Dear you,

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Dear you,

Dear you,

Yes, I mean you. You, sitting right there, reading this letter. Who else would I mean? The other you? Well, we haven't quite gotten to that part yet.

Dear you, you have been invited to the seventy-fifth annual Queendom Ball! This dearly held tradition is a staple of Wonderlandian life, and each year we invite seven, lucky, inter-dimensional guests. You happen to be one of them!

All accommodations and residences will be provided, in the two weeks leading up to the Ball. Even the Queen of Hearts herself will be there, in full splendor. Make sure to reply promptly, on the form in the envelope!


The Diamond Butler


You flip over the letter. There's nothing else on it. How bizarre.

Right on cue, as if beckoned by the magic of fourth-wall writing, another sheet of paper drops out of the envelope. You take it, scanning it. It reads:



Myers Briggs Personality Type:


Special Skills:





Indeed indeed, tis a ski lodge, of magnificent granduerity and splendid fantasticalness! Grandeurity? Is that a word? Perhaps, and perhaps not. Welcome to a ski lodge as puzzling as it is wondrous, set in the inter-dimensional hub of Wonderland. We are only accepting seven guests, CAPTCHAs not included.

I do hope you join our lovely vacation here. Oh, and you are free to guess who I am at any point in time–though, I warn you, it will surely be difficult.

Without further ado, welcome to the Queendom Ball!

submitted by The Diamond Butler
(March 9, 2022 - 7:59 pm)

Name: Avara

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Myers Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ

Appearance: Tall, long dark brown hair, pale skin with a purplish tinge, athletic-looking.

Special Skills: Biking, playing viola, paper crafts

Luggage: Clothes and books. Lots of books.

CAPTCHA: A small white-and-tan labradoodle puppy named Sadie.

Other: None.

submitted by Avara, age 14, Alaska
(March 26, 2022 - 9:27 pm)

Day 2 Part 1


Wordsong stared numbly at their chai. The Diamond Butler had brought tea up to everyone's rooms, instructing them to remain in the hotel.

So, Writing was dead.

Wordsong wasn't too sure how to feel about that.

Before they could overthink (or underthink, or think at all for that matter), a knock came on the door. Periwinkle poked her head in before Wordsong could rise to open it. "Hey, you alright?" Periwinkle asked, coming in and taking a seat on Wordsong's bed.

Wordsong shrugged. "I don't know. It's a little weird. I thought this vacation would be different."

Periwinkle laughed lightly. "Come on, we're CBers. Murphy's law is a universal law here! Don't worry about it–Writing's still a ghost too. Xe's having a great time floating through walls."

"I guess."

"Anyways, are you going to drink your chai?"

Wordsong shook their head. Periwinkle grinned. "Don't mind if I take it then. I love chai."

Leaning back in their chair, Wordsong stared up at the ceiling of their room. It was incredible high, and bookshelves spiraled up to the domed glass ceiling. Wordsong had checked the books earlier. They were all empty, waiting for someone to write in them.

"Didn't the butler tell us to stay in our rooms?" Wordsong asked, sitting up.

Periwinkle shook her head, sipping on her chai. "Nope. She just told us to stay in the hotel. It's pretty boring all alone, so I came here. Do you want to go explore? I heard that the hotel has infinite floors."

"Like that one math problem."


"There's a problem where an infinite hotel has infinite guests–nevermind," Wordsong said, cutting themself off, "Exploring?"

Periwinkle nodded.

Wordsong gave a halfhearted sort of smile. "Well how do I know you're not the killer?"

Periwinkle grinned, setting down the chai. "You don't! So take a gamble!"

Wordsong sighed, smiling, and shaking her head. "You're going to get yourself kicked out even if you aren't the killer. I'll come with you to go explore."

Periwinkle jumped up, grabbing Wordsong's hand enthusiastically. "You won't regret it!"


The hotel did seem like it had infinite floors. After narrowly making it past a stairwell full of crocodiles, and then a maze of mirrors, Wordsong found themself on an empty room with three doors. Periwinkle examined the doors closely, practically vibrating with excitement. "This is just like a real adventure–it's so cool!"

Wordsong did have to admit, it was a little cool. If not vaguely dangerous.

The three doors each had a letter on them, engraved in silver–one had P, the second had S, and then the third had M.

"Let's go in the M door," Periwinkle suggested, "M feels lucky."

It didn't feel particularly lucky to Wordsong–all of the doors just evoked equally apprehensive feelings, but they shrugged. "Okay, let's go."

Periwinkle opened the M door, and Wordsong followed. As soon as they entered, the door slammed shut behind them, barely missing their fingers by a couple centimeters. Wordsong jumped, glancing around.

They were in a room with three more doors, practically identical to the last. However, the doors no longer had silver letters on them.

"A true game of chance!" Periwinkle exclaimed, clapping dramatically.

"I don't like games of chance," Wordsong sighed, "Let's go back. We can explore another floor–"

They jiggled the knob of the door. It didn't budge. Locked.


This had been a bad idea from the start. Wordsong inwardly promised to themself to never take any other three-door games of chance again. Terrible odds, honestly.

"Terrible odds, you say?"

Wordsong yelped, scrambling back.

A goat leered back at them, slightly shorter than them. What? Did the–did the goat just read Wordsong's mind–

"I did!" the goat exclaimed happily.

Oh. A goat that could read minds. How fun. Wait–how did that even–

"I've been blessed with mild telepathic powers," the goat said, "but regardless, you were right. Terrible odds, especially since there are three blind doors. Terrible odds because you don't know what, exactly, the odds are. Would you like to know?"

