Night Market RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Night Market RP

Night Market RP


At day, Oplita is a sprawling city, lazy and apathetic, settled in the valley between two mountain ranges. To the west, the valley snakes around, opening up to acres upon acres of lush farmland. In the east, the sea surrounds it, larger than the eye can see. It's not a well-planned place, but it grew on its own, streets and neighborhoods cropping up wherever there's a patch of land.

At night, Oplita is something completely different.

The night market appears.

It's from just beyond the veil, and there must be something special about Oplita, because the other realm twines around the mortal plane like two vines, until two become one.

The night market is the child of both, a twisted fairytale's setting. There's anything and everything in the world to buy or sell here. Cages of creatures, eyes in jars, fabrics of spider's silk. Crooked paths wind around, leading down alleys and streets, some lined with gold, others covered with soot.

You could buy anything you wanted.

Memories. New hands, new eyes, new hair, a whole new body. Hand-me-down clothes in stalls right next to hand-crafted golden marble. Diamonds and carbon, and sometimes the carbon is priced higher than the diamond. Things worth twopence, five gold, nothing at all, everything in your purse.

You could buy anything you wanted.

But, of course, for a price.


Heya! Basically, the premise of this centers around Oplita's night market–a fantasy market that opens only at night. You can have a maximum of two characters, and you can be basically anything. Whatever goes! Powers, magic, honestly whatever you want. They should be related in some way to the night market though.











We can discuss plot too! What do you guys think about a quest-type thing, or maybe a murder mystery? I'll post my character once this thread goes up. 

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(December 11, 2021 - 1:22 pm)

Name: Quill (if you want to use a title, please use Pr [per])


Age: physical age depends, but age in years is 23


Occupation: sells/buys secrets/information


Appearance: depends; but usually has black medium length masculine style hair, violet cat's eyes, ivory horns that curve backward from the top of the hairline, bluish-grey skin, fangs, 5' 7" OR is a black housecat with green eyes


Pronouns: fae/faer


Powers/abilities: shapeshifter (can transform into any animal or person)

submitted by Gallium, age untold, she/her
(December 11, 2021 - 2:52 pm)

Personality: appreciative, dignified, occasionally envious

submitted by Gallium
(December 12, 2021 - 7:20 pm)

Name: Evil Vang

Age: 25

Occupation: Thief/Assassin for hire

Appearance: short with olive skin, red hair and brown eyes.

Pronouns: she/her

Powers/abilities: Invisablity, teleportation, mind-reading

Other: N/A


Name: Angwusnasomtaqa Gates (Awasom)

Age: 15

Occupation: Artisan

Appearance:  short with fair skin, black hair and black eyes.

Pronouns: she/her

Powers/abilities: magic crafting, able to bend/twist/stretch/push anything virtually forever without it snapping/breaking, magic summoning

Other: She is trained in fighting.

submitted by Pancake, age Open24hour, Pizza Place
(December 11, 2021 - 4:14 pm)








submitted by Pancake
(December 13, 2021 - 6:46 am)

I'd like to reserve - this sounds great! I think a quest would be fun.

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(December 11, 2021 - 4:31 pm)

Name: Ori Ali

Age: 14

Occupation: Newspaper boy/runs odd errands

Personality: Quick-thinking, observant, and clever. She's never had any formal education, so she generally relies on logic, experience, and bluffing her way through things. Fairly charismatic, but she's a bit of a trickster. 

Appearance: Golden-brown skin, dark brown eyes, wavy dark brown hair that she typically wears in a ponytail. Normally wearing practical clothes, along with a plain coat–clothes that make it easy to blend in. Short. Human.

Pronouns: She/her

Powers/abilities: Athletic, learned pickpocketing, fast runner. Pretty good at being unseen.

Other: Blind. Can make out vague light/shadow.


I'm such an idiot. I forgot to add personality to the character sheet–the most important part! For anyone who's reading this, please add personality XD 

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(December 11, 2021 - 4:58 pm)

Name: October Black

Age: Unclear, appears and acts like an older teenager.

Occupation: Sells candles, crystals, and other various witchy things at the night market.

Personality: Loud, slightly chaotic, mostly friendly.

