Story Contest: Sweet Dreams - Michael H. - 01/30/14

Contest: Winners

Story Contest: Sweet Dreams

Submitted by: Michael H., age 12, Irving, TX

James and Charlie

James was very upset. He could not find his chocolate-brown stuffed bear, Charlie, who was his best friend. After many tears, James finally fell into a deep sleep. He was sad and confused. Why would his teddy bear run away?

Then, suddenly, he was sitting on leaves--bright red, orange, and yellow. The grass had dew on it, and he was just sitting there. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes, and clusters of freckles on his face.

In front of him were black trees. They were solid black with clusters of leaves at the top. He ventured into the entrance of the forest. A small figure was climbing out of the clearing, and, as he got closer, he saw that it was Charlie!

They walked together through the forest. The forest was very dark, but there were mystical ponds that glowed and neon mushrooms everywhere. There were blue neon flowers blooming and green flowers in the air floating about. James and Charlie made it to a clearing with a huge lake and a giant red tree in the center of the lake. There was a door at the front of the tree.

Charlie made a simple gesture with his hand, and many wooden planks floated to the top, creating a tiny bridge. They went on the bridge and crossed. The bridge led to the giant red tree, of course.

They opened the door to the tree. There was a spiral staircase, and when they stepped onto it, the stairs started moving like an escalator. James was so excited, and Charlie smiled at him.

When they made it to the top, James was elated. There was a giant circular glass window looking toward the forest, a swimming pool, and even a TV. James and Charlie did everything together. They read together, too. James never wanted to leave.

James and Charlie then went on a zip line leading downward. When they got to the bottom, Charlie smiled at James, and then he hugged him.

When James woke up the next morning, he was snuggled, as always, with Charlie.

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