Wild Animal Poetry - Kyra B. - 08/20/15

Contest: Winners

Wild Animal Poetry

Submitted by: Kyra B., age 9, New York, NY

Komodo Dragon

As I lurk in the murk and my prey wanders near
I check to see if my weapons are here
I have my sharp teeth and my poisonous bite
And my razor-like claws that cause quite a fright
In stories they say that dragons breathe fire
And fly through the air wreaking havoc most dire
But real dragons like me, we don’t do those things
Like scorching and sizzling and soaring with wings
We don’t cause a fuss, we don’t even glide
We mostly just stay in the shadows and hide
We blend in with our background; then we wait
Until our meal chooses to come meet its fate
With my black beady eyes and my long forked tongue
And my rough scaly skin, I could scare anyone
But I’m patient and stealthy and lethally quiet
I sneak up on my target; I don’t cause a riot
Dragons have been here for millions of years
It’s really no wonder we’re part of your fears

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