My Comic! This

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

My Comic! This

My Comic! This is for me to post my comic, honest opinions please! 

submitted by Kitty Cat, age Im all, Fired up!
(March 2, 2022 - 6:13 pm)

It's not in order and the words may not be the best but here's one...

submitted by Kitty Cat, age I’m all, Fired up!
(March 3, 2022 - 10:57 am)

Oh wow, that's great!

submitted by WordSong, age Forever, Under a rock
(March 3, 2022 - 12:11 pm)

Wow, this is really pretty! I think it captures emotion so well, and I can't wait to see more of it <333 (I wonder what happened to poor Lila...)

submitted by Silver Crystal , age Infinity, Milky Way
(March 3, 2022 - 12:58 pm)

You a REALLY good at drawing!

submitted by Cleo, age 11, Alexandria, Va
(March 3, 2022 - 3:29 pm)

I LOVE THIS!! :D i want moreee it looks awesome <3

I think the first your should be you're though? SORRY FOR GRAMMAR POLICING YOU AAA

It's so good!!! <33 


submitted by Honeybee
(March 3, 2022 - 11:12 pm)
submitted by TOP!
(March 3, 2022 - 11:47 am)
submitted by TOPh!
(March 3, 2022 - 11:55 am)

Thanks veryone!

here's some more... 

I'm not posting it because of language.


submitted by Kitty Cat, age I’m all, Fired up!
(March 3, 2022 - 9:21 pm)

Oh my gosh @admins I am sosososo sorry I thought I put the other version on there--

here it is with darn now  

submitted by Kitty Cat, age I’m all, Fired up!
(March 3, 2022 - 11:26 pm)

Oml this is great! XD

It legit feels like a professional comic, even though it looks just a tad sketch'y at the moment!

submitted by Jaybells, Admiring the Skill
(March 4, 2022 - 3:59 am)

Lmaooo this is hilarious! I love your art style and the humor of it <333

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(March 4, 2022 - 10:45 am)

Thanks again everyone for all the nice comments!

here's page two to the first one... 

submitted by Kitty Cat, age I’m all, Fired up!
(March 4, 2022 - 11:06 am)