Writing ... thing

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Writing ... thing

Writing ... thing


Not too sure how to describe this, haha. Basically, the premise is that you write around 200 words (as close to that as possible), and then the story goes to someone else (anyone who continues), to keep it going, and they write 200 words, et cetera et cetera.


Strangely enough, Will didn’t mind all his worldly possessions getting lost in transit.

There’d been something wrong with the baggage claim, his social worker had told him–something was bound to go wrong with transatlantic travel, but honestly, Will was okay with that. It wasn’t like he had owned much anyways.

After the accident, it had been a whirlwind of paperwork and lawyers, until finally, they’d settled on sending Will to his uncle, who he’d never heard of, and also lived across the ocean. That was … fantastic. And, if it wasn’t bad enough, they just had to send him off right in the middle of summer. Couldn’t Will just slack off for once?

He just wanted to not have to do paperwork at this point, honestly.

“When’s your uncle getting here?” his social worker asked, seemingly unfazed by Will’s lackadaisical demeanor.

“I don’t know, aren’t you the one who organized it?” Will asked sarcastically.

His social worker ignored him, raising their eyes when an old blue car pulled up to the terminal. “Oh, and there he is.”

Will hopped down from the bench, shrugging on his jacket. Time to see who his only living relative in the entire world was.


The formatting is probably going to get messed up because I copy and pasted it XD


One more thing to note, when you continue the story, make sure to check who last posted, because it can get kind of confusing if the story splits off on two ends XD 

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(June 4, 2021 - 8:24 pm)
submitted by TOPbells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(June 5, 2021 - 12:52 am)
submitted by top
(June 5, 2021 - 2:13 pm)
Not, of course, that he particularly wanted to meet the man. From what Lee, the social worker, had told him, Will knew that Uncle Bentley was good with children and the possessor of a cheerful, booming laugh. Will had gotten the feeling that Lee had been trying to comfort him with that news, but it was actually rather disappointing. Contrary to what adults always seem to think, children do not like it when they are cooed at and coddled. At least, Will never had. And cheerful, booming laughs were nothing short of scary. They were far too loud and unpredictable for Will's organized mind.
The only thing worse was a giggle.
"Galloping greyhounds, Mr. Ben, you're so silly!" Will looked up and saw a burly man with a girl in tow. The man — Uncle Bentley — had a large beard and seemed to be perspiring from the exertion of having an eight-year-old girl climb around on his shoulders.
"Hello, Will," Uncle Bentley said. "I hope you don't mind that Lexi is here with me. I run a daycare in the afternoon, and her parents wanted me to keep her until eight."
Will sighed. Daycare was even worse than giggles.
submitted by Morning, yonder
(June 7, 2021 - 10:34 pm)
submitted by top
(June 8, 2021 - 5:53 pm)