Kyngdom Survival Guide

Labyrinth Tunnels OMK!


Labyrinth Tunnels OMK!

Labyrinth Tunnels OMK!

If you're new here, start at the first labyrinth post. All the labyrinth posts live on the Power of Claw page.

The letters that remain on the bark are MEMIAGEHRTU. The old badger pointed us to the Book of Myth & Legends page featuring the Giant Ground Sloth...also known as Megatherium...and MEGATHERIUM is an anagram of MEMIAGEHRTU! I’m not sure what it means, but it has to be it.

"MEGATHERIUM!" I shout as loudly as I can, trying to overpower B.I.G.’s drill noise.

Nothing happens.

"Everyone, shout with me! In whatever tongue you speak!"

"MEGATHERIUM!!!" we all shout, hoot, howl, bark, squeak, squawk, growl, bleat, and caw. 

But a Giant Ground Sloth doesn’t appear.

Instead, the ceiling falls in. 

Rocks and dust fly everywhere. Sunlight almost blinds me. 

"Oh my Kyngdom!" someone cries as we all scatter and run for cover. The drill sound is deafening now. I press as hard as I can down on my ears, trying to drown it out. I look up, waving dust away from my eyes. 

A gigantic drill, easily as big as a rhino and ten times as loud, hangs down from the ceiling. It’s slowing down but still spinning. It looks vaguely a machine I saw on my trip to Bleak Peak. Could it be...

"We have a squirrel down! A squirrel down!" someone yells from across the room. I can’t see anything, what with all the dust and sunlight. 

The drill slows to a stop and rises up out of the hole it made. Everything is still except for the dust churning around in the air. My eyes adjust to the light. My ears adjust to the silence. And I see them. Agents of the Brazen Inquiry Guild. 

And an owl. 

"Who!" Silverpaw shouts. "Is that you?" 

"Who! Who!" hoots the owl, almost laughingly. 

"I knew it..." I whisper to myself, although I’m not sure anyone is surprised--just angry at ourselves for trusting such an obvious mole, er, double agent. 

"Ha! Ha!" a human voice laughs from above. "Silly animals! Silly humans! Silly FAR-FAR!"

"It’s F.A.F.A.," Silverpaw growls back. 

"I don’t care if it's FA-FA-LAFEL! You’re SILLY!"

"Is that what you came down here to do? To tell us we're silly?!" I yell back, a bit impatient and confused and angry.

"Yes! You're SILLY for walking around in tunnels for weeks! You're SILLY for following an old badger around to the end of the world! You're SILLY for thinking you could beat us to the Powers!"

"And we're...silly...for thinking you were our friend, Who!" Little Crow caws. The owl just hoot-laughs again. 

"If you had a pound of smartness, or one ounce of money, you’d have drilled down here like us! Ha! Ha!"

"If you had a pound of concern for the planet, or a pound of respects for the animals that live in the Labyrinth Lands, you'd have walked here like we did!" Silverpaw growls back.

"No! If you had a pound of smartness...or one ounce of’d have...drilled..." 

"OK, that's enough, Gog," another voice butts in. "Listen, everyone and everything down there. I represent the Brazen Inquiry Guild, the pending owners of this land. If you’ve found anything in those tunnels, you must immediately surrender it to us." 

"We haven’t found anything," I say, "and even if we had, it would be ours to keep. This isn’t B.I.G. property."

"This land might not be official property of the Brazen Inquiry Guild yet," the voice said. "But it will be as soon as we can track down the owner." I can't see the man, but I swear I hear him smirk. "And the more important issue is, if you don’t make it out of these deep, dark tunnels, how will anyone know what happened to you?"

"Ha! Ha! The news is gonna say, BUNCH OF SILLY ANIMALS GETS LOST IN THE DARK AND DIES!" Gog butts in. 

"We have worse things to worry about," Silverpaw yells up, "and you do, too. There’s nothing in this room but rocks and dust. The Power is gone."

"We'll see about that," the voice from above says. "And we’ll give you something worse to worry abo--"

Suddenly, as promised, we have something to worry about. 

In the middle of the room, the ground starts shaking violently. Cracks spread, inch by inch, more than ten feet from the center. We all press ourselves against the walls. The B.I.G. gang steps back from the edge of the hole they made, except Who, who flies low to get a better look. 

Everything goes still for a few seconds. We all relax the tiniest bit. Then the cracks explode upwards, like the ground itself is trying to fly up into the sky--or like some huge creature pushed its full weight up against it. 

I hear screams from above and howls and squawks from all around me. I start grinding my teeth together, something I do when I get nervous. 

Then the air goes completely still for a split second, and the cracks collapse. They sink into the floor, leaving a massive hole. 

I look up. The B.I.G. agents are nowhere to be seen. From somewhere, I can hear the sound of gurgling water. 

Silverpaw is the first to leave the wall. She walks, legs crouched slightly, back arched, to the edge of the hole, and stares down. She motions for us to join her. 

I approach. The gurgling gets louder. And in the distance, I can hear water running. No, the correct word would be rushing. 

I reach the edge of the hole and look down. Rock walls, dirty, bubbling water, a stench like an unwashed buffalo.

And then a gigantic clawed hand reaches up from beneath. 



submitted by Charlie W., Labyrinth Lands
(June 28, 2016 - 2:14 pm)

The gaint ground sloth? Hmmmm....i never would have guessed. Maybe its a freind? Hopefully not here to eat us....or you...because i am safley bacl at FaFa....

Maybe the stuff undetneath the sloth is the lost 9 tunnles!!!'

submitted by Claaws
(June 29, 2016 - 12:18 am)

Oh, and first post. :) ;)

submitted by Claaws
(June 29, 2016 - 12:19 am)

Oooh! I never even saw this because I just posted on the End of Labrynth Tunnels???  !!! I'm scared now...Scarlet, where are you!

submitted by Thimble/Jaaws
(June 29, 2016 - 7:25 am)

*deep breath*



Now that I got that out of the way....


