Story Contest: Sweet Dreams - Elizabeth F. - 01/30/14

Contest: Winners

Story Contest: Sweet Dreams

Submitted by: Elizabeth F., age 11, Raleigh, NC

I was in school. I had no idea how I had gotten to school, but I was there. I was sitting at my desk in my classroom. That was when I looked down. I blushed furiously. I was naked! I used all the strength that I could muster to prevent squealing.

I looked around the classroom. Everyone was at their desks except for one student. He was at the front of the room reciting lines from a sheet of paper that he was holding. Realization struck me. Our oral reports were due today! I slumped in my seat and pleaded that I wasn’t next.

“Next, we have Elizabeth Fleming,” the teacher called when the student had sat back down.

I couldn’t go. Not while I was naked!

“Well?” She was starting to look agitated. This confused me. I was nude! Even though I had sunken down in my seat, everyone could still see that. But the teacher didn’t seem to notice, anyway.

I sluggishly reached out and grabbed the report that wasn’t on my desk before. I trudged up to the front of the class. Now there was a stage where the board had been. I was humiliated, but nobody seemed to notice my lack of clothes. They were staring, but not in a giggly or embarrassing way. The class’s gaze was solid. I wrenched my stubborn jaw open and began to read.

The fire alarm was ringing. Was it just me, or did it sound different than usual? The class darted to the door that had appeared only moments after the fire alarm had rung.

Beep-beep-beep-beep-buh-beep-buh-beep-buh-beep . . .

I involuntarily leaped out of bed and silenced my alarm clock. I looked down. I was in my pajamas.

“Oh,” I muttered. It had just been a dream.

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