Hello there Darling,
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hello there Darling,
Hello there Darling,
I suppose you are wondering why I've written you a letter, trust me, I didn't want to. The Master is dead. There. I've said it. Or rather written it? I don't understand letters.
Anyway, The Master is dead and you could be the heir. Dreadful, I know. Why not me, you ask? Simple: I was not in The Master's will. But you were. Along with a few others but only one of you is the heir.
I must warn you, only one of the guests who will be visiting this week knows something. What that something is, I am unsure. The Master sent one last letter before death and I was not allowed to read it or see who it went to. If it went you you, then disregard this entire paragraph, stop reading, and please, do not come.
Now that we have settled that, Darling, I do hope you attend. You may not remember this place or me but I would be delighted to see you one last time.
If you are going to be in attendence please fill out the form below. Do not worry about transportation or baggage, all of that will be taken care of for you per The Master's last request.
I wish you the best of luck,
The Attendant
You recieved this letter at some point during the day. It may have been on your face when you woke up or it could have magically apeared while you were walking down the stairs. No matter what, it freaked you out. You notice that a piece of paper falls to the floor it reads:
Personality (5 words or less):
Biggest Strength:
Biggest Weakness:
Favourite Flower:
Do you know the answer?
Do you know the answer? What's that supposed to mean? You fill out the form and it bursts into flame, almost burning your hand. You drop it and it disapears. So does the letter. You have no proof that this instance happened and you have no proof that anything will come from it. I wonder how your sanity is doing.
Alrighty then, a few quick rules that need to be out of character:
1. I am accepting 10 CBers not AE's or Captchas
2. If you have any magical powers, no you don't
3. updates will (hopefully) be weekly if not more frequent. I am, in fact, a living breathing human being who does have a life so that may not always be the case
4. This is a ski lodge/solo write because yes people will die but also there is a story line that will emerge
5. Please be nice and have fun!
Also feel free to guess who I am.
(April 23, 2022 - 7:18 pm)
WHY ME?!. Wait....Attendent....can I come back as a ghost to haunt people? That would be cool...and here I wanted to be in the story for a while....:( ToT.
(May 1, 2022 - 3:36 pm)
(May 1, 2022 - 4:13 pm)
How is my death exciting?.
If i come as a ghost i will haunt you first....* Evil laugh*....also..WHY ME?!
(May 1, 2022 - 5:22 pm)
NONONONO I don't mean it like that! Just. The ski lodge in GENERAL is exciting :D
(May 1, 2022 - 7:49 pm)
Oh, sorry.. but stilll....WHY ME?
(May 2, 2022 - 8:13 am)
Poor Reuby. @Attendant, can you please make Reuby a ghost?
(May 4, 2022 - 2:30 pm)
i was so startled i jumped out of my chair... i think i have the reflexes of a cat lol but anyway...
(May 2, 2022 - 8:11 am)
AAAAGH ME!! Heh.....My death is funny to me for some reason..
(May 2, 2022 - 3:06 pm)
Day 1 Part 3
The Attendant was shaken. They had not expected this to happen, especially so soon. The heir was in danger but not even they knew who it was.
"One of you failed to heed the request of The Master. And One of you is next." They said quietly yet firmly as they overlooked the dining room, where the rest of the guests had gathered.
The guests were murmuring among themselves, trying to make sense of this but of course, no sense could be made. Someone killed Reuby.
Sterling was talking to Gallium quietly, "Who would even do this?"
"I don't know, but we need to stick together. We need to use a buddy system just so that we don't get killed." Gallium said
Sterling nodded in agreement.
"Hey, did you notice that-" Gallium began but was cut off by The Attendant loudly entering the room. what Gallium knows may be lost forever for she lost her train of thought. Was it about a person? Was it significant?
We may never know.
"Guests," The Attendant boomed, "It is unfortunate that Reuby has left us so quickly, however, I cannot alow you to leave. And neither will The Manor."
"You can't keep us in here!"
"Reuby is dead and we are trapped with a murderer?"
"Wait, the Manor won't let us leave??" (Red Starlight recieved a smack on the back of the head, "yes, The Manor will not." said The Attendant)
"Silence!" The Attendant yelled over all of them, "You will stay here until I've found the heir and that is final!" They disapeared again before any questions could be asked.
"I don't trust them," Pangolin said, "I was looking around and found something really cool but then they just appeared and yelled at me to come back here."
"Something is obviously going on here." Sterling said.
The others nodded in agreement. Every time they entered a room, a wave of nostolgia would roll over them yet they never recognized anything they've seen.
"Who was The Master?" Gallium asked, "Why did he choose us?"
Everyone stayed silent at that, though one person knew the truth. They couldn't tell the others though. It would ruin everything.
Reuby Moonnight opened her eyes and immedietly shut them due to the blinding light. Where was she?
The last thing she remembered was... oh. right. She knew what happened.
When Reuby finally opened her eyes she saw that she was in a little town. People, actual people moved around seemigly busy but she caught the eye of a few.
Standing up and looking around Reuby noticed that there was a hill in the distance with the vague shape of The Manor topping it. She ran to it but was stopped by an invisible barrier.
She had to get back! She had to save her friends!
"It's no use." A gruff voice said
Reuby whirled around and came face to face with an older man. He looked worse for wear and his hair was a mess,
"Why?" Reuby asked. She was on her guard watching the man's every move.
"We've been trapped here for, God knows how long," The man replied.
"How many of you are there?"
"Don't know. We're about to have another count but I think last time was... 50ish?"
50? Reuby was shocked. There seemed to be more than meets the eye at The Manor...
Don't worry my dear, your story is not over yet, in fact it has just begun.
Dead: Reuby
Suspect: N/A
Potential Heirs: N/A
Reuby, where would you like to explore?
Everyone else: What time do you believe it is?
(May 4, 2022 - 7:07 pm)
It's time for you to get a WATCH (ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
(May 5, 2022 - 11:53 am)
(May 5, 2022 - 12:26 pm)
I belive that the time of the day is 5:30, the time of the century is around the 1950's....I would like to find a town, look around and find out what era it is, then buy clothes from a store to blend in (XD)
(May 5, 2022 - 5:00 pm)
Maybe 11:59 PM?
(May 5, 2022 - 5:42 pm)
i think it's either time for me to eat something (i'm hungry) or if you're thinking less literal... there's a faint tinge of impending doom in the air... or that might be just me mourning Reuby :(
(May 4, 2022 - 7:54 pm)
Theres a chill here. It never seemed so cold before. Poor Reuby
(May 5, 2022 - 9:44 am)