Wild Animal Poetry - ReBecca B. - 08/20/15

Contest: Winners

Wild Animal Poetry

Submitted by: ReBecca B., age 14, Suffolk, VA

Huntress of the Night

timid and seldom
viewed by the day
stalking her prey
when the sun slips away

wild whipping wind ripples
tufts of her coat
saliva and bloodstains
hang from her throat

muscles taut and lean
run down her back
never alone yet not
part of the pack

enchanted and thrilled
by the full moon’s dark light
proud, strong, and wild
huntress of the night

through mountains and plains,
this huntress, she roams
in a wild, bleak land
she alone can call home

in the landscape of my heart
my timid, shy, soft, entreating
proud, strong, wild, loudly beating
awfully human heart

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