AE Ski Lodge!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

AE Ski Lodge!

AE Ski Lodge!

You're sitting at the dining room table, drinking a luxurious glass of fresh, ice-cold lemonade. Through the open window comes the sound of evening crickets;  a breeze is just beginning, blowing the summer heat away. The air is full of the scent of jasmine and roses from the garden. There's no homework to do, no tiresome school to attend. You take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

Only then the moment is shattered by two voices shouting. Then comes a small explosion.

"OW! Now I've got green pepper in my hair!"

"Yeah, like that's a problem. I've got bacon fat in my socks!"

Two figures run past you, leaving a trail of muddy footprints, crumbs, leaves, and green pepper behind them. Just as the dust is settling, a third figure runs after them, blowing a trumpet at an earsplitting pitch while simultaneously brandishing a police siren.  The noise is deafening. And it doesn't go away, as the newcomer sits on the piano and proceeds to give you a concert that could be entitled "The New Sound: How to Drink Your Lemonade and Go Deaf While Doing It."

You sigh. How are you ever going to enjoy your summer this way? There doesn't seem to be the slightest chance that the beautiful, relaxing, glorious summer you had imagined, will actually come to pass. You'd envisioned hiking through the woods, lounging around all day with a book, and trying new recipes. Right now, trying a new recipe sounds about as farfetched as going to the moon.

The third AE hops off the piano abruptly and tosses a tomato-stained envelope at you.

"What's this?" you ask.

"Came in the mail." And the AE runs off, trumpet noises and siren alike dying away in the distance.

It seems like the end of a fanfare, somehow.

You open the envelope and draw out a piece of paper with a picture of Zeus at the top.

Dear CBer,

Are you tired and exhausted by your AEs' shenanigans? Do you want your summer for yourself again? Well, you're in luck. I'm writing to you on behalf of the Divine Travel Agency, a new enterprise established specifically for CBers and their annoying Alter Egos. 

Starting today, your AE can enjoy a five-star vacation, complete with hotel, side trips, and more, free of charge! Best of all, this vacation takes place in another world... a destination that will at once enthrall your AE and give you peace. What better choice than Mount Olympus, home of the gods themselves? Here, your AEs can travel through scenic landscapes, meet the gods, and enjoy the best of what Olympus - famed mountain of myth and legend - has to offer.

Chaos and adventure may ensue - these are AEs we're talking about, after all - and you sign them up at your own risk. But what does that matter? Fill out the forms below on behalf of your AEs - and gain instant peace of mind!





Personality, including quirks:

How do you want to be seen?

Eggs or bacon?:

Glitzy glamor, or earthy honesty?:

Favorite number:

Favorite prank:

Hyperfixations, obsessions, and interests:

What kind of a rulebreaker are you?:

What role do you usually play (eg., trickster, peacemaker)?:

What excites you most?:

Packing list:

Would you rather sail the sea in a star, or zoom down the road of life in an Olympus Motorcycle?:

Favorite Greek god:

Preferred food:



Popcorn, watches, and pin socks are strictly forbidden.

There are 28 spots available. CBers may come along, but are discouraged from doing so by their AEs. Up to two AEs per person, please, and an unlimited number of CAPTCHAs (they do not take up spots). Spots close on August 14, so hurry to reserve yours!


Agent 59

And don't forget Agent 58, assistant to Agent 59!

Oh yes. You. I suppose you can sign as well.

Well, I already did! And I'm the one in charge of the entire operation! I'm the one who remembered the snacks, got the Kleenex boxes in order, issued the invitations, and cleaned up the hotel! Oh dear, that reminds me - I've got to buy new mops, since the last one went on a trip round the world. Excuse me...

He-hem, yes, don't mind him. I repeat: Sincerely, Agent 59 -

And Agent 58 -

Olympus Travel Agency

You seize upon the enclosed forms and fill them out. When you're done, they gently vanish away, leaving you with a sense of excitement.  An adventure has begun.

submitted by Agent 59, age unknown, Divine Travel Agency
(August 5, 2024 - 5:31 pm)

This is lovely! But where are Typhoon and Hemlock going?

submitted by Seadragon
(December 31, 2024 - 8:51 pm)

oh my goodness that was hilarious. the very idea of Typhoon in a pink dress - ! What was Hera thinking??

And the Pocket Park sounds so pretty :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(January 1, 2025 - 5:28 pm)

ohh Hemlock what have you done now?

submitted by Sempreverde, hi
(January 2, 2025 - 10:05 am)

@Seadragon, thank you very much! Lovely name, by the way. Answering your question, all will be revealed... we seem to say that a lot, but isn't that rather the point of a ski lodge? You keep reading and eventually everything becomes clear.

