February CB Playlist!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

February CB Playlist!

February CB Playlist!

I actually didn't realize it was already February until I saw my playlist thread, and even then, I was like, oh yeah, reminder: I should make that into a playlist in February. And then I was like... wait. :0


Temporary Nothing - mxmtoon

Fen Xiang - Sky Wu

APT - Rose and Bruno Mars

girls - girl in red

Pres des ramparts de Seville - Bizet's Carmen

Toreador - Bizet's Carmen

Not Strong Enough - boygenius

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

Oops! - Little Mix feat. Charlie Puth

Rehab - Amy Winehouse

The Great War - Taylor Swift

You & Me - JENNIE

Garden - Tommy Lefroy

Syrena - Kiki Rockwell

Toxic Till the End - Rosé

Running Wild - Jin

Jamas Jamas - Cafe Quijano feat. Carlos Baute

Ultimate - Lindsay Lohan 

Cherry-Colored Funk - The Cocteau Twins

Mascara - deftones

Me faltas tu - Carlos Baute

Perdido - Carlos Baute

Abstraction - Amazing Digital Circus fan song

Since You Been Gone - ?


Thank you to all who participated!: CelineBurning Bright, Moon Wolf, Sempreverde, Hex, Cocoa cat, celestial_mango, pangolin, Hawkstar, Amethyst, anastasia, Poinsettia, and Magic_in_the_dark

Happy listening!!! 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age Playlist!, Hope & love & care <3
(February 1, 2025 - 11:42 am)

Yay! Thank you, Celine - it looks like a great playlist! <33

submitted by Poinsettia, City of Eternal Romance
(February 2, 2025 - 12:51 pm)

yay, thanks for doing this, Celine!! i can't wait to listen to it :) happy february, everyone!

(virid says <kevzn> wait now i kind of want another captcha who's a robot named kevin...) 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(February 2, 2025 - 10:11 pm)