Hey Lizards!!! I

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Hey Lizards!!! I

Hey Lizards!!! I thought I would post the first bit of the story I'm writing to see if I could possibly get some feedback. This is the first chapter, and at the moment, I have 15 written. The story is called (currently) Time Captive, and it takes place in the early 3000s. I'm open for constructive criticism and would love to here what you think! Thank you! 

"Ow!" I screamed, dropping my hammer and watching it tumble across the floor. "Cruel, hammer.". I reached under my small old bed to grab it. But being me, I got distracted. There were loads of junk under my bed, though to me, each piece was a treasure. This is where I hide all of the things my parents tell me to throw away, and since they ask me to do that a lot, there is a whole world of stuff down here. I decide to take some of it out. I grab my Techy Tape, a brand of sticky technology that came out last year. Then, since I am hungry, I grab a bag of carrots that aren't too old and set them on my nightstand. I take a carrot from the bag, put the tape in my hand, and get back to work. Oh, and did I mention I am building a time machine? Yeah, me and my friend Lavender from down the street have always wanted to see the past. I love history and Lavi loves tech (which she has tried to teach me), so we decided that we would be the first to cross the barrier we call time. But of course, I got myself grounded, so I have to hide a machine as big as myself in my bedroom and figure out all the wiring myself. It is not unusual for me to be in trouble. The fact is, trouble seems to follow me. But, in all my times causing problems, I never set the school computer lab on fire. Yep - somehow, I managed to cross the red wire and the black wire (the most deadly combination), and the next thing I knew, everyone had ashes in their hair. And that is why I am stuck here in my bedroom alone. A suspension, a grounding, and a banning from wires. Except I didn't listen.  I promised Lavi that we would finish this, and I never go back on my word. Not even in the case of setting a building on fire. So that is why I  am trying to understand this modern thing we call supertech while my parents are out discussing something with my principal. I should have about 15 minutes left until I need to start packing up, so I have to work as fast as I can. All I have to do is finish up wiring Ari, the avatar Lavi created before I got incarcerated here, and finish sealing all the exposed technology. I manage to position Ari inside the timecraft when I hear it. There is a whooshing sound coming from above the roof. There is only one thing that could mean: my parents are home. They never come home early! How am I going to get this mess cleaned up in time? If I get discovered, I am going to get thrown out of the house (I might have been exaggerating a tad bit)! There was only one option: I had to take the time machine. If I activate it, it should disappear from the room, hiding all evidence of my misdemeanor, but I hadn't weatherproofed it yet. On the other hand, if my parents found it, there was no chance the machine would make it. I had to risk it. I quickly opened the door to my mechanism and threw in any supplies I thought I might need. My carrots for food, my wielding gear for last minute repairs, my newest phone (version 100 - I wanted to just keep my last one, but Lavi convinced me to get this one to "stay in the swing of things") , and my sticky tape for, well, who knows what. I just happened to have it in my hand. I looked around my room one last time, hoping I would get to see it again. I knew there were other things I would need, but I didn't have any time left. I had to go now, or face the consequences. My parents were in the car hanger now! Closing my eyes, I slowly put one foot in. The shiny metal squeaked under my steel tipped-shoes. I grimaced. How in the 3000th century would I be able to do this without Lavi? I just had to hope I could remember enough of what she taught me. It was all I had to go on. I heard my parents getting out of the car. I seriously had to hurry. I put my second foot in and closed the heavy metal door shut. Now that I am in here, I wish me and Lavi had planned to make it a bit more roomy - it was tight with me in it, but with her, I think we would be nose to nose. "Asher, get yourself moving!" I muttered to myself. I took a seat on the cold metal bench on the side of the timecraft. Then, I pushed the button that would change my life forever. I turned it on. I heard the gears and wires start to whirl to life in the walls around me as the engine started up. I would only have a minute until Ari asked me when (since you're traveling in time) to go. Would she work? Did Lavi program her correctly? Yes - Ari worked perfectly fine (as I should have known). A quiet soothing voice echoed out from the speakers around me. Ari worked! As Ari talked through all the safety features that I had already memorized, I wondered when I would go. Dinosaurs would be too dangerous, obviously, and going back to a recent time might risk me seeing myself, so I decided to go with my great-great-great-great times 5 greats grandmother's birthday, since my family is always talking about it. December 13th, 2020 I believe. I think 2020 was safe, I mean I can't think of any wars that happened then, and it was only 980 years ago, so, there shouldn't be any harm going there. So when Ari finally asked that burning question, I told her with confidence my chosen answer."December 13th, 2020 please Ari." I can't believe I forgot that the number thirteen was bad luck. 


submitted by Neverseen , Building a Time Machine
(May 3, 2021 - 1:04 pm)