@Poinsettia, your post has not yet shown up, but given our brilliance at writing ski lodges, you probably said something complimentary so thank you very much.

Day 6, Part 2

In the Pocket Park, everyone was beginning to pick themselves up. Melon was picking herself up from where she had thrown herself on the ground in terror. Astra came over to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Quite," said Melon, looking around for her black cat stuffed animal and being relieved to find it just a few feet away. Then she gasped. "Astra! The stage is gone!"

This realization was beginning to be made by everyone in the park.

"What has happened to my stage?" demanded Hera.

"I don't know," said Hades, one of the cameramen (today he was in ripped jeans and a backward baseball cap, attempting to look like a Man of the People). He scratched his head, at which the cap fell off and he hastily stuck it back on. "Maybe it went to Hades. I could give Seph a call and ask her to check."

"Don't be silly!" snapped Hera. "Of course it didn't go to Hades. And don't bother Seph right now, she's busy looking after her mother. You know how nervous Demeter gets if she loses sight of her precious little girl for even a minute. No, it must have gotten jolted off the mountain with the explosion." She turned an accusing eye on Ganymede. "You never were any good with carpentry, you know! I thought I should have hired someone else to make my stage."

"Aw gee," said Ganymede, ruffling his curls. "A guy can't get any peace around here."

Alyssa came running up just then. "Is everyone okay?"

"So it seems," said Rumi, doing a quick count of the group. "Oops, wait - we've got three people missing. Typhoon, Hemlock, and Orion."

"The first two were on the stage when it sailed off the mountain," Alyssa explained. "I was up on that ledge -" she pointed - "and I saw the stage fly off from the force of the explosion, with Typhoon and Hemlock standing on it. They've probably gone back home?" She looked at Hera for confirmation.

"Oh yes," said Hera. "Along with my stage," she added crossly. "But what about Orion?"

"Hey guys," Orion came up at that exact moment. "Everything okay? That was some explosion - I could hear it even all the way where I was."

"Where were you?" asked Melon anxiously.

"Just at the edge of the park. I got tired of all the clothes, so I took a walk."

"Yes, everything's okay," Oriole answered. "But wait a second guys. What's going on here?  First Ramya and Izzy fly out the window. Then two more AEs get thrown off the mountain. There are several things that are suspicious here..."

A long discussion followed, at the end of which several facts had been established:

1. When Ramya and Izzy were thrown out the window, Alyssa had been present, standing by the window. This positioned her in a good place to push them out. After everyone went outside the palace, Alyssa disappeared and then reappeared, looking tired and sweaty. Alyssa strenuously insisted that she didn't remember being in the kitchen at all when the AEs disappeared - she said she'd been taking a walk, and only came back later. This made her suspicious.

2. Orion had felt as if someone were watching him.

3. Hemlock and Typhoon had, according to Ganymede, been given their firework by Orion.

4. When the firework exploded, nobody noticed whether Orion was there, but Orion said he hadn't been there, he'd been walking. Orion also maintained that he hadn't given anyone a firework. The firework, regardless of how it had been obtained, must have been fairly dud, because everyone was all right. Even the stage was intact - just no longer present.

5. Orion had now reappeared.

6. In conclusion: AEs had mysteriously disappeared twice now.  Each time, another AE had allegedly done suspicious things, then reappeared at the group. These suspicious AEs maintained that they had not done suspicious things.

It was all very, well, suspicious. 

No one knew what to think.

submitted by Agent 59
(January 1, 2025 - 6:08 pm)


submitted by Sempreverde
(January 2, 2025 - 10:07 am)

That is the exact point of a ski lodge.

submitted by Seadragon
(January 11, 2025 - 9:55 pm)

Tut tut, there doesn't seem to be any wild applause. Whatever is the reason? Perhaps my writing skills were slipping.  I was staying up very late at nights, trying to figure out what to do about our Impending Financial Situation. However, as the modern generation says, "no pressure"! Applaud or do not applaud, however appears best.

@Sempreverde, we could always bring Hemlock back, if you so desire; however, he appears *peers through binoculars* to be very happy back home. Alas for you, though, for now you will have to contend with his chaos without our help...

Moving on from all that, have you ever seen AEs engaged in housework? It is a fearsome sight. And so this next part is titled Day 7, Part 1: Or, Domestic Duties.

