Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Wing




MINUTES FOR THE EMERGENCY MEETING OF F.A.F.A. (Fur and Feathers Association)

Location: Back room of the Bog & Burrow Inn


  • Silverpaw, the white leopard: Spy Leader
  • Humblebug, the Hercules beetle: Secretary
  • Wigbig, the rabbit
  • Flying Sqirl, the flying squirrel
  • Treetoad, the tree frog
  • Who, the owl
  • Ssassandra, the snake
  • Owlgirl
  • Falcon P.
  • Storm Widwhisperer
  • Morbid, the wolf
  • Cher
  • Luna Hikari
  • Silence
  • Alicia Harrow



Meeting called to order by Silverpaw at 7 pm.

Silverpaw’s opening remarks:
—Zephyra’s nephew has located the B.I.G. laboratory at the top of Bleak Peak, and F.A.F.A. has reason to believe that Zephyra is being held captive there. Need to order a rescue mission immediately. Who knows what they’re doing to her, or how long she can hold onto the secret of the Power of Wing.
—MAYDAY, MAYDAY: How in the world did B.I.G. know that the Power of Wing was an object of significance, or that Zephyra was its Guardian? The dread conclusion: someone from the animal kingdom is feeding the B.I.G. scientists information. Too horrible to think about, but we must think about it.

Interjection from Wigbig:
—F.A.F.A. has no history of actually engaging with humans. Spying is all well and good, but interacting with them is risky. He doesn’t want to seem like a scaredy-rabbit, because he’s not, and oh boy he misses Zephyra, but he simply wants to make sure his doubts make it onto the record.

Objection from Flying Sqirl:
—Says she has been circling the B.I.G. laboratory for days. Does not think these scientists are as smart as they think they are. Also, if she finds the traitor, she will bite them in the neck.

Protestation from Wigbig:
—No one is sure there’s a traitor, okay?!

Interruption from Ssassandra:
—She is sso terribly ssorry, but she has to run, or she’ll be late for her gig. She hopes everyone will come ssee her play after the meeting is over.

Addendum from Who:
—Zephyra is a strong female crow. Should F.A.F.A. really be so concerned with her safety? If the walls are so easy to breach, as Flying Sqirl is implying, then a crow should be able to fly right out of there.

Conclusion from Silverpaw:
—F.A.F.A. will absolutely be embarking on a rescue mission, and will increase investigation into the issue of an animal traitor. Yes, this level of engagement with humans is unprecedented, but F.A.F.A. will simply have to be flexible and remain alert. This is a dangerous new era, and it may require tests of strength that have been heretofore unprecedented.

Declaration from Wigbig:
—Looks like someone’s using all their big vocabulary words at onc...

Meeting adjourned by Silverpaw at 7:30 pm.

submitted by Humblebug, Bog & Burrow Inn
(February 5, 2016 - 5:07 pm)

Also, I'd love to help you spy! I can't say it here, but look for a thread titled"BIG stuff".



submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(February 15, 2016 - 5:03 pm)

Oh! Oh! YOu missed me and my friend Kathleen! She might have said this already, but she's a human!!! Oh boy! I'm a Kijja wolf! I <3 F.A.FA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Rack the Wolf, age 7, Clock Cave
(February 14, 2016 - 10:43 am)

ARGH! Stupid spell-check! My name is Rajjk not Rack!

submitted by Rajjk the Wolf, age 7, Clock Cave
(February 14, 2016 - 3:10 pm)

Greetings, all. If you didn't know, I am already a well-set and long-standing spy for the FAFA. 

To all whom it may concern, I am open for my next mission. I may be found in the FAFA Library.

Fur and Feathers Forever!  

submitted by Thymewild, age 14, Kyngdom
(February 14, 2016 - 3:45 pm)

Can I join? Here's my info


SPECIES: frost dragon


APPEARANCE: white scales with a silver and blue tipped frill down my back

PERSONALITY: usually friendly but fierce when attacked

HOME: a den in Alaska

MOST OFTEN SEEN AT: nowhere in particular

FRIEND OR MENTOR: none(lives alone)




STRENGTHS: can fly and breathe fire

WEAKNESSES: candy and shiny things ( but I'm not a crow!)

BACKGROUND: escaped from family and went into hiding when born to avoid being captured or discovered by scientists

submitted by Parker S., age 9, U.S.A
(February 14, 2016 - 3:46 pm)

I'll be the cartographer for FaFA. May I attend the next meeting?

submitted by Kasumi H.
(February 14, 2016 - 5:58 pm)

I'm here! I am a part of FAFA, but I took up a job at B.I.G. to spy on them and get info for FAFA. I am a human, but I mean you no harm. I am here to help.

submitted by Vesper T. (Leafmist), age 17, Western Kyngdom
(February 16, 2016 - 10:17 am)

Admins, about the spies, I've been playing around with the idea that the could be organized in Orders of Stealth. Like, the spy leader, Silverpaw, would be of the First Order of Stealth, and Cyl Talon (my charrie), would is in the second, while less experienced spies are in the third. This is just a suggestion... I think that the fact that Kyngdom builds with our ideas and participation is really cool! I couldn't resist sharing my idea Laughing


Good idea, Rose bud. It can be a topic of discussion at the next FAFA meeting.


submitted by Rose bud
(February 18, 2016 - 5:23 pm)

When's the next meeting? We should discuss stuff before everyone goes off to save Aunt Zephyra! It's...(checking calender) a week before Little Crow and everyone goes. Please admins?


It's up to FAFA to set the next meeting date. We didn't create the organization. I believe Humblebug did.


submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(February 19, 2016 - 7:42 pm)

Oh, and thanks!

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(February 19, 2016 - 9:15 pm)

@ Admin


Actually, I think Cress (who, when she wants to be anonymous, usually goes by "ssecretFaFAagent, the...." and fills in teh rest under the location and age field) was the one who created the idea of the FaFA and introduced herself as an FaFA spy.  A lot of other people "expanded" on the idea and started threads about it.

So yeah, Cress created it.

Cress, who are you actually again? Or is that confidential? 


OK, you may know better than I do. I just saw that the first comment on this thread was submitted by Humblebug.



submitted by Hermione A
(February 21, 2016 - 8:01 pm)

@Hermione A

Thanks! I didn't realize you had been paying such close attention!

*Alter Ego sneaks in* 

Ooh, stalker!

Shut up, please.

Sorry you had to hear that. My AE is a little un...well, un everything good sometimes.

*AE runs from the room, smirking*


And as to what CBer I actually I am, I won't restate it here. But you can check my character profile. 

submitted by Cress
(February 21, 2016 - 8:03 pm)

I'm fairly new here and would like to join FaFA but not sure how. Also, I would like to be in this meeting.

submitted by Moonshadow the wolf, age 12, Western highlands
(March 3, 2016 - 9:17 am)

Neminem (see charrie on last page of Charlie's Who is here thread)

I'm working as a spy. Currently, you have sent me to B.I.G.

submitted by Neminem
(March 6, 2016 - 10:19 am)

I'm Archagent Lynx... I'm actually a human/shapeshifter, but hey, I'm with the cause.

submitted by Brookeira/Archagent
(March 9, 2016 - 10:57 am)