Chatterbox: Inkwell



The world was chaotic. Everyone screamed and ran around, hands waving… the King laughed. Typical, silly humans. He turned away from the mirror and placed his hands on the crystal diamond on his desk. The clear surface swirled with dark power, purple energy snapping and crackling, and the mirror behind him showed a giant purple vortex opening in the middle of the city… the King laughed, clear and cold, channeling more energy into the diamond. The vortex grew, swallowing buildings, people… The King had achieved his goal.

Hazel screamed, clutching to a section of a broken building, her lower body flailing from the pull of the vortex behind her. She had to get away, but she was stuck, if she let go of the building, she would get pulled into the vortex… but if she didn't move, the vortex would swallow her anyway. She tried to adjust her grip… and that's where she made her fatal mistake. Hazel flew backward into the vortex.

Ray hustled the citizens into an abandoned military bunker. She knew they would have a chance of surviving here… unlike the millions of others already consumed by the vortex. Ray made sure the people stopped crying and raced back out into the storm… only to get sucked into the vortex. 

The Watcher stared into his pool of dirty water. Images rippled across the surface; a brown-haired girl getting yanked into the King’s vortex, a girl with black hair with sunset-colored tips somersaulting through the vortex… buildings getting enveloped by purple energy… people screaming as their cars were pulled off the road into the vortex… the vortex. The Watcher hated it, despised it. It was the worst of the King’s creations that The Watcher had ever seen… and he had seen them all. The Watcher had been trapped in the King’s tower prison for 100 years… and he wasn't getting out anytime soon. 


How d’ya like it? It's an RP, and WE’RE OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Your charrie can be A) a citizen of the city being wrecked by the vortex; that gets pulled into the vortex, B) a servant of the king, or C) a wander/runaway in the king’s world. All charries will meet sooner or later. No powers. No AEs. Enjoy! NOTE: This RP is run by NoOneKnows AND HeroesOfOlympus. Heroes will be posting as Hazel and sometimes as The King, NoOneKnows will be posting as Ray and The Watcher. So what did we forget? Oh yeah! CHARRIE SHEET:




Position (Citizen, Servant, or Traveler): 



Alliance (To The King Or Against Him): 


Enjoy! We really hope this doesn't die… 


submitted by NoOneKnows, and HeroesOfOlympus
(May 19, 2020 - 2:56 pm)

idk. me. no-one was posting at all. but, never mind!!!!!!

submitted by NoOneKnows, Everywhere
(May 23, 2020 - 3:59 pm)

Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why did this have to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????

submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 22, 2020 - 3:19 pm)

Yeah, everyone's just waiting. 

Not that I care.... 

axdrg. I think Tanyo is an axe murderer. 

submitted by who knows but us
(May 23, 2020 - 11:41 am)

Is this dead? If not, woohoo! And if not, My charrie Vortex wants to join. Yeah, sorry, that's just his name. We can make that ironic.

Name: Vortex

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Position: Servant

Appearance: he looks like Gladion from Pokemon (cuz he is), but he's corrupted. His eyes are black, the left one has a yellow X pupil and the right one is a green X pupil. The left one shows through his hair. He has a Bendy-like smile and his hair is slightly different, it's more... fluffy, less rectangular at the edges. He also has large yellow cat ears with his earrings and scars on them. He has large white bat wings with a red membrane and a red spade tail that winds around his legs. His slash-shaped pocket is doubled into an X shape. His left pant leg is dark red instead of black. He doesn't have feet but levitates with a strange purple glow (Please let this slide! He doesn't have feet!). He can manipulate objects with his hand and control the elements, but since there are no powers he can go without this. Oh yeah, and one hand is clawed and the other is a brown paw.

Personality: Kinda manipulative, also kinda like Bill Cypher. One minute he's talking to you about ice cream, the next he's raving mad with red eyes. Somtimes he feels like he doesn't know who he is and cries.

Alliance: Against the king. He has a secret band within the other servants that plan to rise up and take the King's spot. Of course, Vortex is the one who would do that, and he would betray every single one of his comerades once he gets there.

