ultimate music thread!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

ultimate music thread!

ultimate music thread!

ik we have some music threads already, but i've had this idea for a while, and thought it might be fun?

here you can discuss music, fangirl/boy/person about your favorite bands, scream lyrics into the void, ask for and give song recommendations, share playlists, whatever! have fun, go crazy, and don't damage your ears :D

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(April 2, 2024 - 5:51 am)

I become her father 

And complain of mediocre theater in the daytime 

And ice in single malt whiskey at night

Of rising skirt hems and lowering IQ's



submitted by Lord Entropy , Sunglasses(album version)
(August 23, 2024 - 9:08 pm)


Aghh, this song is SO GOOD and has been stuck in my head for DAYS. 

I love Panic! @ The Disco way too much. 

submitted by riddle_wren, age Oddities!, If Crazy = Genius...
(August 24, 2024 - 2:37 pm)

remember when you took too much?

i didn't mind being your crutch

i loved you then, it's not the same

i don't like how things change 

submitted by Lord Entropy , change -alex g
(August 27, 2024 - 5:19 pm)

sometimes I hyperfixate on one specific lyric so anyway the lines "sure as a surgeon, you slipped your hand into the door jam" is so great anyway thanks the mountain goats 

submitted by Lord Entropy
(September 2, 2024 - 10:26 pm)

Monedita de Oro!!! Luis Fonsi!! with "Quien te dijo eso" wheeeee!!!! And Amy McDonald! And "Time of Our Lives" I mean it's so happy and ethereal in a way even though it's really unsophisticated at the same time... And obviously Carlos Baute his songs are so gooddd. And Peter Paul and Mary. And Italian pop. And Yildizlarin Altinda, a Turkish song!! And excuse me I'd like to go back to "Quien te dijo eso" it's so good. And "Azul" by Cristian Castro! Lovely lyrics and just so happy and harmonious. And '80s rock is really good. Especially if you hear it outdoors. And this song that I don't know the title of but it goes "Thank you for the days/I won't forget a single day believe me" and it sums up so perfectly the 2024 Euros. And Miley Cyrus!! I love "Party in the USA" and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"

And this was a very long ramble about all the music I like right now :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(September 5, 2024 - 8:23 pm)

Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes >:DDDDD But my dear Poinsettia, you're forgetting "Nada es para siempre" and its lovely lyrics which are also interpreted very nicely--

submitted by Amethyst
(September 6, 2024 - 8:01 pm)

random music recs because i'm procrastinating my ap seminar homework! :D 

Flight Risk EP by Tommy Lefroy - this ep is amazing 10/10, not a single skip. indie rock, ig? vaguely boygenius-y. i'm bad at classifying stuff. it feels like a rainy evening, a bit melancholic, but comforting and sort of nostalgic? my favorite songs on it are probably "The Cause," "Knievel," and "Vampires" :D  

Automatic for the People by R.E.M. - i inherited my love for this album from my parents, and man were they on to something here. i think it's alternative rock? once again, i'm bad at identifying genres. "Try Not To Breathe" is probably the most popular song, and my favorites are "Nightswimming," "Man on the Moon," and "Find the River." yay!

Matronika by Salk - i don't think they're very well known at all - i only discovered them because one of their songs features Lor, one of my favorite bands :D their music's sort of chill - i like to have their music on in the background while i'm doing homework or something. i like "Matronika," "Dead Sea," and, of course, "Perfect Storm (ft. Lor)" :D

Better Oblivion Community Center by Better Oblivion Community Center - maybe a more upbeat boygenius? sort of? idk, but it's really good. "My City," "Dylan Thomas," and "Sleepwalkin'" are my favorites, and so is "Little Trouble," which is technically not on the album, but shh it's okay. 

and, of course, my beloved,

sunlight by Lor - one time for art class, i did a linocut print of the album cover, and i cut my finger twice, but it turned out pretty cool, so it was definitely worth all the bloodshed. bottom line, you should listen to it! and also all their other stuff!! my favorite songs on this album are probably "sun#2," "suntescober," and "bye bye, sun francisco" :D

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(September 9, 2024 - 9:33 pm)

There's something so validating about "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Miley Cyrus. It's like it accepts and celebrates that you should enjoy life and be happy. I mean it's important to be a good person too, but aside from that, really having fun is very important.

submitted by Poinsettia
(October 1, 2024 - 8:34 pm)

Questions... why do people always use streaming services to listen to music, instead of good old videos? They work pretty much the same way. It'll suggest recommendations and playlists/mixes for you, and its recs are usually spot-on - almost all the music that I recently discovered comes from those recs. And best of all, you don't have to have an account. So it can't collect as much private data about you as a streaming service would. Plus, it might require more energy (and thus more fossil fuels) to stream and download songs, rather than just playing them? (That might not be true, though, it's just a guess) It just seems simpler and easier. But almost everyone seems to be signed up to a streaming service.

