
Magical Telescope Art Contest

When they gaze into “The Swedish Bottle,” Elfa sees scenes of her childhood in Sweden and of her future happiness in America, while Nellie is transported to a lovely island where she speaks with her mother whom she misses so much. In “The Telescope,” King Fensgar looks at maps of faraway lands through his magical telescope and sees people and places he never knew existed. For this month’s contest, everybuggy wants you to send us your best drawing of a place or time you would love to see through a magical telescope.


Will your magical telescope transport you to a real place you have always wanted to visit or somewhere that exists only in your imagination? Perhaps you will look at a globe and be inspired by some fascinating spot you’d never noticed, or imagine an online map that zooms in so closely that you can see the people and animals. Maybe, like Elfa, you will view scenes from the past or the future, like happy family gatherings or important moments in history. Or perhaps like King Fensgar, your telescope will make you aware of some lonely creature, like the alley cat on our back cover. 

Whether you turn your telescope toward a snowy mountain peak, the bottom of the ocean, or the stars in the sky, remember to take a peek at Cricket Country. Everybuggy will be gathered around the mailbox, waving at you and laughing, waiting to enjoy your best drawing of what you see through your magical telescope.

  • 1. Your contest entry must be your very own original work. Ideas and words should not be copied.

    2. Your entry must be signed by your parent or guardian, stating that it is your own work, that no help was given, and that Cricket has permission to publish it in the magazine and on our website. 

    3. Be sure to include your name, age, and full address on your entry.

    4. Only one entry per person, please.

    5. If you want your work returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for each entry.

    6. Your entry must be received by November 25, 2016.

    7. Send entries to Cricket League, P.O. Box 300, Peru, IL 61354. (No faxes or email submissions, please!)

    8. We will publish winning entries in the March 2017 issue and on the Cricket website.