Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Archive



This thread's purpose is to contain theories and stories about how the Powers came about and what they could be- besides the Powers of Wing and Claw. I'll post my stories as soon as I come up with them.

Admin: After a week or two, we will create a poll so everyone can vote on which origin story they like best! We might even combine more than one story. 

submitted by Kasumi Hayashi
(March 24, 2016 - 5:56 pm)

So since I found the Serum that destroyed the powers/guardians, the team that Claaws mentioned tries to capture me, and take it away, but they fail. Or they could be successful--but that wouldn't make much of a story.

submitted by Feryl, age 14, TimeTravel
(April 5, 2016 - 11:34 pm)


I'm a bit new to Kyngdom, and I can't seem to find information on the Powers of Wing, Claw, and Howl. Are they even real? What are they, and what do they do? I heard something about a gryphon...

Can anyone help me out? 

PS - I could also use some info on the storyline. 


Look at the active Story So Far and Power Origin threads.


submitted by Indigo L.
(April 6, 2016 - 3:32 am)

The Powers are definitely real. It's not 100% clear what they are, but they are powerful objects that can be activated to summon mythical and legendary beasts. The Power of Wing, for example, summoned a Gryphon. Each Power has a Guardian, an animal who keeps it safe and hidden and tries to prevent it from being activated. The Guardian of the Power of Wing is Zephyra, the crow you might've read about on this board.

We'll be posting a full storyline summary very soon!


submitted by Admin
(April 7, 2016 - 3:30 pm)

Yes, I would like to 'act' the Angel Wolf (I don't know any other way to put it :) )

~ Moonshadow 

CAPTCHA say xpox. What? You have an Xbox? 

submitted by Moonshadow
(April 6, 2016 - 7:50 am)

I have another Power to add to the lineup (or whatever it's called). This one is called The Power Of Evil. It's a small, smooth, black stone on a chain. It was originally owned by Catastrophe, the evil warlord that started all five of the Catastrophic Wars. When worn around one's neck, it renders the wearer coldhearted, unable to reason clearly and extremely violent. This power controls the actions of the wearer and others that the wearer commands. If you say the words, "Salmso Akkat," while wearing the Power, you will summon Ares, the Song Of War Bird that Catastrophe was very good accquaintences with. However, Catastrophe died in The Battle Of Devil's Back just after his youngest son was born, and the Power was buried in a rockfall with its owner. The day before The Battle Of Devil's Back, though, Catastrophe's head magician made a prophecy that the Power, someday, would find Catastrophe's true heir and wreak havoc again...

Please consider adding this to the other Powers.      

submitted by Ronan I, age ??, Kyngdom
(April 7, 2016 - 3:22 pm)

Oooh, I just had an idea, something that came as a result of Claaws's exile. Is it still too late to brainstorm a few more ideas? I really want to come up with something that will be useful and interesting. I think this will make a good story, and it's not another power. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

submitted by Thimble, age Four Weeks, Thinking Hard
(April 6, 2016 - 7:16 pm)


Note: I think what Chinchilla is trying to say is that the Power of Fin should be put in the Glass Armonica. The Glass Armonica is a remarkable instrument that is believed to be made by Benjamin Franklin. The Wikipedia term for it is quoted here:

The glass harmonica, also known as the glass armonica, bowl organ, hydrocrystalophone, or simply the armonica or harmonica (derived from ἁρμονία, harmonia, the Greek word for harmony),[1][2] is a type of musical instrument that uses a series of glass bowls or goblets graduated in size to produce musical tones by means of friction (instruments of this type are known as friction idiophones). 


Oh, thank you for that Dictionary answer to my dilemma. Anyways, I think that the Power of Fin should have it because um, the bowls are wet. Okay, in hindsight that idea is dum. The only thing about it that has to do with water is that the bowls must be wet to make it sound nice. I think.

Note: I must do what my nature commands me to do. I must explain the origins of the Glass Armonica.

A glass harp is an ancestor of the glass armonica. The rims of wine glasses filled with water are rubbed by the player's fingers to create the notes.


Okay, so if any of you think the idea of the Glass Armonica is interesting, please tell me, but be warned, I will only answer on Saturday because there's a play that I'm in that must be performed on Friday, AKA tomorrow. 

submitted by Ivy, I'mIvyInKyngdomWhen IPost
(April 7, 2016 - 2:33 pm)

That sounds really cool! I think we should definitely consider it an option!

~ Moonshadow 

CAPTCHA says igwr. It work? 

submitted by Moonshadow
(April 8, 2016 - 9:38 am)

Wow, that's a great idea!

submitted by Ronan I
(April 8, 2016 - 10:02 am)

I'm fine if the Power of Eye doesn't exist. It was just an idea, and probably not a good one, so no one has to us the Power of Eye if they don't want to. :) Anyways, there are better ideas in this thread. =D

"oyom!" Oh Yum? Seriously?? That's all you have to say to compliment my cooking?! Oh come on.

submitted by Ivy
(April 7, 2016 - 2:35 pm)

Admin, would it be okay if I was the Power of Hoof's guardian in the roleplay? Like if I made a new charrie, a horse, that lived in the Hoofbeat Forest?

submitted by Scylla
(April 7, 2016 - 6:57 pm)

im doing that for the power of howl (are you ok with that, Claire H?) so I'm sure it's fine if you do. 

~ Moonshadow 

submitted by Moonshadow
(April 8, 2016 - 9:36 am)