Story Contest: Dragon Tales - True S. - 10/06/14

Contest: Winners

Story Contest: Dragon Tales

Submitted by: True S., age 12, Denison, TX


Avri knew that commoners were forbidden to meddle with noblemen’s affairs. And dragons were definitely an affair for noblemen. But when she saw the handsome blue dragon sleeping in a cave one day, she just couldn’t leave without touching its scales. And when it woke and seemed to purr with pleasure, Avri couldn’t leave it alone, law or no law. She named him Ciel.

After a week, Avri would sneak into the cave to play with Ciel. She would climb on his back and wonder why dragons were considered to be dangerous. Avri loved Ciel and never dreamed that her secret would someday be discovered.

But it was.

One morning, Avri was at the market, when a boy came pelting up the road.

“Dragon!” he yelled. “Dragon in the east!”

Avri’s heart leaped. Ciel! It must be Ciel! She knew that now, the army would go and find the cave and kill Ciel.

Without a second thought, Avri dashed to the cave. Ciel spread his beautiful wings in greeting as she came.

“Ciel, you must leave!” she cried. “Fly, Ciel, or you’ll be killed!”

But Ciel only cocked his head at her. Avri’s pleas were in vain. The army was coming.

Then they were there, their swords drawn, glaring at Avri and Ciel. They had them both trapped. Avri knew these men were heartless. They would kill Ciel—and her, too. She backed up against him, tears streaming down her face. “No,” she whispered, “you can’t kill him.”

But they came. Their faces were as expressionless as stone. Their blades were pointed outwards. Soon Avri had to climb onto Ciel’s back to avoid being cut.

There was no escape. As they raised their swords in unison, Avri closed her eyes, hugging Ciel’s neck tightly.

A shout of alarm startled her, and Avri realized that Ciel was moving. Opening her eyes, she gasped, then laughed. They were soaring above the sea. As Avri tauntingly waved to the soldiers, Ciel spread his wings, and together they disappeared into the white clouds. They had evaded the army and would live happily forevermore.

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