RP, anyone? I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

RP, anyone? I

RP, anyone? I thought that we should have another RP that's not based on a book/series. We take turns writing a piece of the story from our character's point of view, just like always.

(I say Ashling here, but that's not her name. You'll understand in a minute.)



"Rise." I tried and failed again to get the flames to do my bidding. I scowled at them, but they did nothing. "Rise!" I tried once more, and once more they ignored me. I glared at them.

"The flames here do not speak. I silenced them myself, many years ago, under Mistress' orders," Edan said, and I noticed him for the first time.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked him.

"Long enough," he said, moving out of the doorway and into the corridor. I exited my small room and walked with him through the empty manor. Mistress was away, and she had taken most of her servants with her. We passed only one maid on our walk, and she bowed her head respectfully as we passed.

"Good Afternoon, Ashen One," she told me quietly.

"Thank you," I told her, then turned back to Edan. He was smiling.

"Ashen One, huh?" he asked. I nodded. "I used to be called that. Before Mistress found my name." He paused, now sad.

Edan was referring to when he had lost his powers and become human. After a human knows an Ashling's name, the Ashling becomes human as well. He no longer could speak to flames, conjure them out of air, or make them do his bidding. He could no longer control fire, and change into a fire-bird when needed. He was no longer an Ashling.

All because the Mistress had gotten him to tell her his name.


Ok, that's the end of my post! Your character can be human, Ashling, or you can invent another kind of person/creature. :)

Here's my bio: 

Name: unknown

Species: Ashling 

Age: 14 human years

Appearance: long black hair, pale skin, grey eyes, fairly short in height. 

Other: Her parents died, and she was found and sold off to "Mistress", a wealthy Dutchess. "Ashling" is higher in rank than a servant in Mistress' house, but lower than Mistress. Mistress shows her off at parties like an exotic pet, and "Ashling" hates it. She's been planning an escape.

submitted by Someone
(July 4, 2011 - 1:19 pm)

Oh the torture of writer's block.

submitted by kaukatkay, age 13, Yes, This is Kat. :)
(September 26, 2011 - 6:16 pm)

I know how you feel!!! I sometimes have torturous writer's block that seems to take basically eons!!!!

submitted by Wolf , age 11(almost), Florida
(November 8, 2011 - 7:45 pm)

I want to keep writing but I have nothing to write about...Can Kim A. please write so I can keep writing! you don't have to if you don't want to.

submitted by ~Blue Fairy, age 10, near the river
(October 1, 2011 - 4:26 pm)

This cannot die!

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 3, 2011 - 1:45 pm)

Sorry I haven't posted in so very long. I feel really bad. and right now I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but I don't want to so I'm making this be long, so sorry it's long and WOW this is a long sentence! ;)



We set out to free the others in our kingdom, and in my mind I imagined myself, Shadow, and Clarissa at the head of a parade. A parade of non-human creatures; people like us. This fanciful image put a small bounce in my step as we made our way down the path.

Soon we came to where the road forked, and it was getting dark, so we couldn't see which path led to a town, or if either of them even did. I ran ahead, up the left path, to see what was out there that we couldn't see. My foot caught on something, and I fell flat on my face with an "oomf".

"Well, it's not a hare that our rabbit trap caught, that's for sure!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say. It was a young voice, probably a boy around my age. Snickering could be heard from up in the trees around me.

"Who are you?" I yelled up to whoever was up in the trees. I heard Clarissa's footsteps running up the hill, (not Shadow's though. She doesn't make any noise when walking...err...gliding, I guess). The snickering abated a little, then the boy's voice called down again:

"What's your name?"

"Why should I turn into a human for you?" I called up, knowing it would take whoever was up in the trees a moment to process the meaning of my statement. In the silent moment I reached down to feel at the rope that was tangled around my ankles.

"What are you, then?" the boy called down.

Instead of answering, I heated my hand until it was hot enough to create sparks, then set the rope alight. The flames not only burned through the rope like it was nothing, it also made the glade bright enough to see who was hiding up in the trees. I saw five boys, all in raggedy clothes and barefoot. They all differed in height, but their appearance was about the same, and they all looked to be about 13, 14, or 15.

"Ash!" one boy said, sounding surprised. I guessed this must be some kind of slang for Ashling.  Just then, a lot of things happened at once: The rope broke off of my left ankle, Clarissa and Shadow (or at least Shadow's silhouette) came up the hill, the boys in the trees jumped down to the ground and unsheathed knifes that had been at their belts, and I decided to give the boys a haircut using fire instead of scissors.

Then a lot more things happened at once: Shadow's shape solidified into Shadow, the boys knelt down and started cutting the ropes off my other ankle, and my flames (first meant for the boys, since I thought they were going to attack me) went out abruptly.

The boy I had first spoken to reached down to help me up. I studied him closely as I stood, and then saw, for a moment, his grey/blue eyes flash orange. I gasped.

"You're an Ashling!" I said in disbelief. He nodded, his black hair bobbing as he did.

"We all are." He gestured to the other boys. "Your friends aren't, though." He pointed an accusing finger at Clarissa and Shadow.

"No. Clarissa is half-mer. Shadow is....well....a shadow," I said.

"They are not human?" he asked slowly.

"No," I confirmed. He smiled.

"Well then, there is no need for secrets. No humans means we are safe to reveal our true names to you ladies without any damage being done. I am Liam."