Day 7, Part 1: Or, Domestic Duties

The hall of the Mount Olympus palace was very quiet as Hestia, the goddess of the hearth (and the palace housekeeper/psychologist), headed down it to get out the vacuum cleaner. Zeus, who liked tradition, had originally been throughly opposed to the very idea of a vacuum cleaner on Mount Olympus. He wanted a nice quiet broom, or perhaps a mop. Hestia, always good-natured, had agreed, but then Athena, the self-confident social justice warrior of the palace, had gotten into a rousing argument with Zeus over how he had no right to make someone use a broom if the person didn't want to, and how he was relying on an old and outdated system called the patriarchy, which was designed to oppress women. Zeus was just getting into his stride and thundering back at his daughter when Hera, his beautiful and haughty wife, intervened and said that she agreed with Hestia. She wanted a vacuum cleaner. All the fashion models in her gossip magazines -Goddess Glamor, Godly Gossip, and FREYA - had vacuums now, and it was the latest trend. She was not going to be behind, she said, and Zeus was going to go to the store and buy the latest model - wasn't he? At which Zeus nodded meekly, and that very afternoon he could be seen pushing a shopping cart through the aisles of the nearest Olympusmart.

It did seem as if Olympus was really a matriarchy - or at least, a Hera-archy. Certainly, when it came to a difference of opinion between Zeus and his wife, his wife always won.

Reflecting on all this, Hestia tripped lightly down the sunlit corridor to the closet. A bird twittered outside the open window, and in the distance she coud hear Aphrodite and Eros talking.

"But Mummy," Eros was saying earnestly. "I want to be independent and earn lots of money and get a palace like Grandfather Zeus' - not spend all my time spreading love."

"Don't be silly, Eros," replied Aphrodite languidly. "I don't know where you get these ideas. Why don't you watch some television?"

Instantly the noises of a commercial ("Put your money in Immortalex Bank and be rich forever!") ensued. But they were quiet and far away.

At that moment - 

"HEY! I want the vacuum cleaner!"

"No, I want it! Gimme the handle!"

Hestia watched as her closet door opened and two AEs barrelled out, waving the tube of a vacuum in the air.  

"Whee, this is fun!!" shrieked one of them.

"We're the Vacuuming Team!!" exclaimed the other one.

The vacuum whirred into life. And the Vacuuming Team began to vacuum everything they could find.  Hestia, fascinated, walked back up the hall. AEs were everywhere. They were wielding brooms, mops, and vacuum cleaners, and the energy was terrific.

Astra came down the hall with a duster. "Hi, Hestia!" she said cheerfully. "Don't worry about helping us, you go sit and rest. We'll do all the housework for you!"

Hestia was glad of a rest, and she went to do some reading. The AEs continued to proceed to clean the entire palace. It was like an army marching across a field. Wall by wall, room by room, they advanced, singing as they went.

"My duster lies over the ocean....

My duster lies over the sea!!!

My duster lies over the ocean...

Oh come back my duster to ME, to ME!" they sang, to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean." The CAPTCHAS helped, or thought they did. Some of the AEs worked steadily, enjoying the novel experience of cleaning furniture; the others stopped every five minutes to throw pies, impersonate Admins, dump water on people, and carry out other pranks. Rumi, going into a new room, discovered Ariella, sticking googly eyes all over the furniture.

Just then Kauri whizzed in, brandishing a duster like a paliacate in a Mexican dance. It was a sight: the pink fluffy duster, going round and round Kauri's head, and the googly eyes making it look as if the rocking chair and hte piano stool were watching the goings-on and speculating on them to each other. "Beware of the Duster!" Kauri exclaimed, and charged around the room, dusting everything, even the googly eyes, not at all daunted.

CeCe, meanwhile, was rampaging through the house, in search of sugar. Occasionally she vacuumed a corner here and there, but soon she tired of this and changed into a wall of water. Whenever she saw anyone, she poked her head out and went, "hiiiii!" It was great fun; Demeter was pleasantly surprised, and Persephone went into peals of laughter. CeCe would have liked to go and prank Hermes, but he was still nowhere to be seen. It was very odd.

Astra came upon a door. Most of the palace doors were wide open, but this one was closed. 

"What could be behind there?" wondered Rumi.

"Googly eyes, probably," said Kauri.

Astra pushed open the door - and the AEs found themselves in a gym. It was a new addition to the palace, having been added on about a year ago, by special order of Ares, who was the palace athlete. Slick and modern-looking, it made Astra feel as if she were in her local community center instead of in an age-old palace. In one corner, Ares was doing push-ups, while modern music banged out from a nearby smartphone. A tennis net had been set up in the middle of the gym floor. Here, Apollo and Artemis were playing tennis, with great skill and flair. The twins both loved sports (as opposed to Ares, who just liked gym work) and were very good at it.

