Hey everyone! I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hey everyone! I

Hey everyone! I was originaly known as Starshine but I changed it so it works with every story. You can see my first story here; http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/470278

Anyway...here is my next story,

The mother, Trixbella, and the father, Scorpio, waited for their yet unamed daughter to emerge from the hut with high-councilman Capricorn. At last, Capricorn emerged, holding the child in his three arms.

"Her name," he anounced, "Will be Txarra." He lifted the child above his head, showing her the first light of day. She babbled, "ah, baak, jip-jip!"

Trixbella and Scorpio looked at each other, "But, High-councialman, we have chossen the name Bizitza."


"The name the councial has chossen means bad. The name of our chossing means life. Together, it means bad life."

"I see the delema." Said Capricorn, "And I say, it will be fine." He gave Txarrabizitza to her parents, "Now rid me of this horrid smell that comes from her mouth." and walked away.


(What do you think happens?? Tell me!) 

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 11, NY but not NYC
(January 27, 2021 - 5:30 pm)