Origin Myth - Michelle S. - 12/30/16

Contest: Winners

Origin Myth

Submitted by: Michelle S. , age 14, Woodstock, GA

Why Cats and Dogs Fight

Long ago, the first cat and dog were good friends. They hunted and slept together. It was during this time that Man emerged as the master of animals. One day, Dog and Cat stood at the entrance of Man’s den and watched as he built a fire and roasted his kill.

“I will approach this creature to see if he will share his kill,” Dog decided.

“Be careful, friend,” Cat warned. “This animal could feed you to his warm companion.”

“I will proceed with caution,” Dog promised, and so he went.

Man gazed at the animal and instantly knew that he had found a good hunting companion. Dog became “man’s best friend,” a title that all dogs carry to this day.

As the days went by, Cat watched as his friend warmed himself at Man’s fire. He thought to himself, Dog is in high graces with the dominant animal. I will go and see if I can gain something as well.

With that in mind, Cat walked to Man’s den. The first woman was there, alone, for Man and Dog were out hunting. Suddenly, a mouse scurried across the floor. The woman shrieked. Stealthily, Cat pounced and killed the rodent. When Man and Dog returned, the woman told them what happened, and Cat was welcomed to the den.

Soon, Cat became greedy.

Back then, Man and Woman understood animals, so Cat whispered to the woman, “Dog is a dangerous animal. You must protect yourself and keep him outside. He is not fit to be fed with you, so throw him scraps from your meal.”

It didn’t take long for Woman to convince Man to do this. It also didn’t take long for Dog to find out that Cat was the reason for his misery. The next time he saw his former friend, he chased him up a tree.

Dog stood at the base and howled, “From now on my kin shall know of your treachery and give chase to your kindred.”

And the dispute continues to this day, all because of Cat’s treachery.

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