Forest Role Play

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Forest Role Play

Forest Role Play

In the middle of a huge sea of trees lies a tiny town.  

The forest used to be called Silva Vivus Umbrare, which, when translated from the old language, means the Forest of Living Shadows, but the people just called it the Woods. Still, the forest lived up to its old name.

The trees moved during the night, uprooting themselves and gliding across the earth to a new spot. Sometimes the guards on duty at night would catch a glimps of an elk or deer gliding through the trees with a tall, graceful figure on its back. Occasionally, a larger creature slipped past the guards and stole away a cow or pig or goat.

But even with all of the dangers which surrounded them, the people of the town were proud to say that through the half-decade of the existance of the town, they have never lost a person to the woods or to any creature living in the woods.

Until now.

This year, during the Cilana festival, a time in the spring when the people cut down all the trees which have grown at or moved to the edge of the town, three young children disappeared.

Alana, an eight-year-old girl with frizzy red hair and a quick smile, Jakob, a serious five-year-old boy with sunburned skin from too many naps in the open, and Zena, a talkative seven-year-old girl with intense blue eyes. Their disappearence stopped the Cilana festival and threw the town into chaos.

The townspeaple knew that the three would never have gone off into the Woods by themselves, for the fear of the forest was too deep set in everyone, so the townspeople could only think that they had been kindnapped or stolen. Although the townspeaple were frightened and scared and the parents of the children were frantic, only a few people dared to go out into the woods.

You, along with a small group, have decided to venture into the forest to see if the children can still be found. Your bravery has given the town new hope, and the townspeaple have provided you with weapons, tools, and horses. You will leave on the new moon.


Hi everyone! 

Here's the character sheet. (One character per person, please.)

Age: (Around 12-20 years old.)
Gender: (Can we try for an even boy/girl mix?)

I'll post my character once this thread shows up, and I'll start the roleplay on Saturday, July 25.

Other notes: Don't be afraid to move the story forward! Feel free to introduce your favorite kinds of magical creatures, write memorable settings in the forest, and put the charries in danger!
If anyone decides to drop out, which I hope will not happen, consider putting up one last post to take care of your character, whether to have them return to the village or be trapped somewhere or die. (Wow, that was slightly depressing!)

Write you soon!


submitted by Hummingbird, Silva Vivus Umbrare
(July 16, 2020 - 1:28 pm)

I've adopted Macy, so until the charries get Bradley back to normal, I'm gonna do her POV, if that's ok, I've never actually adopted anyone's charrie before. *Makes VERY pained face*


"What. On. Earth. Was. That. Noise?" I said, as we heard a roar in the distance.

"I think it was--" Demi said, as a monster jumped in front of us.

"BRADLEY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Zander screamed.

He didn't reply, only growled. He was covered in fur, and his clothes were ripped. He still had his ice blue eyes, the eyes that he had once looked at us with compassion on, not anger. In fact, I don't think he even FELT anger with us. At least not Demi.


"Of course you don't." A mysterious voice said, walkin' behind us.

"Shadow. What do you want with 'em?" I asked him.

"Well, I just want him to destroy you. You see, when he ran away from home, I took him in, for a price. If I took him in, fed him, etc., he would let me experiment on him. I've been meaning to make super humans, so I can take over Silvia Vivus Umbrare! But, this was the closest I could get to. Now, NO ONE WILL STOP ME!" Shadoa said, as Monster-Bradley licked his lips, and growled.

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 12, Kitten Kingdom
(March 28, 2021 - 2:53 pm)
Hi Hummingbird! Thank you for creating this thread! I've immensly enjoyed RPing with other wonderful CBers!
Also, arrrgh, I just wrote out a whole post, then due to internet issues I had to reload the page and now it's all gone! 
Oh well. I'm working on another now. 
submitted by Cynthia Maple, age 12, USofA
(March 29, 2021 - 12:23 pm)


If I could describe how I felt in that moment in one word, it would be terrified. If we attacked him, it would most likely injure the real Bradley, and we couldn't just let Shadow instruct him to kill us all.

"The children," Jeannie shouted, "we need to get them to safety!" 