Ok. For real this time.

Trill yelled as the ground shook. It was craziness. Animals were scattered around the room, humans were sheltered under rocks, all with BIG laughing over us. Charla growled.

"What's happening?!?!?" Meela cried. Charla quickly explained, and her eyes widened. Trill watched the sloth come out of the ground. Everyone stopped.

Trill repeated herself. "Oh. My. Kyngdom."

Then the room exploded in noise. Everyone screamed and ran around in circles.  

submitted by Trill, Meela, Charla, age 13, STUPID TUNNELZ
(June 29, 2016 - 8:42 am)

"Let's go." I say with a smirk. B.I.G is done here.

submitted by Anonymous, age Classified, Unknown
(June 29, 2016 - 9:18 am)

I start to leave, but-Woah!!! A giant snake sluggers towards our group with alarming speed, then slithers into the tunnels. "The Power!" I yell. "But sir, we're all out of Brazen Goo!" Gog yells. Darn. I curse under my breath. Wait a second... I turn to the tunnel mouth. "And by the way, there will be nothing left of you! You'll be eaten alive on B.I.G property.... Anything left to say?" I only hear hisses and growling. 

Who lands on my shoulder. "Great work....also, great job on telling us all about the Powers... You've been our agent since the Power of the Wing!" I say with a grin. "Now, let's go. We know where the Snake is now." 

submitted by Anonymous, age Classified, Unknown
(June 29, 2016 - 10:26 am)

Okay, I have to say it. I TOLD YOU SO!  I wrote that note. Also, Who, we got here first. You should have walked.


I don't know, be nice to the badger?


Zoth says bprh. Did you just burp? Say excuse me. 

submitted by Trixie W., age 12, In the tunnels
(June 29, 2016 - 11:08 am)

aaaahhh! Giant ground sloth! Someone! I need a bodyguard! I mean, um, I'll protect you, Thimble!

submitted by Scarlet
(June 29, 2016 - 12:53 pm)

A Really Super Duper Short Post From Jaaws~

Just as I'm about to exit the labrynth for good, I feel BIG break through it. I need to see my project...just once. I turn right around and race right back to the final cave.

submitted by Thimble/Jaaws, (Jaaws)
(June 29, 2016 - 3:35 pm)




Ahem.  I thought it was something about  sideffected powers.  The giant ground sloth!  Of course!

submitted by Windswift
(June 30, 2016 - 7:40 am)


I morph into an owl. "Grab on!" I shout to the nearest teamate, who just hapens to be Thistle Claw. I haven't really gotten to know her much. I think mabye she tends to avoid me. But nows not the time for thinking back. Thistleclaw looks up. "Oh look," She say sarcasticly, "It's Wiseowl here to betray us with her wonderful owl wings." Tears spring to my eyes. "I'm not a traitor, I would never-" She inturrupts me "Just admit it Wiseowl, all you came here to do is spy. So go to Who and leave up on our own to find our way out off here without a spy trying to lead us to our deaths." Some off the others nod in agreement and voice their opinions. It pretty much tears me in two. I try to say somthing, but find I can't. I turn to leave, defeated. Suddenly the badger is motioning to me. I hesitantly flap over. "You are smart," He says, nearly choking. 'You can't just leave them, Use your head owl girl." And with that, he laps into silence, giving me a meaningful look. A spark forms in my minds eye. "I have an idea!" I say "What are you going to do? Drive all of Kyngdom here and dump them into this pit." I think it was Trill who just said that, and it felt worse than a knife to my side. But I continue. "I'll be right back."

Guys, I actually don't have an idea for my character. So could you guys wright about what I do?

submitted by Wiseowl , age 11, Reader's Barn
(June 29, 2016 - 5:55 pm)

I wasn't thinking, and snapped at Wiseowl. She looked hurt, and I immediately regretted it. I opened my mouth to apologize, but she had already left.

"Jaaws...?" I muttered under my breath. The badger was standing next to me.

"No." He croaked sternly. "Everyone's.....failed intellect..."

I understood. Everyone was so shaken about Who being the traitor that everywhere they looked they saw enemies.

I felt really bad. As soon as Wiseowl got back, I was going to apologize. 

I just hoped that, what ever she was doing, it didn't take long. The sloth was pulling itself out of the crevice. Everyone shrank into corners. 



submitted by Trill W. MeelaCharla, age 13, STUPID TUNNELZ
(June 30, 2016 - 10:13 am) could probably get Ecio. But to get Ecio you would probably have to get me....but Ecio's probably good with this type of creature. You would probably have to get me or maybe Caelani (maybe you're good with Caelani since you're a wing creature?) to talk to him though.

submitted by Icy , age 11, The Forest
(June 30, 2016 - 10:53 am)

I watched as the Giant Ground Sloth struggled to get out of the giant mud hole. I wondered why would the badger brought us here. First of all, the Power of Claw creature is not a Giant Ground Sloth according to Moonshadow's story. I never knew it had such sharp claws! WHY HAD THE BADGER BROUGHT US TO A GROUND SLOTH WHO COULD KILL US WITH A SWIPE OF IT'S CLAWS? Who betrayed us. He is a BIG animal. This could not possibly get worse unless all the powers suddenly went against us right there in that hole and blasted us to peices.

submitted by Storm WIndwhisperer
(June 29, 2016 - 10:26 pm)

Alright, Brazen Guild, ready for a fight? No, well I am. Bats/Animals. attack.

submitted by Alexander
(June 29, 2016 - 10:43 pm)