"Apollo, I think your fans are here to visit you," said Artemis as she played. 

"My fans?" He dropped his tennis racket and turned, smoothing his hair. "Oh. It's you. They're not really my fans, Artemis."

Artemis was indignant. "Whyever not? Haven't they heard your lovely music? Well, anyway. Hello, AEs, Artemis here." She flashed them a smile. She seemed like the cool, sporty older sister that most of them had never had. "This is Apollo, and that's Ares in the corner."

"I thought Ariella was the god of war...?" said Ares. (Oh dear me no, it's vice versa: Ariella said Ares was the god of war. Don't blame me, it's all these "A" names. Very confusing. And three of them starting with "Ar"!)

"He is technically," said Artemis. "But he prefers to hang out in the gym and make social media videos about his fitness. It's better than real war, of course, but still - you'd think Ares could do something intelligent with his time. But he's never done anything intelligent in all his born days. Come along, Apollo, let's get back to our game."

"And let's get back to our vacuuming!" said Kauri.

They all began to vacuum the gym, to the great surprise of Apollo and Artemis, and Juniper even went up and dusted Ares, who was indignant. "Hey, now you've ruined my latest TikTok livestream!" was his remark. "Well, you wouldn't like to  come out on TikTok looking all dusty, would you?" demanded Juniper, gently shaking a finger at him, and she bounced off.

Astra (another "A" name!) and Oriole, dusting the basketball net, saw someone coming toward them. It wasn't Alyssa (oh dear me, another A) or Orion, the two "suspicious" AEs. It looked like Rumi, but they couldn't be sure, focusing intently on their dusting. A moment later they found themselves falling through the air, borne aloft by the winds of the duster... into their bedrooms at home.

submitted by Agent 59, age ?, Divine Travel Agency
(January 9, 2025 - 2:49 pm)

*wild applause*

Also "A" for AEs! 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(January 9, 2025 - 6:28 pm)

hhhhhhhhh I just caught up with everything since I last commented, and WOW!!! I especially enjoyed fashion show, and ACK Ty would totally do something like thattttt

Anyway!!! Thoroughly enjoyed everything, so sorry for not reading sooner. Really loving your writing, I can't wait for the end!

submitted by Hawkstar
(January 10, 2025 - 9:03 am)

*applause* Kauri and the duster :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(January 10, 2025 - 9:47 am)

Oh dear, oh dear, time has slipped by again, and of yore go the streams of minutes, and flowers and fields grow bright as the passing years slip away.

Lovely prose, is it not? I was reading Tennyson, and got quite inspired.

Anyway, thank you for all your comments - very glad you like this ski lodge, the end is approaching. And in the meantime, here is the next part, with subplots galore.

Day 7, Part 2

While the AEs were gallivanting around the palace, Agent 58 and I had entered by a side door and were not standing there, rather unsure of what to do next.

"Is this really the only way?" quavered Agent 58.

"We must do something," I said firmly.

[Note from 58: No no, it was the other way around. 58 is never any good in a crisis, whereas I never quaver.]

So I led the way into the spacious throne room.

It was fairly empty, as it was a Saturday morning and usually the gods only sat there on weekdays - "in case a photographer comes along," as Zeus explained. "We have to keep up our image." But at the moment, it was quite full. Each god was on a throne, majestic and magnificent, except for Hestia, who was tending the hearth. There was a buzz of conversation.

"Well, I do hope Hermes' plan works," boomed Poseidon, who was tall and elderly, and had a flowing gray beard and flowing gray hair. He carried a trident, which looked like an oversized fondue fork, and was richly dressed in garments of the sea. He seemed rather like the typical businessman uncle, who fancies himself very funny. In his youth he had been on the Olympian sports team, and was now the coach of Olympus' Ocean Basketball League team. "He's a bright young whippersnapper. But it doesn't seem to have worked so far, these AEs are still bothering us no end."

Just to prove his point, CeCe whisked in at that moment and sneaked up behind Poseidon's throne, as a wall of water. A moment later she had gotten him soaking wet; waving cheerfully, she disappeared from the scene. Alyssa, meanwhile, unnoticed by all the gods despite her glamorous attention-grabbing look, was changing the water in Ares' water bottle (due to his athletics, he carried a water bottle everywhere, and could often be seen showily sipping water from it) with vinegar. I didn't say anything, knowing it would do no good.

"So what's the plan again?" asked Hades.

