Middle-Earth Solo

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Middle-Earth Solo

Middle-Earth Solo Write

The ripples fall, silver-white under the moonlit sky, in Long Lake Esgaroth. It's the middle of the night, the moon is in the middle of the sky, and the land is Middle-Earth. Danger is lurking in the Misty Mountains and in the depths of Mirkwood, and no one knows it. The land is peaceful. The dwarves are unsuspecting. It is Middle-Earth as it always has been.

Far, far away, it is also the middle of the night, but not Middle-Earth. Unfortunately. The CBers are together for once, eating popcorn if they like it and something else if they don't, rewatching the LOTR movies or just standing in little groups and reminiscing about reuinions or SIs, or catching up on threads, or beating each other on the Last to Post. All laughing and talking. They're together because it was just the reunion and, well, if that isn't a time to celebrate what is? It's the CB Hall they're in right now, with walls lined with all the books they love (the Chronicles of Narnia, for example, because Amethyst insisted, and Keeper of the Lost Cities, and of course all of Tolkien's books, because there never was anyone like the CBers for reading Tolkien) and high, narrow windows through which the moonlight is falling. Some of the older CBers are still around, too, and they're all enjoying themselves, regardless of being supposedly too old for these things. And even an admin or two has shown up, which automatically makes everything more interesting. And yes, it's the middle of the night, but that's never daunted a CBer, has it?

And then suddenly, there's a flash of bluish light that drowns out the moonlight, and someone is standing in their midst - an old man, with keen, wise brown eyes, and a staff and a wizard's hat and dark robes that look, amazingly, like something out of Middle-Earth. He looks like something out of Middle-Earth. He is something out of Middle-Earth.

"Well, CBers," he says. "I meet you at last. I would never have come - I thought I wouldn't come - but then I reflected how you all love Middle-Earth, and I thought perhaps you were the right people to come to after all. I am Gandalf."

There's silence in the hall, sudden silence that closes down suddenly and completely. Gandalf? It's impossible, right? Or - is it possible? There he is, anyway.

Gandalf waits for them to think out their thoughts and decide whether he is or isn't himself. Then he explains, "I need you to come back to Middle-Earth with me. There's trouble about (as usual!), and I want you to help me. You don't have to, but I know you won't turn down a chance of seeing your heroes and friends. They don't even know there's trouble, and you must help them. Well, who'll join me?"


Another solo write! I haven't read LOTR itself (although I have read The Hobbit), so I can't put in that many characters which most of you probably know, but there will, with a fine disregard for what Tolkien may have been thinking when he wrote his books, be Legolas, Gandalf, maybe even Elrond, and hobbits, dwarves, elves... almost everything! Have fun!

submitted by Gandalf, Middle-Earth
(February 15, 2023 - 10:22 pm)



So. Ahem. There's no...character sheet...so I can sign myself up? I'm assuming you forgot it, but...

I will sign up, though. I just need the sheet. Ahaha. 

submitted by ~Echo Hallowswift~
(February 16, 2023 - 9:12 am)

Dear me, so I did forget the character sheet. I must be getting old, and forgetful. Please join as yourself - I wouldn't know what to do with all your AEs, OCs and captchas (I'm sadly behind the times in your world, I'm afraid). Now, to business, to business! The character sheet:


(I'll already know your name so it's useless to ask that, isn't it?)


Pronouns (being a wizard I ought to know this but I might not, so you'd better tell me in case):


Favorite Tolkien character (I don't promise to have heard of yours - this is optional):

Fight or flee?:

If you are confronted with a goblin, what do you do?:


I'm unsure how many people I'll accept to accompany me, but I'm guessing - ten? fifteen? I'm a flexible wizard, and there's no absolute limit. Join as you please! (Or until I tell you not to.)

submitted by Gandalf, Middle-Earth
(February 16, 2023 - 11:07 am)

Intriguing!  I am reserving and will post once the character sheet is up.

submitted by Peregrine, age Many Moons, The Aerie
(February 16, 2023 - 11:52 am)

Age: 12ish

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: long black hair with neon green streaks, green eyes like sun shining through thin leaves, regularly wears t-shirt and shorts under a dramatic black cloak

Favorite Tolkien character: Legolas

Fight or flee?: I say fight, but I'll flee if I know I am truly outmatched and know that to fight would end badly. I'll probably still fight if someone's helping, though.

If you are confronted with a goblin, what do you do?: fight!

submitted by Darkvine
(February 16, 2023 - 2:25 pm)

Esgaroth Mirkwood Misty Mountains Hobbits Elves! Oh Gandalf I love you!! 

Age: 15

Pronouns: She/her

Appearance: Gold-red hair, which I have decided to cut short *ponders prospective hairstyles for several minutes* probably to chin length, and astonishingly golden eyes. I would love to get a hold of some mithril

Favourite Tolkien character: Eowyn

Fight or flee?: Flee, preferably on a fast horse

If you are confronted with a goblin, what do you do?: Call you, of course!