Other: He's complaining loudly about not getting to use his powers. Deal with it, Vortex! That's the rules!


I can post a picture of him if you need me to. 

submitted by SeaWolfWhite, age 11, Underwater
(May 23, 2020 - 2:25 pm)

I do believe it's May 25... 

Happy Memorial Day!

Also. Someone (ahem, @NoOneKnows/@HeroesOfOympus) start the RP please... 

PS. Maybe you should post a link on the advertisement thread. More people might join? I don't know... 

submitted by Luminescence, age XI, California
(May 25, 2020 - 9:42 am)

ALRIGHTY!!! this RP is now started, so feel free to post anytime!!!!! sorry we weren't on! 

submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 26, 2020 - 9:56 am)

Is it to late for me to join???

submitted by Mahriel, Graza
(May 26, 2020 - 4:24 pm)


submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 26, 2020 - 4:58 pm)

Name: Wren

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Position (Citizen, Servant, or Traveler): Servant

Appearance: Tan, dirty blonde hair, average height, gray eyes, wears red robes which signify her as a message carrier (is that ok?) slim and fast.

Personality: Funny, easy to get along with, a good friend, can be serious but is normally not.

Alliance (To The King Or Against Him): To the king, but is having doubts.

Other: Is up for shipping.


submitted by Mahriel, age 26, Graza
(May 26, 2020 - 5:36 pm)

allright. this isthe first post of RP! now, feel free to post whenever, but try tto make the theme close to ours. (me and Heroes.)


I'm going to throw up...”, I thought. Spinning through the vortex, wasn’t doing me any good.  “Ugh! Why didn’t I stay in the Military base? I thought I would have a chance, out in the storm. Why? Why, why, why?” Suddenly, I heard the faint whisper of a scream, echoing through the vortex. It sounded close, then far away. Then, it all stopped. The ringing in my ears. The pain coursing through my body. The echoing scream, of some person. She shut her eyes, trying to regain the feeling of her body. It felt like everything had gone numb. When she opened her eyes, she saw purple. Purple… fog. She waved her hand around, barely making the fog move. Then, the purple fog inclosed her, and she asked “where…” and then the pain struck, worse than anything she had ever felt. Like a thousand daggers in every inch on her body. Then it stopped. And she fell. Just fell, falling, and falling, until the vortex seemed to disappear, and she was falling through a blue sky. “The sky” she thought. “I must be out of the vortex…” things were taking a little long to process after that horrible vortex fall. Then she landed on a grassy hill, on top of… something. No, some… one!

hope you like it! please start posting soon! 

submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 27, 2020 - 11:10 am)


Wren watched as the vortex swallowed up everything she  had ever known and loved, chunks of buildings were gone in a  flash. Her family had served the king for many generations,  through good times and bad. She had heard stories of corrupt  kings and evil deeds, but nothing like this.

She heard the king laughing in the other room, and it  sent chills down her spine, her job as a message carrier took  her all over the city, but now what city would there be? She  was afraid that she would lose her job. She shook her head,  wondering what the point of all this madness was, did the k ing just want to show his power?

She turned at the sound of someone coming up behind  her. It was Vortex.

"Hi Vortex, heh, vortex, seems kind of ironic."

She laughed, but it was a humorless laugh.

"Hey Wren, pretty terrible huh?"

She eyes him skeptically, she never trusted Vortex, he  always seemed to be up to something, sneaking around on  those silent... well, umm, levitators? She didn't know what to  call them.

"Yeah, it is. But I doubt that is why your here, what do  you want?"

"I need to give you a message."

"To deliver? I'm not going out in that."

"No, not to deliver, this one is for your eyes only."

He handed her an envelope, than glided away.

She glanced down at the letter, She had to admit, she  was curious, she started to open it, but just then another  servant called her over to help him lift something, She tucked  the letter away in her pocket and went to help him.

She completely forgot about the letter until about an  hour later, when she went to her quarters to take a nap.