"I need to stay here and help. Iyara, is there enough room on your horse to take Zena?" Sebastian asked, already lifting Zena off his horse and onto Iyara's before she could answer. "Good, now you and Jeannie need to keep riding in the direction we were orginally planning on going, and don't stop until you are a good distance away. Can someone else go with them just to be safe?"

"I can," Ash volunteered. Jeannie, Iyara, and Ash rode off, while the rest of us returned to the problem at hand. 

Bradley was slowly advancing toward us, and in doing so forced us to back away.

"What can we do?" I asked, on the verge of tears. All I wanted was to change him back, for his sake and everyone else's. 

"Nothing," Shadow chuckled. "Any last words?"

Sebastian whispered to Macy, who whispered to Zander, until everyone got the message. "

"Sebastian says that the best thing to do is follow the others as fast as we can, weaving around the trees and try to lose them," Caston whispered to me. I nodded back.

"3...2....1....NOW!" Sebastian shouted. We all turned our horses around and took off, following the direction Jeannie, Iyara, and Ash had taken. 

"CURSE YOU!" Shadow shrieked. He hopped on top of Bradley and screamed, "FOLLOW THEM!" 

We soon caught up with the others and kept riding. A few minutes into the pursuit, I hear a yelp. Someone had fallen off their horse! 

submitted by Cynthia Maple, age 12, USofA
(March 30, 2021 - 2:25 pm)

I just started reading this RP and daaaaang is it cool. I'm really impressed that y'all have been able to keep this RP alive for so long! Please keep it around, I'm too invested in the storyline!

submitted by Lazerbat
(March 30, 2021 - 3:07 pm)
submitted by NEW POST!!!!!!!!!!!!, age TOPNEWPOST, DONTLETTHISDIE
(March 31, 2021 - 11:01 am)

Hoppity Boppity BOO! You’ve found the RED EGG! As you would expect, this egg is colored green. I’m not insane, promise. To collect your point, post”It’s not easy being green” plus more lyrics if you’re a super-fan ;) 

- EasterSkiies 

submitted by NiteSkiies, age Red, Floating with the Eggs
(April 1, 2021 - 7:32 am)


(April 7, 2021 - 5:57 pm)

POST PLZ PEOPLE, THIS IS DYIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by SOMEONE POST PLZ!!!!, age IT'SEMPOST, PLZ POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(April 13, 2021 - 11:25 am)

oh gosh, i'm so sorry lizards, i've been neglecting this so badly

april's been a little hectic for me but that's not really an excuse

i'll try to get something out this weekend. 

submitted by Luminescence, age 12, Atlantis
(April 13, 2021 - 2:44 pm)



(April 20, 2021 - 10:42 am)
submitted by TOP!PLEASEPOST!, age TOP, TOP
(April 21, 2021 - 3:49 pm)


Someone screamed her name. She wanted to tell them to shut up, she was fine. There was too much going on and she couldn't breath. "Just keep going!" she yelled into the wind, finally, not knowing which direction everyone was. She squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. 

She stood up. She was fine. No broken bones, no sprains, just a few bruises. She hadn't hit her head. She wasn't bleeding. "Jeannie!" Alana's voice finally made it through to her. Jeannie rubbed her eyes, painfully aware that they were losing time by the second. Shadow or whatever the thing that had cursed Bradley was called was screeching loudly. She shoved the panic down, far, far, away from her heart and her brain.

"Alana, keep going. I'll follow you, we do not have time for this," Jeannie yelled back. "But-" "Just do it, Alana!"

She started running. The panic was rising again. She didn't bother pushing it away this time, just ran. 

She ran as fast as she could, not pacing herself. She didn't stop when the screeching started to get louder- she ran faster. She did not stop when she couldn't hear the beating of hooves on the packed earth of the trail. She kept running and tried not to slow down. Knives whistled past her ears, narrowly missing her. She zig-zagged across the path. Back and forth, back and forth. Don't die. Don't die. The knives stopped coming. She guessed they had run out. She kept running.

"Jeannie!" someone was screaming her name hysterically. Her legs were burning, she wanted to stop. "Jeannie, stop!" It took everything in her not to obey.

"Jeannie, stop and get on, you crazy-" Apparently the person couldn't think of a word strong enough to describe what they thought Jeannie was.

