The Midnight Express

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

The Midnight Express

The Midnight Express - a ski lodge.

You wake up to the sound of a train whistle.  It pierces through the foggy dream you’d been having, bringing you back to reality.  The morning sun streams through your bedroom window.  You glance around, puzzled about where the noise came from.  When you’re unable to find an answer, you shrug and get ready for the day.  A purple butterfly perches on your windowsill.  It watches you.

Continuing on with your morning routine, you make a quick breakfast and head out the door.  A warm breeze ruffles your hair, hitting you with the unexpected aroma of rose and sage.  And there it is again - that high, musical train whistle in the distance.  The violet-winged butterfly has followed you.  Now it flutters through the air and lands on the front steps of your house.  Your eyes are drawn to it, and you notice that next to it is an envelope.  The folded paper parcel is a rich, deep indigo color sprinkled with gold and sealed with silver wax.  Curious, you pick it up and open it.  When the paper is torn, a puff of glitter is released and a crisp folded letter slides out.  The letter is blank, but a voice begins to speak -

Greetings esteemed friend!

I hope I have not interrupted you, however this is the easiest way to contact you.  You’re probably wondering what is going on - in which case, have no fear.  The Midnight Express is currently passing through, and we would love to invite a few lucky souls to join us on a weeklong trip through the realms.  The Express is no ordinary train (as you have probably gathered already).  It has numerous luxurious amenities, from a state-of-the-art ballroom and dining car to a greenhouse and astral observatory.  Of course, almost all of these will be available to you as a passenger on the Express, as well as all the sights and activities a tour through the realms could offer.  Should you choose this generous offer, please complete the form below -


CBer or AE:



Personality in exactly seven words:


Favorite color described as poetically as possible:

Zodiac sign:

Law or chaos?:

Favorite fancy word (serendipity, hiraeth, etc):

Anything else we should know?:

Please keep in mind that CAPTCHAs are not allowed, and that we will be accepting 10 guests.  Also - the Midnight Express is not responsible for any lost possessions, injuries, or deaths that may occur during your trip.  Midnight is a dangerous time, after all. 

We hope to see you soon!



Your Hosts Masque, Wisp, and Glimmer

submitted by Masque,Wisp,Glimmer, ski lodge!
(March 13, 2023 - 3:52 pm)




Personality:curious, quick, witty,reckless, beware her sass.

Appearance: chestnut brown hair.pale freckled skin and emerald green eyes.

Luggage: a pen and pencil,50s clothes, the balled of songbirds and snakes by Suzanne Collins,  a notebook, a bow and arrows.

Favorite:the shade that lurks like lilacs in the early hours of twilight,the purple that lurks in the galaxy.

Zodiac sign: scorpio,like me


Favorite fancy word:Arete

Other:she can fly,but passes out when touching platinum.

submitted by Luna silvermoon
(March 17, 2023 - 3:29 pm)

uhh, Luna, not to be mean, but I think that all twelve spots are taken... unless the host is okay with one more. Idk, but I was the twelfth. I think you got a little late like me :,(

If you get let in, maybe our characters can be friends XD Gabriola definitely approves of her book tastes 

submitted by Miriam H., writing feverishly
(March 17, 2023 - 5:00 pm)

Ok thank you @Miriam h .and yes they can

submitted by Luna silvermoon
(March 17, 2023 - 5:32 pm)

Miriam is unfortunately correct, luna.  The fabric of spacetime is fragile, and one too many guests poses the risk of completely disrupting it.  We hope you will join us on another journey, though!

Speaking of journeys, spots are officially closed!  The Midnight Express is scheduled to depart on Wednesday, we certianly hope you won't forget!

submitted by Sterling, age they/them, lost in a fantasy world
(March 17, 2023 - 5:29 pm)

I can't believe I did that, I'm such an idiot.  Guess the secret's out!

submitted by Masque,Wisp,Glimmer, aka Sterling :/
(March 17, 2023 - 7:36 pm)
The beginning.
March 18, 2023.  The Midnight Express.
A great writer once proclaimed, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”  It follows to wonder, then, who the director could possibly be.  Sitting as I am, surrounded by all the stars in the universe, it quite seems like there is none - that we are in fact the masters of our own fates.  But alas, that is not the case.  This is a mystery, after all, in fact just another facet of the great Mystery.
However, no greater power is without its own puppet strings, reins that can be harnessed and manipulated to the actors’ own desires.
Ah, but I think that’s enough musing for one night.  The guests are going to be on board soon, and we must prepare - for the best, and of course for the worst.  I think this upcoming week will be very interesting. 
submitted by Masque,Wisp,Glimmer, The Midnight Express
(March 18, 2023 - 9:14 am)

Oh, my! I love it! Very mysterious...

submitted by Scuttles
(March 23, 2023 - 8:07 am)

Mysterious indeed! And lovely. Very prologuey.

submitted by Seadragon
(March 29, 2023 - 7:30 pm)
submitted by prologue out!
(March 20, 2023 - 5:32 pm)
submitted by tippity top!
(March 21, 2023 - 6:17 pm)

Apologies for the delay, esteemed guests.  We have encountered a few roadblocks on our way to you but intend to make our depatrure sometime this week!

submitted by Masque,Wisp,Glimmer, updating!
(March 27, 2023 - 7:25 pm)

We offer our condolences for the late departure, writer's block is quite a formidable enemy.  This ski lodge is NOT dead and will update as soon as possible.

submitted by updating!
(April 4, 2023 - 9:39 am)