She lay down, but couldn't get comfortable, there was  something poking her side. She reached down and pulled out  the envelope, which was pretty wrinkled.

She tore it open with shaky hands, afraid of what she  would find. 

She pulled out the letter and smoothed it against her leg  then started to read.

"Dear Wren...

 I hope everyone likes it, if I took to much liberty with your  

 character SeaWolfWhite, I can change it.

submitted by Mahriel, Graza
(May 27, 2020 - 1:20 pm)

 EEK!!!! Mahriel, I love it!!!!! it looks great!

submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(May 27, 2020 - 2:10 pm)


submitted by Mahriel, Graza
(May 27, 2020 - 2:30 pm)



Vortex floated away from Wren, the purple glow from his levitation softly illuminating the cold stone floor. He stretched his wings in the space that he could and glanced behind him; Wren was looking at his letter nervously. He let himself smile a little bit as he thought of what he wrote. I hope she agrees.

Vortex then glanced out of the glass, looking at the vortex. My name is kinda ironic, I guess. He gave a small laugh, but his humor quickly faded as he continued to look at the huge purple mass. As he watched, some kind of car flew into the vortex, doing crazy summersaults. After a moment, it disappeared entirely.

He lashed his tail. He hated the vortex-- because the King created it. If he'd made the vortex, he would have made it much cooler. What if it had lightning, or dragons? What if the sky turned dark when it appeared?

Don't worry. I'l fix all those things... eventually.

Vortex looked back towards where Wren had been standing, to see if she was reading the letter he'd given her. She was gone. He'd just have to trust her to read it later.

But then he leaned left to look at the staircase beyond.

Vortex's catlike ears twitched curiously. That's the staircase to the King's room, he thought. But usually there's two guards there. Are they at lunch?

Vortex found himself slowly floating forward, towards the staircase. He knew that at this point, the King would be visiting his advisors in the farther parts of the castle. He wanted, so badly, to go up that staircase and look at the diamond that had created the vortex. Was he willing to risk his place in the castle to see it?

Vortex was already flying forward. Of course I am.


@Mahriel No way! I loved what you wrote about Vortex. You totally captured his personality.

submitted by SeaWolfWhite, age 11, Minecraft
(May 27, 2020 - 2:45 pm)

yeet sorry i was late!


My insides are getting ripped out. That's how it feels, getting thrown around inside the vortex. Hazel, what were you thinking, going outside when the people started to scream!?!? I thought furiously. Who knew where I would end up? Maybe it would be an orange planet with purple skies and creatures from my dream the other night… or a rainbow that stretched across the galaxy, and you can walk on it like a bridge. That would actually be pretty cool, except something like this vortex can’t lead to good places. I bet I'm gonna end up in empty nothingness, just a couple of particles drifting around… the other people probably thought it was the end of the world. Not me, though, I believed the end of the world would be when aliens landed on Earth and started eating everyone, not when the city of Praker was enveloped by a giant purple vortex. Ok, back to screaming. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I yelled, but I could barely even hear my own voice. And then I passed through a veil of purple smog and it felt like I was getting ripped in half, my head throbbing with the worst headache I've ever had. And then it was over, and I fell. Just fell, plummeting down through layers of swirling purple energy. And when I screamed, I could hear myself. It’s like I had jumped off a plane, and the wind was whistling, and I kept falling, falling, falling- “OOF” I hit the ground with a thump. Too-bright green grass poked my face, and I felt a pain in my ankle. I sat up, dizzy, and looked around. A grassy meadow stretching far, far, far in every direction. Above me, purple energy swirled. I saw a VW Bug get tossed onto a nearby tree, than disenigrate. I looked around again and spotted a castle-like shape in the distance... there were no castles in Praker! “Where am I?”

i wrote it in first person just for fun. i dont have that much experience in first person so i thought it would be cool. so happy @mahriel and @seawolfwhite posted! Thank you guys! that was perfect! 

submitted by HeroesOfOlympus, age eternal, somewhere-everywhere
(May 27, 2020 - 3:11 pm)