Daredevil Adventure - Sarah Serena T. - 08/16/16

Contest: Winners

Daredevil Adventure

Submitted by: Sarah Serena T., age 8, Atlanta, GA

The Terror in the Background

It was the hottest summer day when my mother told me that we were going to clean the backyard. I decided to take my sister Phoebe Rose, who was four. I determined that we should take a shovel, pitchfork, the gardening cobra, and an apple.

I started digging and suddenly I heard a shriek! Phoebe Rose was yelling, “Sissi, Sissi! I found a snake!”

I ran over, and it was an earthworm. I said, “Phoebe Rose, this is just an earthworm.” So I went back to digging. We did find a lot more earthworms!

Suddenly Phoebe Rose called, “Look, Sissi, look--a hole full of worms.”

I ran over and saw a hole full of . . . baby snakes. I quickly put a large rock over the hole and said, “Phoebe Rose worms do not clump together. Those are snakes!”

An hour later Phoebe Rose called, “A hole of snakes!”

I looked down and saw caterpillars!

Phoebe Rose was petrified with fear, but I said, “These are just caterpillars.”

Just then I heard a shriek from my mother, who was waving the end of her pitchfork. She had caught a harmless garden snake.

Suddenly, I felt something wiggle under my foot. I looked down and saw that a snake was looking at Phoebe Rose. I grabbed the shovel and brought it down on the snake’s head. I picked it up in triumph!

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