~Ski Lodge~&

Chatterbox: Inkwell

~Ski Lodge~&

~Ski Lodge~


You open the door, set your backpack on the coffee table and sit down in your favorite chair, wondering whether to sleep or do your homework. You choose, as is always a good choice, to do your homework, and unzip your backpack, when, to your astonishment, a piece of paper flies out. You are puzzled, as anybody would be when they receive a random note, and take a closer look at the paper. It is sealed with red wax, the paper looks aged and is ripped in the edges. You rip the seal (to your dismay, it was a lovely stamp with a sword and a feather, maybe a quill.) and read the letter.

Dear Friend and Protector,

I cordially invite you to a gathering of the Protectors. Please join us on May 1st at the Akmerah Centere, and don’t forget to pack prepared. The meeting may last a week, or it may last a year. You may never know. Please fill out this form so that I know what to have prepared for you. 

P.S. Don’t worry if you hate large gatherings, it will only be you and 9 others. Quite cozy.

P.P.S. I regret to inform you that your companions are not invited, this is a confidential event.

P.P.P.S. The Protectors are not accountable for any stolen/broken/lost possessions, injuries or death.

Adira Wyvern 

You decide that you would like to know what this whole “Protector” business is, and start filling out the form as quickly as possible. 




Packing List:

Allergies/Special Eating Needs: 

Favorite Food:


submitted by Adira W
(April 23, 2021 - 9:35 pm)

Name: Zealatom

Gender/Pronouns: he/him

Appearance: Purpie hoodie, blue jeans. Quite tall.

Packing List: Spare clothing, food, what seems to be nigh infinite tea, and a mug. Also, a lot of sturdy rope.( <-- These fit in a backpack I carry with me.) A futuristic green energy visor that shows various information. Dual energy swords,(search Beat Saber for reference) plus a pistol that shoots electric bolts. 

Allergies/Special Eating Needs: Nope. 

Favorite Food: In case of poison, no.

Other: Are you NiteSkies?

submitted by Zealatom, age ^-^, meh
(April 24, 2021 - 3:50 am)

Maaaybe....? *pant pant pant* 

submitted by Adira W
(April 24, 2021 - 10:16 am)
submitted by Top
(April 24, 2021 - 7:24 am)
submitted by Adira TOPvern
(April 24, 2021 - 10:15 am)
submitted by Topatom , age TOp!!, Top
(April 24, 2021 - 10:17 am)

Name: MoonKitten

Gender/Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: dark brown hair in a ponytail, purple T-shirt, blue jeans with some paint spots on the knees, black glasses

Packing List: kindle, elastic hairties, clothes/toiletries, and a knife (you never know)

Allergies/Special Eating Needs: none

Favorite Food: probably pizza

Other: um nope, but excited!

submitted by MoonKitten
(April 24, 2021 - 3:23 pm)

Name: th3mysticw0lf, but call me Elle. My full name is Stellae Noctis. 

Gender/Pronouns: they/them, but she/her is also fine. 

Appearance: I'm a shapeshifter, but I always have black fur/hair and a silver necklace or a silver tuft of fur on my chest. 

Packing List: Coils of nearly unbreakable rope except with my knife, my katana with poison, strapped on my back, it disappears when I'm not in human form, silk cloth, extra food, water, toiletries, clothes for a year, sneakers, five bathing suits, my staff, a stick, my sword, my knife, my hammer, my daggers, my enchanted bow, my enchanted arrow, and my night-vision goggles. 

Allergies/Special Eating Needs: I'm allergic to egg, and I can't have fig. Just roll with it. 

Favorite Food: I don't have one. 

Other: My online persona uses ASL, or in Magnus Chase they said, Alf Sign Language. This is because my voice box had a defect, so I could not speak. I am also deaf, and I walk with a limp due to a severe broken leg that was not healed in time. 

submitted by th3mysticw0lf
(April 24, 2021 - 10:34 pm)

Name: Pangolin

Gender/Pronouns: Uh, she/her, I guess-

Appearance: A bit tall for my age, mid-length reddish orange hair, tanned skin, a couple freckles on my face and arms, bluish-greenish eyes, and I am almost always smirking. I'm wearing a denim jacket over a gray hooded sweatshirt, gray jeans, and black converse. 

Packing list: A bow and a quiver of arrows tipped with the venom of a posion dart frog, a Swiss Army Knife, extra clothes, toiletries, extra food, snacks, and random empty potato sack. 

Allergies/Special Eating Needs: I'm allergic to nuts of all kinds (well except donuts and coconuts but those are not true nuts). Also, I try to be a vegetari ~~~~~Q 

Sorry. My cat jumped on my computer. I meant to say, I try to be a vegetarian.

Favorite Food: Meh. I don't really have one. 

Other: Nope! 

submitted by pangolin
(April 25, 2021 - 9:42 am)
submitted by panTOPlin
(April 27, 2021 - 6:50 am)
submitted by Topatom, age TOP!!!!, TOP
(April 27, 2021 - 7:06 am)