Persephone playfully wagged a finger at him. "Remember, Hades, we're not supposed to say anything about it. An AE might be listening."

"But what's the plan for?" asked Hades.

"Just to send the AEs back where they belong."

"Well," said Hera, "it's quite clear that they have been going back home - some of them, at least. But whether it's due to Hermes' plan or something else, I couldn't say. Has anyone seen Hermes?"

"Not once," said Demeter, puzzled.

"I could look for him!" volunteered Persephone.

"No no," said Demeter. "My darling must stay here with Mummy, and we can pick flowers together. Would Sephie like to pick flowers together with Mummy?"

Ares made exaggerated noises of exasperation. It was no secret that Demeter was the epitomy of the over-fond mother, never letting Persephone out of her sight for an instant - which was why Persephone had actually eloped with Hades, though all the myths got it backwards (you know how the media is - so sensationalistic!) Charmed by his moody impenetrability, she went to his kingdom with him (which wasn't really underground at all, it was just  in a less pretty area of Mount Olympus, across from the River Styx garbage dump. All the gods hated it so much they called it "underground," and the idea stuck.) But Demeter became so upset she refused to make spring come back anymore unless her darling baby girl came back to her. All the gods sent urgent messages to Persephone, who agreed to come back for six months out of the year. Thus was peace brought about.

"I'd love to," said Persephone affectionately.

"This isn't getting us anywhere," said Apollo. He glared round the room.  "I will find that little brother of mine if it takes the last bit of my energy, and then there will be some serious discussion with him. To say the least. And that's not the worst of it, my cows are still missing."

Agent 58 elbowed me.

"I don't know where they could be," said Aphrodite. "Eros, you didn't sell them in your agriculture enterprise, did you?"

Eros gravely consulted a notebook, in which he'd written down all his business transactions. There was silence while he turned the pages.

"No," he said at last.

At that moment a newcomer entered the room. Two newcomers, in fact. One was the familiar yellow zigzag with its thatch of sandy hair; the other was also a zigzag, but it wore a bright pink shoe on the bottom, a top hat on what might be supposed to be its head, and a tie thrown around its middle.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," it said in a distinctly Indian accent. "I am calling to make sure that you have agreed to the terms laid out in the Thunderbolt Union's Declaration of Thunderbolt Rights. As I remember, we had agreed to have a meeting today about renegotiations, but you were not in your office, so I came here."

"Oh dear!" groaned Zeus, "I forgot all about the meeting. What shall I do, Hera?"

"It's very simple. Mr. Narenda, my husband will not be accepting your terms."

"But he has to. He is not paying us millions of moneys. It is exploitation of foreign labor. I am imported from India, and my coworkers are all from Pakistan and Guatemala. If Mr. Zeus does not improve I will report him to United Nations."

"Bless my soul!" roared Poseidon.

"You can't do that," pointed out Athena, the expert on justice. "They won't even believe Dad exists."

"They do not believe I exist either, but they will have to when they see me, and so they will believe Mr. Zeus exists too."

"Well - er - give me a few days to think it over," said Mr. Zeus feebly.

"As you like." The thunderbolt turned. "But remember, you take too long, I hand in my notice. I shall go to work for Saudi sheikh."

"And you so interested in human rights," said Athena witheringly.

"Well, we are all hypocrites, are we not? You must go where the money is. Goodbye, have pleasant day." And Mr. Narenda bowed and took himself out.

Agent 58 and I hurried after him.

"I say," I began, without preliminaries, "you're Indian, right? Would you like some nice cows?"

Mr. Narenda looked back and forth.

"We'd charge money, of course," said Agent 58. "Several thousand, to be precise."

Mr. Narenda didn't seem put off by this.

"Well, now that you mention it..." he said.

submitted by Agent 59, age unknown, Divine Travel Agency
(January 26, 2025 - 5:44 pm)

Oh GOSH what are they going to do with the cows?? And Poseidon is hilarious! And the reinterpretation of the Hades-Persephone myth, that's so funny...

submitted by Poinsettia, age ?, City of Eternal Romance
(January 29, 2025 - 9:00 am)

Do they have Apollo's cows??

Sorry I don't comment much except to be hopelessly nosy, but I love reading this ski lodge--it's amazing, and hilarious. (I love the Persephone elopement thing too.)

submitted by Seadragon, shining just for you
(February 1, 2025 - 9:02 pm)

FABULOUS *applause* I'm glad for a brand new part, and I just love how you portray the Olympians. Very intriguing! 

submitted by Hawkstar
(February 2, 2025 - 9:40 am)