There are not enough exclamation marks in the world to convey my excitement!!! Okay I'll *try* to calm down now 

submitted by Flamarestii, Rohan oh finally!
(February 16, 2023 - 8:31 pm)

Oh heck yeah! Sign me up! Or...I guess I'll sign myself up. Hehe. 

Before I fill out the sheet, are we creating our own character or going as ourselves? Or something in between?

submitted by Lupine, The Shire
(February 16, 2023 - 11:55 pm)

Age: for privacy reasons please write me as the age you believe me to be.

Pronouns (being a wizard I ought to know this but I might not, so you'd better tell me in case): she/her/hers

Appearance: on the smaller side, but far from delicate or weak.  I don't let my size prevent me from doing anything.  Think falcon like for my features.  My eyes change color, merging from one color or shade to the next.  I wear my long, dark brown-gold hair in a single braid.  I have a star that shines faintly on my forehead.  I wear a dark green, shimmering cloak clasped at the hollow of my throat with a silver brooch in the shape of a leaf.  Under the cloak I wear supple boots, black stockings, a brown riding skirt, a silvery-grey blouse, and over that a cream colored wool sweater with a blue geometric pattern at the yoke.  I carry a leather satchel with equipment to aid living outdoors, and a small bag in which I keep my knitting always on my wrist.

Favorite Tolkien character (I don't promise to have heard of yours - this is optional): I can't really pick a favorite!

Fight or flee?: I would choose to avoid fighting, whether that be hiding, fighting until I can get away, or jut avoiding the whole situation in the first place.

If you are confronted with a goblin, what do you do?: preferably avoid conflict, but if needs must I would fight for an opportunity to get away to safety.   

submitted by Peregrine
(February 17, 2023 - 11:58 am)

I scanned your very detailed and Tolkein-esque appearance description without scrolling down and thought "I wonder if this is Peregrine" and it was xD Very cool appearance by the way!

submitted by Lupine@Peregrine
(February 24, 2023 - 1:54 am)

Thank you, everyone, for signing up. *bows elegantly* Thank you. Thank you. I'm still accepting more CBers.

@Echo Hallowswift: I'm happy to say that the form is now up, directly after your comment.

@Lupine: Oh, please join as yourself! As I said before, I'd be sadly bewildered by your OCs.

submitted by @Lupine and Echo, this is Gandalf
(February 17, 2023 - 8:59 pm)

Age: whatever you think

Pronouns (being a wizard I ought to know this but I might not, so you'd better tell me in case): she/her

Appearance: tall, short scruffy black hair, pale skin, practical hiking clothes, sword, hidden knives, fancy cape :)

Favorite Tolkien character (I don't promise to have heard of yours - this is optional): idk but Tom Bombadil and the Sackville Bagginses come to mind

Fight or flee?: fight, I suppose—although I am rather fond of my life...

If you are confronted with a goblin, what do you do?: something like distract it probably by shouting and throwing things, stab it with a sword, hide behind a tree, scream, repeat

submitted by Hex, age 1 gross, Bag End
(February 18, 2023 - 9:01 pm)

Age: 14

Pronouns (being a wizard I ought to know this but I might not, so you'd better tell me in case): she/her

Appearance: tall, slim, light skin, dark and short of hair, brown eyes, pointy ears. wearing my gray cloak because a) cloaks are awesome, and b) it's Tolkien, obviously. gotta have your cloak

Favorite Tolkien character (I don't promise to have heard of yours - this is optional): Tom Bombadil. i'm also fond of Sam Gamgee and Galadriel and Gandalf.

Fight or flee?: it depends on the situation, but honestly i'm probably more of a fleer (that's a word. if it isn't a word, i'm making it a word)

If you are confronted with a goblin, what do you do?: um probably fight? i like to avoid bloodshed, but goblins are supposed to be bad and i enjoy not dying, so. yeah. if anyone is in danger from it, stick it with arrows!

submitted by Artemis
(February 18, 2023 - 9:44 pm)


Pronouns (being a wizard I ought to know this but I might not, so you'd better tell me in case): Genderfluid, uses they, he, ze/hir, and she most often but will also use any neopronouns or no pronouns. Pronouns change about once a day, usually during the night.

Appearance: biologically female human-like creature with short, spiky hair, dyed some bright white. Has moth antennae and moth wings that are black and white. Green eyes.

Favorite Tolkien character (I don't promise to have heard of yours - this is optional): the North Polar Bear, from the Father Christmas Letters, obviously

Fight or flee?: Fight, duh.

If you are confronted with a goblin, what do you do?: Kill it, obviously. Unless it's a polite goblin that won't eat me. Then I'll invite it to tea.

Notes: I've got a pet corn snake named Fluffles. I also sometimes talk in 3rd person, when it suits me.

submitted by Scuttles, age Scuttlish, The Scuttling Place
(February 19, 2023 - 4:40 pm)
submitted by Top
(February 22, 2023 - 10:00 pm)
submitted by topsettia
(February 23, 2023 - 4:00 pm)

Thank you for joining, everyone, thank you--

Spots officially close on March 10.

submitted by Gandalf, Middle-Earth
(February 23, 2023 - 8:33 pm)