Appearance: Tanned skin, split-dyed hair (orange and black), only wears black clothes and usually has a cloak on, wears a lot of jewelry.

Pronouns: They/them, vae/vaer

Powers/abilities: Is a witch, good at bargaining.

Other: Weirdly strong for such a small person.

submitted by jinx, any pronouns
(December 14, 2021 - 12:49 pm)

"Newspapers! Twopence a paper! Twopence a paper!"

Ori had been on the same corner for at least four minutes now. She'd have to move on soon. She ran her fingers along the ridged face of her watch.

It was 6:54–shoppers were just emerging from the higher-end restaurants, and they filled into the streets, their chatter surrounding Ori. Fanning out in different directions–but this was the best corner, Ori knew. All four streets of urban Oplita intersected here, and the night market had already opened.

She hadn't sold a single newspaper yet.

Ori sighed, shoving the papers back into her bag. It might've been because it was the last day–the next issue was coming out tomorrow anyways. Put it down to bad luck, nothing more, nothing less. She'd have to move on with her night. She had other business.

The sky was steadily growing darker, and lights were blurring into sight–lanterns and candles being lit. Ori took a right, heading down the lane with the harder stones–not as well cared for, and worn by more traffic.

Two lefts, and Ori's fingers felt the corner of the wall, and she swung around, entering an alley much like all the others.

This one was different. There weren't any fancy displays, or loud music here. Just quiet talk, the soft pad of feet, and simple wooden stalls. And whispers.

If you wanted to know something, this was where you went. The merchants here traded in memories, in secrets, in well-hidden tomes of information. Bank vaults could be robbed, safes pilfered, but there was no key for the lock of the mind.

Ori had heard that one of the oldest merchants along this alley could still remember secrets they'd been traded from a millenium ago. Of course, that was just rumor. But still, wasn't that what they dealt in?

It didn't matter to Ori–she didn't want information, or secrets. Just the cold, hard feeling of gold under her fingers.

"Pr. Quill?" Ori asked cautiously–it was never good to be too loud about your business.


Quill wasn't the most famous on the street, but Ori had heard that fae were trustworthy. 

Fae were to Ori's left, and Ori turned around, sketching a quick bow. "Such a great pleasure to meet you," Ori laughed–she was never too serious.

Quill sniffed, in what Ori could only assume was disdain. "Likewise. Would you like to buy something?"

"Ah, but you have it turned around! I'm here to sell."

"Well I don't buy."

"I'm sure you do. Don't you trade in–what–those silly things you call secrets? Intangible things?"

"And what secrets could you possibly give me?"

"I know what'll be in the newspaper tomorrow."

"So do I. The weekly price of gold."

"I know who'll be in the newspaper tomorrow."

A slight pause.

"Well then, name your price." 


Starting out! I wanted to let Ori meet Quill first, since I felt like their personalities may clash (and it'd be funny), you guys can pick up! Plot-wise, I was thinking maybe there could be some sort of like, secret plan to destroy the market or something? I don't know XD

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(December 14, 2021 - 9:26 pm)

I like how you showed my personality!

Also, for future reference, please use singular verbs when using fae pronouns for me. (It isn't a big dea, just wanted to let you know.)

Ex. Fae was excited. Fae hands out cookies. 

submitted by Quill, fae/faer
(December 15, 2021 - 12:39 pm)

*deal not dea

submitted by Quill
(December 15, 2021 - 6:19 pm)

Ohhhhh alright, thanks! I thought it was similar similar to they; sorry about that XD

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(December 15, 2021 - 8:23 pm)

"Well, then. Name your price," I acquiesced.

"Obviously, I want something of equal value, preferably gold," Ori demanded, smiling.

My eyes wandered past her to stare at the gloomy, grimy alleyway. Simple wooden stalls filled with secrets obscured by mysterious, strange people stood on either side. Down the middle, market goers haggled over prices with the shopkeepers. 


The problem as I saw it: I was broke. I had plenty of secrets to trade, quite a few magical items, but nothing Ori would want. No gold, no jewels, nothing to be readily sold for gold. I was rich in the abstract, but poor in material belongings, which usually didn't matter, as most came to me to buy, not sell.

Except, I did the lucky amulet that had been paid in exchange for the location of the Whisperer's shop. 

