Story Contest: Token of Love - Iris N. - 04/10/13

Contest: Winners

Story Contest: Token of Love

Submitted by: Iris N., age 12, Durham, NC

The sun was hanging low in the sky. Soon it would be nighttime, and Julia’s father would wake up and find her in this forbidden grove of trees. Julia would have to act fast.

She faced the tallest pine tree and took a shaky breath. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I was a pig last night.” The tree didn’t respond, but Julia kept on talking.

“My father is taking me away from here as soon as the moon rises. He says we can’t stay here when they know what I am. He says if we stay, they will come with torches and burn us.

“But before I leave, I need to tell you that I didn’t mean to turn you into a tree.” Julia winced. She HAD meant to turn him into a tree. “Well, I meant it last night, but now I don’t. My father made me think all humans are wicked, and then you let it slip that I’m a witch. I thought you were proving my father was right and that I never should have loved you.” The sun was almost below the horizon now, turning the clouds to fire.

“But I do love you. More than anything, even more than my life.” Julia realized she was crying. She blinked. All witches were forbidden to cry. She took another shaky breath and croaked, “Goodbye, Alfred.” Julia then threw her arms around the tree and sobbed. Her tears burnt lasting impressions into Alfred’s bark.

The sun had officially set. With some effort, Julia peeled herself away from Alfred. She held up her hand, testing the air for signs of her father.

From far above her, on Alfred’s highest branch, a single pine cone fell and landed in Julia’s outstretched hand.

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