahh! This is so amazing and well written!

submitted by Gracia
(May 8, 2020 - 9:19 pm)


submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Enceladus
(May 9, 2020 - 12:08 pm)

Amazing, Story Weaver!!  I really love your writing style and how you make the characters seem like real people.  I am so looking forward to the next post!

submitted by Peregrine, age Many moons, The Aerie
(May 9, 2020 - 2:13 pm)

Part four.

Jarnel surveyed the five faces before him.

"So few of you could come? Where are the other three? Arwin, where is Aranya?"

Arwin smiled wryly. "My wife? She has a bad cough, and insisted that I leave her to her handkerchiefs and herbal remedies and join you. Says that the mission is important."

"What are we here for anyway?" Aura asked. "Isn't another group retrieving the Cordis?" It was a bit of a sore spot for her that she hadn't arrived soon enough to join the group going to the Fire kingdom.

"We thought so," Jarnel answered. "But an Air girl claims to know its real location, and I want to find it." The Elementals, who were not expecting this, sat in shocked silence. Char figited. Venna stared intently at Jarnel. 

"You...want us to go find the Cordis?" Demi asked.

"That's right. Will you do it?"


It had been diffucult to find a place to land the airship in the steep, rugged Air country. Although Aella knew the terrain intimately, she usually traveled in a much smaller skiff, and her regular landing spot at the base of the tower where she lived was much too small for their ship. The only place that could be found was a ledge near the botton of the cliff, from which a thin, steep trail climbed up to the tower. No one had spoken much during the voyage--the enourmity of the task at hand was a lot to take in. When they disembarked, however, the questions that they had been holding back came pouring out to bombard Aella.

"Jarnel said that your brother stole the Cordis. Why?" Venna said.

"Where are we?" Aura asked.

"Have you seen the Cordis? What does it look like?" Inquired Demi.

"Do we actually have to climb that cliff? Please say no." Arwin said. Aella took a step back.

"I can't answer all our questions at once! Give me a moment." She paused, composing herself. "Yes, my brother did steal the Cordis. We are on the very Northern edge of the Air island. I have seen the Cordis, and you will as well, and yes, we must climb that cliff, so let's start and I'll explain on the way."

"I'll stay here and watch the boat." Arwin offered.

"I don't think so." Venna said. "You're climbing that cliff with the rest of us."

"I won't be any good to you if I perish from exhustion on the way up!" Arwin argued.

"Well," Charity said. "If I can make it up, and I'm sure I can, than you can as well." Arwin grimaced, but made no more efforts to be left behind.

They set off, with Aella leading the way, followed by Aura, Venna, Arwin, Char, and finally Demi. Aella explained as they walked.

"My teacher, Muthu Zelan, has a passion for studying artifacts and history, and he was intruiged by the fabled magical powers of the Earth Cordis. My brother, Adonis, offered to steal it for him, and Methu didn't realize that Adonis was joking and took him up on the offer. Methu wanted to study the Cordis. Adonis showed up a few months ago with the Cordis in his bag, absolutely thrilling Methu. It's been here ever since."

"How did he steal it?" Venna asked.

"I honestly don't know. Anything is possible with Adonis." Aella said. Demi frowned.

"If your teacher had been studying the Cordis, how did he not know that removing it would harm Earth?"

"I think that he did know, but he ignored it. I've been trying to convince him to give it back, because of the possible war and Earth's drought, but he just...laughs me off. I hoped that if all of you came up we could convince him that the situation is serious. That's why I went to Jarnel."

The rugged trail, which had been fairly flat up to that point, tilted steeply upwards, ribboning up the side of the cliff in switchbacks. Arwin sighed just loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Is the path safe?" Aura asked.

"As long as you're carefull." Aella replied. After that, no one had breath for talking.

Charity was the only one who had any real trouble on the path. She kept tripping over her long skirt, and she almost fell a few times. After a particularly diffucult section of trail, Demi stepped in, assisting her up the path. It took them an hour of tiring climbing to reach the top of the cliff.

They collapsed onto the thick grass at the top, paniting. The view from the cliff was exquisite. Beyond the few foothills was the edge of the island. Beyond that, dark nothingness stretched on for miles, and in the distance they could just barely make out the rolling hills and fields of the Earth kingdom. Relluctantly, Aella stood up.

"We should go see Methu. The sooner the Cordis is returned, the better." The others rose and followed her. A few hundred feet from the edge of the cliff, a square tower rose up, large blocks of stone with windows of paned glass peeking out, and dark double doors in the front.

Aella didn't knock, she simply puled a small silver key from her pocket and unlocked the door. They found themselves in a bright, cheerful room. A carped covered the stone floor, and red curtains were pulled back from the windows to let rays of sunlight enter the tower. A couple of comfy armchairs were set up in the corner, while a staircase ran up the wall to the next level. The remainder of the walls was covered in overflowing bookshelves. A small, gray haired man looked up from a large tome. He smiled.

"Ah, Aella. You've brought guests too!" He stood up. "Now how many of you are there? Five? I'm sure we can find accomidations. Goodnesss! It's been twenty years since I've had visitors!"

"Methu," Aella interrupted.


"These people are not guests, I'm afraid. They've come to take the Cordis and return it to Earth." Methu's smile faded.


"Your magesty?"
"Yes, leutenant?"
"Darius has returned."
"Good! What news does he bring?"
"The Cordis has been found."
The king swore under his breath. "In the cave?"
"No, sir. He said that Jarnel told them that the Cordis is in the tower of Methu Zelan, on the north side of the island. He sent five Elementals after it."
"Than we still have a chance. We cannot let the Cordis be returned to Earth. Do you have any armed ships ready?"
"One, sir."
"Send it with all haste to capture the Elementals, and, if possible, the Cordis."
"With all speed, sir."
"Oh, and one more thing. Reward Darius. He really has been a very usefull spy."
"Yes, your majesty."

submitted by The Story Weaver, Part 4!
(May 9, 2020 - 7:28 pm)