Origin Myth - April W. - 12/30/16

Contest: Winners

Origin Myth

Submitted by: April W., age 10, Cupertion, CA

The Seven Flowers

At the beginning of the universe, the earth was covered with water. There was not a single acre of land. The only vegetation was seven lotus flowers. Two phoenixes, sister and brother, flew around them and guarded them from the wind and hail. The sister’s name was Sheena. Sheena was a brilliant golden-and-orange phoenix. She was energetic and enthusiastic, lighting up the darkness around her. Sheena’s brother, Aura, was quite the opposite. Aura was a still, quiet bird. His feathers were luminous, glowing silver. A sprig of silver berries was tucked under his wing.

The two phoenixes protected the seven loti with their lives. The wind howled, and waves beat against their backs. Still neither gave up. Because of the phoenixes, the lotus flowers bloomed, unharmed by rain or wind.

Then came the hurricane. Hail rained down and a fierce storm raged. A huge wall of black water rose up into the air, towering over the phoenixes, who were still protecting the lotus patch. The wave crashed down upon them! Out of pure willpower, Sheena and Aura were able to block the wave. However their life force was drained, and they started to sink through the dark water.

Aura and Sheena didn’t try to swim up. They were too weak. They gazed at each other, and all of a sudden a fire sparked to life in both of them! Together, they gave a piercing cry and transformed! A bright, warm, life-giving light shone from Sheena, and she rose into the sky to become the sun. Aura sparkled. A cool, gentle silver light encased him, and he joined Sheena as the moon. His sprig of berries scattered into stars.

The lotus flowers glowed. The roots became the seven continents, and their leaves a soft grass carpet. The petals transformed into trees, and the pollen transformed into flower seeds. The seeds were scattered, and flowers grew from the seeds. The sun and moon watched over the earth, and life flourished in their light.

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