Origin Myth - Calvin L. - 12/30/16

Contest: Winners

Origin Myth

Submitted by: Calvin L., age 8, Cleveland, OH

How Mountains Were Formed

There once lived a giant who thought that earth was a puzzle. He picked up pieces of land and moved them around. The people did not like it at all because their homes and roads got messed up. Sometimes the roads were split in half, and the poor drivers ended up where they started from. Their houses would break into pieces, and they’d have to live outside or move to a brand-new home.

One day the giant discovered that when he crushed some land together, he could create mountains. Since he was a mean giant, he called his giant friends, and together they had a mountain-making party.

Calvin went to North America and made three Rocky Mountain ranges by crushing the land together. Then he made Mount Everest in Asia. Bess went to Greenland and made Gunnbjorn Fjeld. Mike crushed part of the land in Europe to make the Alps. Nancy crushed some to make Fuji-San in Japan.

At the end of their party, the giants all stood back to look at the work they had done. The many mountain ranges they created still stand to this day.

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