Averno Roleplay

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Averno Roleplay

Averno Roleplay


Averno, VA was founded in 1695. In 1702, it was razed to the ground. In 1703, it was refounded–better. “Purer”. Shadows lurk in the woods, ready and waiting. The eyes are always watching. Children disappear. Storefronts never change. There are always whispers. Welcome to Averno.


Copy and pasted that from the Averno Bible XD. This roleplay is set in the New School–a plot of land bought by a private investor in 1971, and transformed into a 19th century castle recreation. There are seven departments: Cults and mysteries, lost histories, dead languages, hidden sequences, higher powers, creation and destruction, and unconfirmed existence.

If you'd like to join this but you have absolutely no idea what Averno is, I suggest you read the Averno Bible if you want a detailed concept of what it is, or just jump in headfirst and figure it out along the way. XD 










I might join if I have time, but feel free to figure plot out and start w/out me :p

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(November 10, 2020 - 1:28 pm)

Awesome! This is short, but hopefully it'll get us going.


After walking for what seems like forever, we reach the edge of the forest. The moon is high in the sky now, casting eerie pale light onto the school.

Cham flops onto the ground, and I peer into the night. After a moment, I spy flashlight beams coming from a little ways down. I point. "Look! Someone's there!"

Morgan helps Cham to her feet, then the three of us take off at a jog to intercept the other person. As we draw closer, I see that it's Roan, looking disconcerted. His face changes to relief when he sees us. "There you are! I've been wandering around the forest for ages, where did everyone go? Where are the others?" He looks at Cham. "And who's this?"

"This is Cham," I explain. "She's in DCD, and she was in the woods too. I ran into her and Morgan after we all got separated. You didn't see any of the others?"

He shakes his head. "No, I-" A rustling comes from the bushes nearby, and we all freeze.

Abell stumbles out of the trees, and I relax. They look around wildly. "The--the deer! Did you--"

Morgan nods. "We saw it too."

submitted by Quill
(February 20, 2021 - 3:33 pm)
submitted by Top!
(February 22, 2021 - 2:52 pm)
submitted by New part!, Top!
(February 22, 2021 - 2:53 pm)


I grin. "Oh, this is great! I thought everyone might get lost in the woods. Like, forever." I give a little laugh. 

Then I clear my throat. "Yeah. Back to business, right? So, we all got seperated, and all saw the deer....and it said something. In Dreamspeak, right? Anyone get it to, I dunno, speak English?"

The others kinda look around at each other with a collective shrug.

"Well," Morgan steps forward. Abell does too. "I think it was saying something about the forest, and danger, and Averno and..."

They glance at Abell standing next to them, who shrugs. "Yeah. Danger."

I frown. "Danger. Well. That's...not good." It feels like everyone's looking at me, expecting me to do something. I shrink away. "Ummm. Anyone else have any ideas?" Because for once, I can't think of a single thing to do. 

submitted by Honeybee
(February 23, 2021 - 6:25 pm)