Then, one by one, the boys introduced themselves. The youngest, who was almost 13, was named Eliah. Then there were the brothers, Droman (13) and Helio (14). Jonavon was 15, and Liam was the oldest, almost 16. They invted us to stay the night at their camp, and we gladly accepted.

"What is your name, by the way?" Liam asked on the way to the boys' camp. I was about to reply in my practiced "Ashllng" like I did when I was around humans, but then I stopped myself, and happily said my real name for the first time in many years.

"My name is Isadora Adrienne Keegan."

The End! :)

P.S: Did you know that each of her names is actually a first name that I got off a baby name website (I go to those things a lot for character names) :P

Isadora means gift from the moon. 

Adrienne means dark one.

Keegan is actually a boy's name, but it sounds like a cool last name, plus it was the only name on that website that means fiery one. :)

submitted by Ashling
(October 3, 2011 - 5:43 pm)

You also get names from Baby websites! *High fives Kim A.* I almost always get my names from there! :) I can't see Blue Fairy's post yet!

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 4, 2011 - 10:38 am)

Kim A., do you mean the thread is over when you say the end? I'm not ending.


When we sat around the fire, thoughts still were in my head. I agreed to free the other people but, I wanted to go back to the ocean. My birthday was coming up in three months and I wanted my parents to be there but I also wanted Ashling or (whatever her real name is) and Shadow to be there. My parents might be halfway around the world or even farther away. I know that Ashling and Shadow can't breathe under water and they would get tired fast. The boys gave us some kind of food and Jonavon (who I think is the cutest) smiled at me. I put down my meal and excused myself and ran to the ocean which is like 1 mile away. I sat on the beach, put my legs to my face, and cryed. "Clarissa!"said a sinister voice.

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 10, In the flowers
(October 4, 2011 - 9:17 am)



Isadora Adrienne Keegan

The beauty of hearing a name--and such a wonderful one--is undescribable. As we sit around the fire Ashling’s cheeks seem to have a new glow in them. She seems to sit straighter, her smile is as warm as the fire around us.

I cannot imagine how long she has carried the name around with her, thinking that she could never speak it again.

I sit in the cold dark of the long shadows. It is comforting but a sadness dampens the usual homey feeling. How I wish I could have a name. Something I could hang on to forever but I am a Shadow, a nothing. A piece of living darkness without a name.

Jonovan approaches me with a handful of warm food. He kneels down and looks at me with his fiery eyes.

“Here. Eat.” He proceeds to push the warm pile into my hands. The gesture is so kind, it almost hurts to say no.

“I-Idon’t eat.”

“You don’t eat?” He seems to think I just told him the sky is purple.

“The Shadows are my only nourishment.” My last taste of food isn’t even a memory in my mind anymore.

“What are you?”

“I am a Shadow.”

“What is that?”

I look at my feet and then return his stare. “I am an abandoned child who was left as an infant to brood in Shadow. I will never die and I will never feel warmth. I am cold and I scare people because I am something that people aren’t familiar with. I do not have a name, or at least do not remember it. Shadows are never loved, they are never cared for… They--“ A cold tear slides down my cheek. “They are nothings.” 

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 5, 2011 - 12:26 pm)

No, I just mean my post is over.

submitted by Kim A.
(October 5, 2011 - 5:12 pm)

Oh ok! thanks!Hey people i have a RP going on about faires meetin people so please join!oh and TOP!

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 10, in the flowers
(October 10, 2011 - 7:58 am)

Ok sorry for getting here late but can you guys work another creature in? Here's my profile:

Name: Janie.

Spieces: Dragon.

Age: 15 (in dragon years).

Other: Captured by a non-dragon slayer to be a slave.


Thanks. ( Admin, Please keep the spaces in between my profile sentences.) 


submitted by Alexandria , age 10, East TN
(October 24, 2011 - 12:18 pm)

Alexandria, sorry I didn't get back to you!! :(


Of course you can join, I'll let you figure out how to introduce your character. :)



submitted by Kim A.
(October 27, 2011 - 6:22 pm)

Name: Shadow/Shade/Flame

Species: some kind of wolf species that is currently unknown to man...until now.

Age: unknown

Appearance: black with surprisingly fiery eyes and fiery disposition. At first glance, you may think her to be shy and domestic, but once you see her fighting, and especially if you are fighting against her, you may think back on it, even regret it a little...

Other: she was born to the shadows....

submitted by Wolf, age 11(almost), Florida
(November 8, 2011 - 7:43 pm)


submitted by TOP, age TOP, TOP
(November 9, 2011 - 6:09 pm)


"Clarissa, Clarissa...Come out and play..." the voice kept on saying. I looked up; there was nothing. Suddanly, a cold hand went on my neck. I screamed."CLARISSAAAAA!!!!!!!" I heard Ashling and Shadow yell from miles away. Then, I heard running toward me. Then, I heard nothing. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" yelled Shadow and Ashling. Silence. "Hello, Hello?" I said. "Hel-AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Something grabbed my neck and I couldn't breathe. "I'm here, yes, I'm here!" I heard before. Everything was going black. "BWAHAHAAAAA!" I heard, then I passed out.


This is my 3rd time writing it because the internet wasn't working so it is kinda different than what iIthought about first. OK, I really need to say this: Some really famous person should come around and read this and turn it into a T.V. Show or Movie! We are all such good writers! Oh,and Welcome new people to this Theard! It is soooooooooo much fun!

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 10, Singing & Flying
(November 9, 2011 - 6:20 pm)