the Baudalair's go

Chatterbox: Inkwell

the Baudalair's go

the Baudalair's go to Hgoworts; a fanficiton by Lola X

Chaptr 1 

My name si Sunny baudalair and i am 3 years OLd. I have a odler bruther adn sistrr, thier names are Violet adn claus. Claus is really cute (AN: OMG have yall sene the moive! he's so cute!!1!) and he lieks to read Books. Violet is 16 adn builds thngs like umbre;as and cars.

Oen day we weer in the car with oru MEAN Old bayker namd Mr Po. An owl flew up to teh wyndow!! Voilett grabed it with her hands and rede teh letrr. 'ther's a scool in London that will take uz in, she sed. WHAT'S iT called"? Claus asked. "Hogwurts. said violet.

(REAL AN: this is a parody. it is meant to poke fun at bad fanfiction. if you laugh at it, don't feel guilty, you are NOT ridiculing the work of a real person. Lola X is not real, though she will continue to post chapters of "The Baudelaires Go To Hogwarts" here on CB.

oh, and guess me if you can.) 

submitted by Lola X, age 15, Idaho
(November 10, 2020 - 1:03 pm)

Hm, this sounds;; fascinating! But; I think it;; needs more ;s.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

submitted by ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(November 10, 2020 - 6:25 pm)

That made me laugh so hard! And yet, if I didn't know better, I would think that it was nothing more than a (really bad) fanfiction posted by someone new to the CB (because I think everyone here does know how to spell the word "is".) This was such a creative idea, Lola! (And I have no earthly idea what your true identity is. Or CB identity. Or whatever.)

submitted by Morning, yonder
(November 10, 2020 - 6:51 pm)
submitted by top
(November 11, 2020 - 4:46 pm)

Capetr 2

"Badgh I said witch ment "What is Hgowuarts?"  'I dont now,' Clause sed cleverly. "Shed we tel mestr Po??" Voilet asked cunfuzed.


i sed............... 'he mite try to stay us herer." OKAY, SED VIOLETT. soon we gott to a gas atation, mrs Po tryed to fill da car wif gass, but Voilett gave him a caratte kik!1111!!1 "Tak that!11" Claus said (AN: OMG hez so cut!!!1 way cuter than da guy in da show (he werz glases YUCK)) and we drivdd da kar outt of town and thru a dezert. 'were are we gong?.' voilett aksed. "Ther's a plane leafing da areporrt in 2 minute, we gtg!,1!,"' claus sed. So we hopd on da plane adn we flwe accros the Pacific Oshun to Angland. bcuz the latter sed "Anland" on it. We all fell aslerp, but we didnot see da guy beehint us.......................

Mestr Po!!!11111111!11!!!1 

submitted by Lola X, age 15, Idaho
(November 12, 2020 - 3:41 pm)

Ha! I've written many bad fan fics, but this tops 'em all. (No offense, Lola X., or whoever you actually are.)  speaking of which, are you Luminescent?

submitted by Darkling, The Upside-Down
(November 12, 2020 - 5:05 pm)

XD this is hilarious. Keep up with these!

submitted by Papillon, age a million, Somewhere
(November 13, 2020 - 9:41 am)

Haha I was so confused at first and was like, I'll just . . . not comment but now I understand, and these are super funny.

submitted by Feline Fantasy
(November 15, 2020 - 8:05 am)

CHAPtr 3e

Mer. Po waz rihgt beehint us, ad we dud nut even konw it!!!1!!!!!!111 We wer al slepng. Nesr po snack upp on us, adn waz abut to git uz wen..................................... Unckl Munte sjowed up!1!!1 He had brot the Dedly viper, witch atacked Mrss PU.

:"UNKLE MAUNTY UR ALIV!11!!!11 CLAUS SED. (AN: da akter in da movi is SOOOOOOO cyut!!!1!11111!!111) 'YEAH, I NOW', SED MONTE.

"we ned to git of dis plan?" I sed in a baby vois. 

'Ther;s a pairashoot undr da seet Voilet told uz. "Letz jump of da plan.'''

U sop dat kidz!!11!1!1"" Po sed but we stuk ur tongs ut at him. Ten da snack ete him.

We opnd da door and pet on hour pirashot thins. Hen............ we jempd oot da plan!!!! Close lokd SO CUT WIF HIZ PARSHUT.

(REAL AN: Thank you all for the praise! I wasn't sure when I first posted this if the Admins would even allow it to be posted, so to have people get this and enjoy it means a lot to me.

I'm not Luminescence... keep guessing!

submitted by Lola X, age 15, Idaho
(November 22, 2020 - 4:55 pm)
submitted by top!, age toppity, topping
(November 22, 2020 - 4:55 pm)
submitted by TOP
(November 23, 2020 - 8:36 am)

This is hilarious!

submitted by Moondrop
(November 23, 2020 - 11:27 am)

Are you dreamii?

Oh no... Liddy says ik imp. You know an imp? 

submitted by Morning, yonder
(December 10, 2020 - 2:27 pm)
submitted by top
(December 11, 2020 - 11:24 am)