"Um, hello?" Ori asked, one eyebrow raised.

I slowly turned to look her straight in the eye. "I'll give you a luck amulet. It isn't gold, per se, but it increases your chances of finding gold lying on the street, or a shopkeeper giving you too much change, and the like. Do we have a deal?" 

submitted by Quill, fae/faer
(December 15, 2021 - 5:11 pm)

*I did have the lucky

submitted by Quill
(December 15, 2021 - 8:26 pm)

Ori frowned.

It wasn't as concrete as gold, but there wasn't exactly anything else she could do. She'd rather not risk going to other traders, because she wasn't sure she could pawn off the secret in time. The amulet wasn't ideal, but it'd have to do.

"I'll take it!" Ori grinned brightly, holding out her hand.

A heavy weight dropped into her hand, and Ori ran her hand along the surface just to make sure it was an amulet. People had tried to trick her with rocks and such before–but it never worked. Not on her.

It was an amulet, with ridges along the edges, and the crystal in the center cold to the touch. "Alright, that's a deal then. Tomorrow, they're getting the verdict for Prince Oçarian's court case. He got banished, by the way," Ori whispered, leaning in a little closer.

"Alright. Pleasure doing business with you," Quill said, in a tone that said anything but.

"You too!" Ori exclaimed, saluting jauntily, and skipping back out the alley.

The amulet wasn't too useful, but maybe she could sell it to someone else. Maybe she could pop the crystal out, and keep the chain and frame–she'd probably get more money from selling them separately.

As she was caught up in her grand schemes of moneymaking, Ori almost didn't catch the slight vibration beneath her feet.

Frowning, she stopped.

The tremors beneath weren't supposed to happen until sunrise. They were a warning sign, for when the Night Market closed, and the realm of magic and mortals divided once again. There was something wrong.

The ground shook again, almost knocking Ori off her feet. She reached out to steady herself on a lamppost, but suddenly, the ground rumbled, and she missed the lamppost entirely.

There was a moment of quick, sickening free-fall–empty air, gravity temporarily defied, until–


The impact knocked the wind out of Ori's lungs. The water was icy, freezing, cold. She couldn't breathe. She tasted salt.

Kicking furiously, Ori broke the surface, gasping in huge lungs of cold, night air. Gravel and sharp stones scraped under her feet, under the water, and Ori followed the slope, clambering out onto what seemed to be a cluster of pointy rocks.

Breathing heavily, Ori tried to listen.

There were no longer the rambling talks of tourists, or the high-pitched bargaining of vendors. Gone were the carriage wheels over cobbled stones, gone was the musical sin that various street performers committed.

Instead, Ori heard sea waves. The cry of sea birds–but oh no, they didn't sound like any sea birds that Oplita had. The whistling of wind. It was colder than Oplita should've been.

Carefully navigating the rocks, Ori stepped onto soft white sand–not the pebbly beaches Oplita had.

This place, this foreign place, felt completely different.

I don't think I'm in Oplita anymore.


I was so tempted to add in "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore", as an easter egg XD. I have no clue what I'm doing. Ori will return to Oplita eventually, but feel free to have any of your characters join her in whatever this place is. 

submitted by Rainbow Riot
(December 15, 2021 - 8:37 pm)

---}Angwusnasomtaqa Gates{---


I walk over to my shop. I have to finish last night's requests, so I don't open it. Some people just come to my shop to buy items, as I have some extremely rare ingredients and items. Like the Velvet flower or the Feather stone. There's a knock on the door. I look out and see Evil Vang. I barely knew her. All I knew about her was that she was an assasin for hire. Her father, Eval Vang, was also an assasin. I had bad encounters with him.

"I need the Despair flower. I'll pay you ten gold," she said, but it sounded more like a hiss.

"Hmmm. come back tomorrow. I have to finish my last orders," i said, my voice as soft as the moonlight flower petals.

"Fifty gold," Evil hissed.

"Deal," I said.

I gave her the flower, she gave me fifty gold. That was something I learned about Evil a long time ago. when she wants something, she'll ser her first price. If you don't give it to her then, she will raise the price a lot. No one else has figured it out. The despair flower caused people to die in despair and such.

submitted by Pancake
(December 15, 2021 - 6:59 am)