Jeannie wanted to yell at them to keep going.

"Jeannie, stop running for one second please."

But if she stopped, she didn't think she would be able to start again.

"Get on," the person insisted.

Jeannie thought it was a young girl.


Jeannie stopped.

"Alana-" she gasped. "I- I-" gasp "told-" gasp "you to- to-" gasp "keep-" gasp "keep going."  

"Just get on," Alana screamed at her, clearly on the verge of tears. Seafoam snorted anxiously.

Jeannie got on.

The screeching got louder. Both of them screamed.

Seafoam didn't need any urging as she broke into a canter.

"I got her," Alana shouted over the noise of hooves beating the ground and Shadow screeching and the not-Bradley growling.

Everyone else, who had apparently stopped to wait for her (that's embarrassing, Jeannie thought vaguely), thundered up the trail towards the village in response.


By the time Jeannie had gotten her breath back, the village was in sight.

"It's different," she said out loud, by accident. Alana, behind her, said nothing.

Something was different about it. 

It seemed stiller, emptier from here.

It was probably just the distance, she thought dubiously.

They grew closer. 

The screeches grew fainter. Maybe she was right about the nursery rhyme. She hoped she was. What if she wasn't, though? What if they were leading the monsters directly to the village? What if everyone died? It'd be their fault. No, her fault. Just her fault.

Jeannie shoved the panic away. She was right. She had to be right.

The horses slowed to a trot. One-two-one-two-one-two. It was hard to post with no stirrups and hard to post with two people trying to fit in a saddle built for one. 

Alana and Jeannie sat the trot, trying not to bounce too hard. Seafoam slowed. They were almost there, the screeching and growling was almost inaudible. Knives were no longer flying.

"Is everyone here?" When Sebastian spoke, his words seem to hover in the air. "I'm here," Jeannie said. "Here," Alana said. "Here," Demi calls. "Me too," Iyara says. "Jakob and Zena are here." 

"I'm here," Ash announces. Azi, Caston, Zander, Macy. All here. Leilani, here. (anyone else I accidentally forgot except Bradley of course pretend I put their name here.) 

"Good. We're almost back. We should probably dismount."

Everyone agrees. Jeannie slides off Seafoam's back and attempts to give Alana help even though her cousin knows how to ride and really doesn't need it.

They walked for a while. Jeannie's legs felt like jelly.


When they finally reach the village, Jeannie is ready to collapse.

Unfortunately, she does not have that luxury.

The village is empty. Completely, absolutely empty.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." Those three words are the only ones Jeannie seems capable of saying, even though there is so much more that she needs to say, wants to say.

"Silva Vivus Umbare," someone says. "Silva Vivus Umbrare."

Jeannie starts to laugh hysterically.

"Of course. Of course. Oh my gosh. Oh, my gosh." 

Great, she's added two words to her vocabulary.

Sebastian seems to be the only one with any sense left in him.

"Everyone please take a deep breath and calm down. You are not getting anywhere repeating words over and over again, or laughing- or crying- hysterically," he orders.

Jeannie tries, she really does.

It's hard. She takes a deep breath and manages to stop the next "oh-my-gosh" about to spill from her mouth.

"Now what?" Demi asks quietly.

The silence is suffocating.

"We search for survivors and figure out what happened."

The hysteria leaves Jeannie almost immediately. She's left feeling too empty.


Well, what do y'all think about ending it there? And if people could contribute to what happened, that'd be great. I'll volunteer to make/help make the pt II intro post!

submitted by Luminescence, age 12, Atlantis
(April 23, 2021 - 4:46 pm)

I think that that's a brilliant way to end part one! 

I could make a thread with all of part one for anyone to read, and it'd be an easy way for new CBers (as in they haven't been in part one) to go there and read all the previous events!  

submitted by @Lumi, It's Cynthia, age 12, USofA
(April 24, 2021 - 11:04 am)

I think this is a perfect place to end part one! Sorry, I meant to post something this week but never got around to it. I can't wait for the second part!

submitted by Quill
(April 25, 2021 - 5:50 pm)
submitted by TOP NEW POSTSSSSS
(April 23, 2021 - 7:35 pm)