My... CBerversary???

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

My... CBerversary???

My... CBerversary???

I'm not exactly certain when my CBerversary officially is, since I have a complicated history with the CB. But I've kinda decided on January 8 for my CB-Return-A-Versary, and so although this is late, it's been 2 years since I came back. 

Let me explain a little bit of my history.

3 years, 5 months, and 5 days ago today, I made one of the first posts I can remember on here. It was on a Wings of Fire Blab About Books post by Insanity, and I ended up talking back and forth with Air for a while. Soon after that, I jumped back off the CB and just... didn't think about it for about a year or so. Then I came back on in about January 2017? In the time I was gone, almost every "war" happened (I mean no disrespect by putting it in quotes) and a lot of people I had known left. I've always had the name 'Starseeker' and the moons in my age box (though the number of moons changes as I age), but my location changed a lot. It used to be various Wings of Fire territories, such as "Seawing Territory" or "Nightwing Kingdom". Now, I change it every year on my birthday, because... why not? It's a mark of my changing personality. 

Now, I feel like I should do something cool with this thread. Like, thank all the people that helped me along the way, or create a poetry thread, or compliment people. But I just don't know, really. How about this? Ask me a question. As long as it doesn't break any CB guidelines, I'll answer it honestly. They can be silly or something that you just want to know about me. Have fun!


submitted by Starseeker, age 168 moons, Enterprise
(January 13, 2019 - 2:21 pm)

Wait, I think I forgot the confetti angel.

Mexi says ogga! 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 16, 2019 - 7:46 am)

Ah, I love the confetti angel! Thanks, Viola?! (I look super surprised and yelling now-- oops.) Hmm, my current location was inspired by my love of Star Trek. At the time I chose it, I had finished the Original Series and was halfway through Next Generation. I've since then finished Next Gen and am a bit through the second season of Deep Space 9, but I'm having some trouble finishing it since it isn't as action-packed as the other series and I have a lot of schoolwork to keep on top of. Thanks for asking!


submitted by Starseeker, age 168 moons, Enterprise
(January 16, 2019 - 1:56 pm)

Happy Cberversary Star! 

submitted by June
(January 16, 2019 - 7:57 am)

Thanks, June! Happy CBerversary to you too!


submitted by Starseeker, age 168 moons, Enterprise
(January 16, 2019 - 1:57 pm)

Oh yeah! Feel free to use my picturing. I finally found a use for my glow in the dark paint! I’ll take  another photo for you when I go home; this one has a dark shadow across the bottom upon further inspection. :P

<3 Fidelity


submitted by Fidelity
(January 16, 2019 - 6:40 pm)

Oh, cool! Sorry your post got deleted, that always stinks. Thank you for the balloons (for you but also for my behalf, so both of our balloons...?) and happy CBversaty again!

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(January 16, 2019 - 10:03 pm)