"No!" Periwinkle said, at the exact same time Wordsong said, "Yes."

The goat blinked strangely at Periwinkle. "I've never had someone who said no before. You truly are peculiar."

"Why thank you!"

"That wasn't a compliment," the goat sniffed rudely, leaving a very offended Periwinkle, "anyways, I'll tell you the odds. Behind one door there's a way out. Behind the other two doors are my siblings–and trust me, they're not as friendly as I am."

Wordsong felt like they had heard of this dilemma before.

"So we need to choose a door," Periwinkle said slowly.

"Without any hints to what's behind them," Wordsong groaned.

The goat nodded. "Exactly!"

"You could be lying," Wordsong pointed out.

"I'm not. Trust me. Two out of three are terrible enough odds to let the numbers do the job themselves–"

"Two out of three are wonderful odds," Periwinkle grinned, an excited gleam in her eye, "Here, let's try this one."

She headed towards the middle door, reaching for the handle. The goat quickly dashed in front of her, shaking its head. "You're choosing this door?"

Periwinkle frowned. "Uh, yea. Can I open it?"

The goat sighed. "Here, I'll give you a hint. That door," it said, nodding to the first door, "has a goat behind it."

"That's not helpful, I'm guessing this door."

But maybe it might be, Wordsong considered. The goat wouldn't have told them it if it wasn't helpful.

But that left the question:

Which door should they choose?


Which door should they choose? A puzzling problem indeed–which is why you all are free to answer it! Choose a door, and explain your reasoning! This problem is in fact a famous dilemma–so bonus points to anyone who can name it. Good luck darlings!

submitted by The Diamond Butler
(April 1, 2022 - 12:56 pm)

Ooooh I think I can solve it! I could be wrong, but I remember my mom took a statistics class a while ago and part of it was probability and I love probability so I looked over her shoulder a lot and we watched a video on this. It was two or three years ago so I could be wrong, but I think they should switch? It doesn't totally make sense to me, but I think it's because you start with choosing a random one, so then there's a one in three chance that that one is the way out, but then the goat (who is the best character, by the way) says that the first one is a goat, but then there's still one in three odds that the one you chose first is the way out? But for the other door it's two in three? It doesn't totally make sense to me, because I think now it's fifty fifty, because now you know that one is the way out and one is a goat, so . . . I don't know. But that's how the video explained it.

Anyways, I love how I was portrayed in this one. I do, indeed, hate games of chance.

Also I love the bookshelves without words.  

submitted by WordSong, age Forever, Under a rock
(April 2, 2022 - 8:17 am)

I love this! I'm not going to lie I have no idea how to solve the puzzle, although it seems you predicted that because I just chose a random door, which is totally what I would do XD

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 2, 2022 - 9:41 am)

Hello, Diamond Butler!

I have two things to say.

The first is a favor.  I am considering doing a ski lodge and I wanted to ask questions after every few parts, like you do.  It wouldn't be exactly the same; I would ask questions that help me understand my characters and write them better, like "do you procrastinate often?" or "How do you react to seeing new people?" but it's similar, and I got the idea from yours, and I wanted to see if that was okay or that would feel like plagiarizing of some sort.  If that's alright, wonderful, but if not, I understand.  Your ideas are your own, and individuality is important.

Secondly I want to say how much I've been enjoying this.  I'm not a participant, but I plan to read every entry; it's exciting and very fun to read.  I loved Writing becoming a ghost, and the talking goat is wonderful-- every new idea seems creative and ingenious to me.  The writing style is very pleasing as well.  I could see myself trying to write a story sort of... "cool" like this, for lack of a better word... but worry that I sounded stupid or something, and instead go with uncertainty, saying "um well so this is an idea I had... you guys could try and solve the puzzle?" or something like that to seem less... whatever the voice in your head is saying to you, and I'm glad that you decided not to go with that.  You're doing amazing, and the mysterious vibe totally works.   Thank you.

submitted by
(April 2, 2022 - 3:32 pm)

Why thank you! I take the compliments very sincerely, I absolutely adore doing things like this, and I'm glad you all enjoy it too! Of course you can do about the same thing, it's all fair game!

submitted by The Diamond Butler
(April 2, 2022 - 9:55 pm)

... The last door? Because why would the goat be upset if I was going through the middle door if that was right, and he already told me there's a goat behind the first door. So the last door maybe? 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 14, 2022 - 3:28 pm)


submitted by TOP, age TOP, TOP
(April 12, 2022 - 11:53 am)

I don't want this thread to die!

submitted by TOPSong, age TOP, TOP
(April 14, 2022 - 7:00 am)

Can i still do this? well, i guess i will find out.





Myers Briggs Personality Type:Creativity. Also known as the adventurer.They are passionate, sensitive, artistic and unexpectedly rebellious personality. They'er irisitable not only for their impecable style and enigmatic charm but also their desire to push the boundries of social convetion and freely express them selves.

Appearance:See picture

Special Skills:Drawing, her sharp tounge (she can win almost any argument), a way with animals (dog espesilly)and her agility

Luggage:Her art supplise, Nintendo switch, her diary, computer,phone and music player.


Other:She is a goth/punk girl and does not like to wear dresses, unles it's like edgy or super creepy.

submitted by Reuby Moonnight, age 11 nebulas, Lunaitaria
(April 14, 2022 - 5:57 pm)

This is so cool, please keep it alive!

submitted by Hunter
(April 16, 2022 - 10:01 am)