Origin Myth - Tyler D. - 12/30/16

Contest: Winners

Origin Myth

Submitted by: Tyler D., age 11, White Lake, MI

Giant Islands

A very long time ago there were eight mean giants living in California. They stomped around smashing people’s houses and taking food and whatever else they wanted. The people were scared and wanted the giants gone. They went to a wise man and asked him to come up with a plan to get rid of the giants forever.

The villager thought and thought until he finally fell asleep. Soon after, he was awoken by the giants. He smiled because the answer had come to him in his dream. The next day he went to see the giants.

“I hear you like treasure,” the villager said to the giants.

The giants nodded and said, “So?”

“I know where you can get lots. It’s buried in the Pacific Ocean.”

The giants were excited, and the villager handed them a map. The giants followed the directions and walked into the ocean. Because they were so tall, their heads stuck out above the water. They laughed and talked about the riches they would find, grabbing fish and eating them as they went. They had been traveling for quite a while when they started hearing cracking sounds. The weight of the eight giants was causing the ocean floor to break. The cracks got larger and one by one the giants got their feet caught. They struggled to get out, but that only made the cracks widen. The giants sunk deeper and deeper until only the top of their bald heads showed above the water.

Over time, their heads became wrinkled, muddy, and covered with seaweed. Explorers passing by saw them and thought they were islands. They decided to call them Hawaii and could not believe how lucky they were to find such a beautiful place to live.

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