Hello Everybuggy! 

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hello Everybuggy! 

Hello Everybuggy! 

I'm new here, and this is my first thread! I think I'm creating it correctly... Anyways, I'm writing a story and need some charcters. Please just submit one, although I need five characters. Here is a charrie sheet to fill out:

Name : 

Appearance : 

Personality : 

Gender : 

Other : 




Skin type:




Thank y'all!  

submitted by Koolkoala, Hogwarts
(November 30, 2020 - 7:15 pm)

Name : Abell Soleil

Appearance : They have a mens' curtain haircut (look it up) and dyed their hair dark plum. They have honey colored eyes and pale skin. They have an upturned button nose and their cheeks are dotted in freckles from too much time in the sun. They often wear lots of eyeliner (look up "alt eyeliner") and dark lip colors. They're 5"3 and have a thin pear shaped body.

Personality : Quiet until you get to know them, then they are LOUD. Obsessive about their interests. Once they start something, theres no pulling them away. They care deeply about their friends and go to extreme lengths to make them happy. They are a people pleaser, so it takes a while to truly get to know them. They often say whatever others want them to say.

Gender : Non-binary, they/them pronouns (AFAB if it's important)

Other : They have a pet snail named Peter!

Likes - snails, art, nature, autumn, mushrooms, frog searching, days at the river with friends, a strong connection to the moon.

Dislikes: Bugs that sting/bite, dark and small spaces, fear of suffocating

Age: Whatever age you need will work, but I usually think of them as 17 


submitted by kuromi, ᏊᵕꈊᵕᏊ
(November 30, 2020 - 10:11 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 1, 2020 - 11:15 am)

Lol this guy will be really weird

Name: Alfred alebeard

Appearance: Tan-ish skin, some fuzz under his nose, short brown hair, only wears trench coats and detective clothing

Personality: Acts like a TV detective all the time, talks waaaay too much, makes a lot of observations. Drinks too much coffee.

Gender: Male, he/him

Other: He is super rich. But risks it too much to catch crimanals.

Likes/dislikes: Likes coffee, classic cars, dogs, and smooth jazz. Dislikes crime, criminals, gangs, and mean cats that scratch you. 

He can be shipped with girls or boys.  


submitted by Lazerbat
(December 1, 2020 - 1:15 pm)

Cool! What's the story going to be about?

Name : Penelope Cornwell

Appearance :  Long brown hair in a braid, usually wears long skirts and dresses, pale skin, hazel eyes, freckles. She's tall and average weight, with long fingers.

Personality : Likes to read and wants to become a librarian one day. Also likes climbing trees, though it's difficult when she wears long skirts. Her favorite book is Alice in Wonderland. She isn't very patient and likes to be by herself.

Gender : Female, she/her

Other :  She's 15 years old

Likes/dislikes: She loves books, trees, the outdoors, old movies, England, and libraries. She dislikes being around people, talking, small children, violence, and modern art.

submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(December 1, 2020 - 2:06 pm)

Name: Aisling Morgan

Appearance: Blue hair. Yep, sky-blue dyed hair that is incredibly long (to her shins), and she keeps it in a loose braid most of the time. Lively green eyes, tall. Likes to wear retro oversized t-shirts, mom jeans, and sneakers.

Personality: Lively, fiery, outgoing! She's really loud, and makes friends and enemies easily. Thinks out loud, and feels emotions very strongly. Gets angry easily.

Gender: Female, girl, she, her, attack helicopter (no I'm just joking)


Likes/dislikes: Likes sugary drinks, math, dogs, and swimming. Dislikes coffee, the quiet, the dark, and airplanes.

Skin type: Pale skin (she's Irish)

Hi Koolkoala, nice to meet you, whalecome to the chatterbox! 

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(December 1, 2020 - 2:20 pm)

Name: Violetta Brown

Appearance: black-brown hair in a high ponytail, light brown skin, freckles, purple turtleneck dress, black leggings, brown lace-up boots, honey-colored eyes, a purple flower barrette in her hair

Personality: dreamy, friendly, helpful, polite, shy, quiet, curious 

Gender: she/her/they

Other: she's 15

Likes: flowers, insects, books, blackberries, pink lemonade, warm cookies

Dislikes: large animals, annoying people, nosy questions, needles 

submitted by Honeybee, Christmas Shopping
(December 1, 2020 - 3:04 pm)

Name: Megan Grace Duvivier

Appearance: Hazel eyes; wavy strawberry blonde hair

Personality: Very smart; can sometimes be rude

Gender: Female

Other: Born in 2054, 15 years old; is slightly formal

Skin type: Pale/medium skin; freckles

Clothing: Wears dark green colors

submitted by Sage Wolf, age 12(ish), Dimension 584584
(December 1, 2020 - 7:29 pm)