Origin Myth - Tania H. - 12/30/16

Contest: Winners

Origin Myth

Submitted by: Tania H., age 10, Ithaca, NY

Why the Robin Has a Red Belly

Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a tribe of birds. This tribe was called the Avem tribe. Now, among these birds was a robin. His name was Hiselly. His tribe was a very happy one. In spring, they invited other tribes into their territory. In summer, they feasted on berries that grew in the bramble. In fall, they repaired nests. But winter was the one season they feared, for in their time nobody knew about fire. Every year, the dread winter came, and the next year it left, taking the souls of unlucky birds along.

Hiselly wanted to do something, but he had to look after his grandmother. One rumor was that there was a bird who owned a special warmth. Fire, it was called. Hiselly made a vow that he would set off to find the fire and not return until he found it.

For miles he flew, with a pouch hanging around his neck filled with seeds and berries for food. After weeks of searching, Hiselly came to a cave. Before he could utter a word, a brilliantly colored red-orange bird flew out. He explained to Hiselly that he was a phoenix. After he gave Hiselly the fire, the phoenix burst into flames.

Hiselly put the fire into the pouch and flew off. When he got back to his tribe, Hiselly noticed that he had a bright red chest from wearing the pouch with the fire around his neck. Then, because of all his rough travels, Hiselly took one look at his tribe, fell into the fire, and died.

From that day, all robins have had red bellies. And at dawn they sing, “Hiselly, Hiselly” to remember the robin who died to save his tribe.

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