And then there's the question of movie streaming! People all over the place seem to be using it, and it's like, why pay money to stream things when most libraries have hundreds of DVDs of all kinds? CDs, too. All very old-fashioned, of course, but if flip phones and handheld cameras are coming back, why not DVDs and CDs? Sigh.

I edited your post to remove mentions of outside websites. - Admin

submitted by Poinsettia
(December 17, 2024 - 10:25 am)

I feel a sudden need to fangirl and go into depth about aLL the music I've been listening to recently, so here we go :D

First, I've been listening to Fonseca because Carlos Baute literally advertised him in one of his songs ("We danced to Franco de Vita and Fonseca" - En el buzon de tu corazon), and there's definitely a similarity between their styles. I've been wondering if Fonseca influenced Carlos, or if Carlos influenced Fonseca, or if they both simply influenced each other... Anyway, the first one I listened to was "Te mando flores", which is probably on my current Top 10 Favorite Songs; it's a bit less pop than Carlos, but since I consider Carlos to be one of the only people who can really DO pop it's all right, and it still has tons of energy and a very bouncy vibe. Then there's "2005", which incorporates bits of Te mando flores in this gorgeous, nostalgic, slightly sad way *sniffs* "Volvamonos a enamorar" seems to have exactly the same tune as "Te mando flores", but it's nice to have a second version :D And "En vivo y en directo" is good too - the theme of setting aside technology/devices and just living the moment is very innovative and encouraging. Oh, and then 2005 is sung by Fonseca with other people, one of which is a singer called Greeicy, so I looked up more of her songs and found one called "Error" that's also very good - probably the female equivalent of Carlos and Fonseca in the world of Latin pop. And, of course, I'm still listening to Carlos Baute himself - as things stand, it appears that I've listened to more than fifty of his songs?! Cristian Castro is all right too, though not one of my favorites; "Azul", "Nuestro Amor", and "Cupido" are probably some of the best I've discovered of his music so far. There are more Latin pop singers/groups I listen to - Sonia & Selena, Operacion Triunfo, Ivete Sangalo ("Berimbau Metalizado" and "Hoy" are both excellent), but Carlos and Fonseca are probably the principal ones right now.

Then, Latin pop aside, I've also been listening to American pop, which is something I would never have imagined myself doing a couple of years ago. I watched She's the Man a few days ago (maybe I should hunt up my old movie thread too...), and therefore have been listening to "4ever" by the Veronicas every chance I get. It's so so so good - I'm not even quite sure why - and it actually gets better the more you listen to it. I also like "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen, more because of its general sound than because of the lyrics, and I've been getting into Miley Cyrus. I'm still listening to Amy MacDonald now and then, and I insist that "Summer of 69" by Bryan Adams is simply iconic. Today I was also listening to "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something, which is nice and also reminds me of May/June of, er, last year (!!!!). So that's basically my musical experience these days - an incredible amount of Latin pop :0 and some other things.

Oh, and I just started re-listening to "Hace Tiempo" by Fonseca, and I also recommend that one :DD (Also, do we see similarities with the lyrics "hace tiempo te buscaba y no te encontraba/a while ago I looked for you and I didn't find you" from Amarte bien by Carlos Baute??)

submitted by Amethyst
(January 3, 2025 - 6:05 pm)
submitted by top
(January 3, 2025 - 8:41 pm)

tommy lefroy recently released the extended version of their ep born blue and i've had "disbelief" on repeat all day

sometimes as an exercise i think "everything's gonna be alright"~ 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, crying in the gift shop
(January 18, 2025 - 4:51 pm)

and you can fall in love a thousand times 

i just want for you to love your life

i just want for you to not think twice

when somebody asks if you've been doing alright 

~vampires by tommy lefroy

i am not normal about this band guys ToT 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, tommy lefroy my beloved
(January 20, 2025 - 7:18 pm)