Daredevil Adventure - Abigail T. - 08/16/16

Contest: Winners

Daredevil Adventure

Submitted by: Abigail T., age 11, Jersey City, NJ

A World Beneath the Water
Sarah slid into the water, her heart pounding. She couldn’t wait--she had never scuba dived before. Without waiting for her parents, she dove into the cool blue expanse.
Nothing happened at first. The occasional crab, a seaweed clump--was this even a coral reef? Must be further on, Sarah thought. Soon she was completely bored and alone. Then movement caught her eye. Sarah followed it hopefully. She paddled over a ridge and suddenly found herself face-to-face with what she’d been tracking. Its dolphin-like form was covered in glossy feathers--lime green soaked into cobalt blue, melting into a rich magenta. It spouted bubbles that popped at Sarah’s ears, saying, “Welcome to the Reef and remember: redsharks hate light, and compassfish will take you home. Have a great time.”
It disappeared.
Sarah didn’t understand what it was talking about--she just wanted to explore. There were animals like fish, sea lions, and turtles . . . but not exactly. Here, sea lions were enormous turquoise lions with fish tails instead of hind legs. Fish, yes--but clicking, whirring, mechanical fish, and silvery minnows with pearly compasses set in their backs. Turtle shells glowed with soft pastel colors. And there were so many places to go! Sarah visited Gem Coast, with its diamond barnacles, emerald-flecked silver crabs, and ruby-encrusted mussels. In the Cloth Cove, jellyfish of silk and lace bobbed past satin otters. A velvet seal pushed its button nose playfully into Sarah’s hand. But finally, she had to leave.
She began following the compassfish home. The shore was nearing when something blocked her path.
The beast was as ancient and dark as dust in a pyramid, staring with bottomless eyes. Blood-red spirals patterned its back. This was a redshark.
For a moment, Sarah froze. Then she remembered the dolphin’s words--she needed light. Sarah fumbled for her flashlight, but its feeble beam barely penetrated the water. Suddenly, inspiration struck. Sarah pulled a diamond barnacle from her pocket, sliding it in front of the light.
Brilliant beams scattered, driving the redshark away.

Sarah reached shore. Yet she never forgot the other world beneath the water.

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